我对编码有一些了解(在Python,C和XHTML中),我正在尝试理解Game Maker的基础知识。我创造了一个房间,敌人在移动,碰撞到墙壁和所有,但现在,我想在房间里随机产生,只要它们在地面上。现在,它只适用于我随机生成它们。
// INIT //
dir = -1; // direction
movespeed = 3; // movement speed
hsp = 0; // horizontal speed
vsp = 0; // vertical speed
grav = 0.5; // gravity
// CREATE //
// Find a random X position in the room
var randx = random(room_width);
// Find a random Y position in the room
var randy = random(room_height);
// If the random position is empty
if position_empty (randx, randy)
// If there is a block
// 16 pixels under
// the random Y position
// (the sprite of obj_enemy is 32x32 pixels)
if place_meeting (randx, randy+16, obj_block01)
// If there is less than 4 ennemies
if instance_number (obj_ennemy) <= 4
// Create an ennemy
instance_create(randx, randy, obj_ennemy);
答案 0 :(得分:1)
while (instance_number (obj_ennemy) <= 4)
// Find a random X position in the room
var randx = random(room_width);
// Find a random Y position in the room
var randy = random(room_height);
// If the random position is empty
if position_empty (randx, randy)
// If there is a block
// 16 pixels under
// the random Y position
// (the sprite of obj_enemy is 32x32 pixels)
if place_meeting (randx, randy+16, obj_block01)
// Create an ennemy
instance_create(randx, randy, obj_ennemy);