
时间:2016-02-06 19:28:48

标签: c++ opengl 3d fbx

最近,尝试使用FBX sdk导入用3dmax制作的3d模型,我几乎立即遇到了转换问题。由两个节点组成的非常简单的网格(分成两半的球体)无论如何都会使其中一个节点偏移。我尝试了几种(非常模糊的)计算转换最新SDK文档提供的方法......但结果是一样的。我会提供代码和网格,以防任何人指出任何错误。


FbxAMatrix MeshManager::GetGlobalPosition(FbxNode* pNode, const FbxTime& pTime, FbxPose* pPose, FbxAMatrix* pParentGlobalPosition)
    FbxAMatrix lGlobalPosition;
    bool        lPositionFound = false;

    if (pPose)
        int lNodeIndex = pPose->Find(pNode);

        if (lNodeIndex > -1)
            // The bind pose is always a global matrix.
            // If we have a rest pose, we need to check if it is
            // stored in global or local space.
            if (pPose->IsBindPose() || !pPose->IsLocalMatrix(lNodeIndex))
                lGlobalPosition = GetPoseMatrix(pPose, lNodeIndex);
                // We have a local matrix, we need to convert it to
                // a global space matrix.
                FbxAMatrix lParentGlobalPosition;

                if (pParentGlobalPosition)
                    lParentGlobalPosition = *pParentGlobalPosition;
                    if (pNode->GetParent())
                        lParentGlobalPosition = GetGlobalPosition(pNode->GetParent(), pTime, pPose);

                FbxAMatrix lLocalPosition = GetPoseMatrix(pPose, lNodeIndex);
                lGlobalPosition = lParentGlobalPosition * lLocalPosition;

            lPositionFound = true;

    if (!lPositionFound)
        // There is no pose entry for that node, get the current global position instead.

        // Ideally this would use parent global position and local position to compute the global position.
        // Unfortunately the equation 
        //    lGlobalPosition = pParentGlobalPosition * lLocalPosition
        // does not hold when inheritance type is other than "Parent" (RSrs).
        // To compute the parent rotation and scaling is tricky in the RrSs and Rrs cases.
        lGlobalPosition = pNode->EvaluateGlobalTransform(pTime);

    return lGlobalPosition;

// Get the matrix of the given pose
FbxAMatrix MeshManager::GetPoseMatrix(FbxPose* pPose, int pNodeIndex)
    FbxAMatrix lPoseMatrix;
    FbxMatrix lMatrix = pPose->GetMatrix(pNodeIndex);

    memcpy((double*)lPoseMatrix, (double*)lMatrix, sizeof(lMatrix.mData));

    return lPoseMatrix;

// Get the geometry offset to a node. It is never inherited by the children.
FbxAMatrix MeshManager::GetGeometry(FbxNode* pNode)
    const FbxVector4 lT = pNode->GetGeometricTranslation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot);
    const FbxVector4 lR = pNode->GetGeometricRotation(FbxNode::eSourcePivot);
    const FbxVector4 lS = pNode->GetGeometricScaling(FbxNode::eSourcePivot);

    return FbxAMatrix(lT, lR, lS);

mat4 FbxMatToGlm(const FbxAMatrix& mat) {
    dvec4 c0 = glm::make_vec4((double*)mat.GetColumn(0).Buffer());
    dvec4 c1 = glm::make_vec4((double*)mat.GetColumn(1).Buffer());
    dvec4 c2 = glm::make_vec4((double*)mat.GetColumn(2).Buffer());
    dvec4 c3 = glm::make_vec4((double*)mat.GetColumn(3).Buffer());
    glm::mat4 convertMatr = mat4(c0, c1, c2, c3);
    return inverse(convertMatr);


void MeshManager::extractMeshRecursive(FbxScene* mScene, FbxNode* pNode, FbxAMatrix& pParentGlobalPosition, shared_ptr<Mesh> mesh, unsigned &currentNode) {
    // Find out what type of node this is
    FbxNodeAttribute* lNodeAttribute = pNode->GetNodeAttribute();

    FbxAMatrix lGlobalPosition = GetGlobalPosition(pNode, 1, mScene->GetPose(-1) , &pParentGlobalPosition);
    FbxAMatrix lGeometryOffset = GetGeometry(pNode);
    FbxAMatrix lGlobalOffsetPosition = lGlobalPosition * lGeometryOffset;

    if (lNodeAttribute)
        // Get the actual node mesh data if it is a mesh this time
        // (You could use this like the sample where they draw other nodes like cameras)
        if (lNodeAttribute->GetAttributeType() == FbxNodeAttribute::eMesh)
            // Draw the actual mesh data
            FbxMesh* lMesh = pNode->GetMesh();

            if (lMesh->IsTriangleMesh() == false) {
                FbxGeometryConverter conv(mFbxManager);
                conv.Triangulate(lNodeAttribute, true);

            const uint lVertexCount = lMesh->GetControlPointsCount();
            const uint lTriangleCount = lMesh->GetPolygonCount();

            // May not have any vertex data
            if (lVertexCount == 0) return;


            FbxVector4* pControlPoints = lMesh->GetControlPoints();
            for (uint i = 0; i < lVertexCount; i++)
                mesh->nodes[currentNode].vertices.push_back(vec3((float)pControlPoints[i].mData[0], (float)pControlPoints[i].mData[1], (float)pControlPoints[i].mData[2]));

            mesh->nodes[currentNode].localTransform = FbxMatToGlm(lGlobalOffsetPosition);
... Extracting other vertex attributes and materials ...

// Now check if this node has any children attached
    const int lChildCount = pNode->GetChildCount();
    for (int lChildIndex = 0; lChildIndex < lChildCount; ++lChildIndex)
        // Draw this child
        extractMeshRecursive(mScene, pNode->GetChild(lChildIndex), lGlobalPosition, mesh, currentNode);

我得到的结果如下:enter image description here 而不是:enter image description here

A Mesh

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


mat4 FbxMatToGlm(const FbxAMatrix& mat) {
    dvec4 c0 = glm::make_vec4((double*)mat.GetColumn(0).Buffer());
    dvec4 c1 = glm::make_vec4((double*)mat.GetColumn(1).Buffer());
    dvec4 c2 = glm::make_vec4((double*)mat.GetColumn(2).Buffer());
    dvec4 c3 = glm::make_vec4((double*)mat.GetColumn(3).Buffer());
    glm::mat4 convertMatr = mat4(c0, c1, c2, c3);
    return inverse(convertMatr); // <---  Incorrect

无需反转得到的矩阵。它应该是转置。我刚开始做的,但未经调整的网格规模是如此巨大,我无法在我的渲染器中看到它,我开始修补它。在3D Studio的FBX导出窗口中将毫米作为单位后,所有变换都是正确的。