Monitor.Pulse / Wait

时间:2016-01-14 15:00:31

标签: c# multithreading asynchronous


要求: 1)我有一个任务正在运行,它负责等待有人用来监视我的显示器。 2)该任务可以计算复杂(即:耗时)操作。同时,脉冲方法可以多次调用而不做任何事情(因为主要任务已经在进行一些处理)。 3)主任务完成后,它再次开始等待,直到另一个脉冲进入。

最糟糕的情况是Wait> Pulse> Wait> Pulse> Wait ...,但通常每次等待都会有十分之几/几百个脉冲。


internal sealed class Awaiter
    private readonly ConcurrentQueue<TaskCompletionSource<byte>> _waiting = new ConcurrentQueue<TaskCompletionSource<byte>>();

    public void Pulse()
        TaskCompletionSource<byte> tcs;
        if (_waiting.TryDequeue(out tcs))

    public Task Wait()
        TaskCompletionSource<byte> tcs;
        if (_waiting.TryPeek(out tcs))
            return tcs.Task;

        tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<byte>();
        return tcs.Task;



internal sealed class Awaiter2
    private readonly object _mutex = new object();
    private TaskCompletionSource<byte> _waiting;

    public void Pulse()
        var w = _waiting;
        if (w == null)

        lock (_mutex)
            w = _waiting;
            if (w == null)

            _waiting = null;

    public Task Wait()
        var w = _waiting;
        if (w != null)
            return w.Task;

        lock (_mutex)
            w = _waiting;
            if (w != null)
                return w.Task;

            w = _waiting = new TaskCompletionSource<byte>();
            return w.Task;



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

如果您不需要Wait()来回Task但又满足于await Wait(),那么您可以实现定制等待/等待。

有关编译器使用的await模式的概述,请参阅this link


我会试着给你一个无锁的实现,但不能保证它是正确的。 如果您不理解为什么所有竞争条件都是安全的,您不应该使用它并使用锁定语句或其他您知道如何调试的技术来实现async / await协议。

public sealed class AsyncMonitor
    private PulseAwaitable _currentWaiter;

    public AsyncMonitor()
        _currentWaiter = new PulseAwaitable();

    public void Pulse()
        // Optimize for the case when calling Pulse() when nobody is waiting.
        // This has an inherent race condition when calling Pulse() and Wait()
        // at the same time. The question this was written for did not specify
        // how to resolve this, so it is a valid answer to tolerate either
        // result and just allow the race condition.
        if (_currentWaiter.HasWaitingContinuations)
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref _currentWaiter, new PulseAwaitable()).Complete();

    public PulseAwaitable Wait()
        return _currentWaiter;

// This class maintains a list of waiting continuations to be executed when
// the owning AsyncMonitor is pulsed.
public sealed class PulseAwaitable : INotifyCompletion
    // List of pending 'await' delegates.
    private Action _pendingContinuations;

    // Flag whether we have been pulsed. This is the primary variable
    // around which we build the lock free synchronization.
    private int _pulsed;

    // AsyncMonitor creates instances as required.
    internal PulseAwaitable()

    // This check has a race condition which is tolerated.
    // It is used to optimize for cases when the PulseAwaitable has no waiters.
    internal bool HasWaitingContinuations
        get { return Volatile.Read(ref _pendingContinuations) != null; }

    // Called by the AsyncMonitor when it is pulsed.
    internal void Complete()
        // Set pulsed flag first because that is the variable around which
        // we build the lock free protocol. Everything else this method does
        // is free to have race conditions.
        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _pulsed, 1);

        // Execute pending continuations. This is free to race with calls
        // of OnCompleted seeing the pulsed flag first.
        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _pendingContinuations, null)?.Invoke();

    #region Awaitable

    // There is no need to separate the awaiter from the awaitable
    // so we use one class to implement both parts of the protocol.
    public PulseAwaitable GetAwaiter()
        return this;


    #region Awaiter

    public bool IsCompleted
        // The return value of this property does not need to be up to date so we could omit the 'Volatile.Read' if we wanted to.
        // What is not allowed is returning "true" even if we are not completed, but this cannot happen since we never transist back to incompleted.
        get { return Volatile.Read(ref _pulsed) == 1; }

    public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
        // Protected against manual invocations. The compiler-generated code never passes null so you can remove this check in release builds if you want to.
        if (continuation == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(continuation));

        // Standard pattern of maintaining a lock free immutable variable: read-modify-write cycle.
        // See for example here:
        // Again the 'Volatile.Read' is not really needed since outdated values will be detected at the first iteration.
        var oldContinuations = Volatile.Read(ref _pendingContinuations);
        for (;;)
            var newContinuations = (oldContinuations + continuation);
            var actualContinuations = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref _pendingContinuations, newContinuations, oldContinuations);
            if (actualContinuations == oldContinuations)

            oldContinuations = actualContinuations;

        // Now comes the interesting part where the actual lock free synchronization happens.
        // If we are completed then somebody needs to clean up remaining continuations.
        // This happens last so the first part of the method can race with pulsing us.
        if (IsCompleted)
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref _pendingContinuations, null)?.Invoke();

    public void GetResult()
        // This is just to check against manual calls. The compiler will never call this when IsCompleted is false.
        // (Assuming your OnCompleted implementation is bug-free and you don't execute continuations before IsCompleted becomes true.)
        if (!IsCompleted)
            throw new NotSupportedException("Synchronous waits are not supported. Use 'await' or OnCompleted to wait asynchronously");



<强> [编辑]

作为锁定实现的外观的起点,我将使用lock语句提供一个。通过自旋锁或其他锁定技术更换它应该很容易。通过使用结构作为等待它甚至具有除了初始对象之外没有额外分配的优点。 (当然,在调用端的编译器魔法中async / await框架中有分配,但你无法摆脱这些。)

请注意,迭代计数器将仅针对每个Wait + Pulse对递增,并最终溢出为负值,但这没关系。我们只需要缩短从调用的持续时间到可以调用GetResult的时间。 40亿个Wait + Pulse对应该有足够的时间用于任何挂起的继续调用其GetResult方法。如果你不想要那种风险,你可以使用long或Guid来获得更独特的迭代计数器,但恕我直言,int几乎适用于所有场景。

public sealed class AsyncMonitor
    public struct Awaitable : INotifyCompletion
        // We use a struct to avoid allocations. Note that this means the compiler will copy
        // the struct around in the calling code when doing 'await', so for your own debugging
        // sanity make all variables readonly.
        private readonly AsyncMonitor _monitor;
        private readonly int _iteration;

        public Awaitable(AsyncMonitor monitor)
            lock (monitor)
                _monitor = monitor;
                _iteration = monitor._iteration;

        public Awaitable GetAwaiter()
            return this;

        public bool IsCompleted
                // We use the iteration counter as an indicator when we should be complete.
                lock (_monitor)
                    return _monitor._iteration != _iteration;

        public void OnCompleted(Action continuation)
            // The compiler never passes null, but someone may call it manually.
            if (continuation == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(continuation));

            lock (_monitor)
                // Not calling IsCompleted since we already have a lock.
                if (_monitor._iteration == _iteration)
                    _monitor._waiting += continuation;

                    // null the continuation to indicate the following code
                    // that we completed and don't want it executed.
                    continuation = null;

            // If we were already completed then we didn't null the continuation.
            // (We should invoke the continuation outside of the lock because it
            // may want to Wait/Pulse again and we want to avoid reentrancy issues.)

        public void GetResult()
            lock (_monitor)
                // Not calling IsCompleted since we already have a lock.
                if (_monitor._iteration == _iteration)
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Synchronous wait is not supported. Use await or OnCompleted.");

    private Action _waiting;
    private int _iteration;

    public AsyncMonitor()

    public void Pulse(bool executeAsync)
        Action execute = null;

        lock (this)
            // If nobody is waiting we don't need to increment the iteration counter.
            if (_waiting != null)
                execute = _waiting;
                _waiting = null;

        // Important: execute the callbacks outside the lock because they might Pulse or Wait again.
        if (execute != null)
            // If the caller doesn't want inlined execution (maybe he holds a lock)
            // then execute it on the thread pool.
            if (executeAsync)

    public Awaitable Wait()
        return new Awaitable(this);

答案 1 :(得分:2)


internal sealed class Pulsar
    private static TaskCompletionSource<bool> Init() => new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

    private TaskCompletionSource<bool> _tcs = Init();

    public void Pulse()
        Interlocked.Exchange(ref _tcs, Init()).SetResult(true);

    public Task AwaitPulse(CancellationToken token)
        return token.CanBeCanceled ? _tcs.Task.WithCancellation(token) : _tcs.Task;



答案 2 :(得分:1)


internal sealed class Awaiter3
    private volatile TaskCompletionSource<byte> _waiting;

    public void Pulse()
        var w = _waiting;
        if (w == null)
        _waiting = null;
        Task.Run(() => w.TrySetResult(1));


    //This method is not thread safe and can only be called by one thread at a time.
    // To make it thread safe put a lock around the null check and the assignment,
    // you do not need to have a lock on Pulse, "volatile" takes care of that side.
    public Task Wait()
        if(_waiting != null)
            throw new InvalidOperationException("Only one waiter is allowed to exist at a time!");

        _waiting = new TaskCompletionSource<byte>(TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously);
        _waiting = new TaskCompletionSource<byte>();
        return _waiting.Task;

我改变了一种行为。如果您使用的是.NET 4.6或更新版本,请使用#if NET_46_OR_GREATER块中的代码,如果正在使用else块。当您致电TrySetResult时,您可以同步运行延续,这可能会导致Pulse()花费很长时间才能完成。通过在.NET 4.6中使用TaskCreationOptions.RunContinuationsAsynchronously或将TrySetResult包含在Task.Run for 4.6之前,将确保Puse()不会被任务的继续阻止。

请参阅SO问题Detect target framework version at compile time,了解如何制定适用于您的代码的NET_46_OR_GREATER定义。

答案 3 :(得分:0)

一种简单的方法是使用Layout validation empty, but still appears in the split,它使用Monitor。

public class AsyncMonitor
    private readonly SemaphoreSlim signal = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);

    public void Pulse()
        catch (SemaphoreFullException) { }

    public async Task WaitAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        await signal.WaitAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);