几年前,事实证明PRIMES is in P。是否有任何算法在Python中实现their primality test?我想用一个天真的生成器运行一些基准测试,看看它有多快。我自己实现它,但是我还不太了解论文。
答案 0 :(得分:52)
快速回答:不,AKS测试不是测试素养的最快方法。有许多很多更快的素性测试,它们假设(广义的)黎曼假设和/或随机化。 (例如Miller-Rabin快速且易于实现。)本文的真正突破是理论上的,证明存在用于测试素数的确定性多项式时间算法,而不假设GRH或其他未经证实的猜想。
也就是说,如果您想了解并实施它,Scott Aaronson's short article可能有所帮助。它没有详细介绍所有细节,但你可以从12页的第10页开始,它就足够了。 :-) 这里还有list of implementations(主要是C ++)。
此外,为了优化和改进(几个数量级),您可能需要查看this report或(较旧)Crandall and Papadopoulos's report或(较旧的)Daniel J Bernstein's report。所有这些都有相当详细的伪代码,非常适合实现。
答案 1 :(得分:-1)
from math import comb
def AKS(n):
if (n ^ 1 == n + 1): # check if it's even
if n == 2:
return True
return False
for i in range(3,n//2):
if comb(n,i)%n != 0: # check if any coefficient isn't divisible by n
return False
return True
答案 2 :(得分:-5)
是的,请查看rosettacode.org上的AKS test for primes页面
def expand_x_1(p):
ex = [1]
for i in range(p):
ex.append(ex[-1] * -(p-i) / (i+1))
return ex[::-1]
def aks_test(p):
if p < 2: return False
ex = expand_x_1(p)
ex[0] += 1
return not any(mult % p for mult in ex[0:-1])
print('# p: (x-1)^p for small p')
for p in range(12):
print('%3i: %s' % (p, ' '.join('%+i%s' % (e, ('x^%i' % n) if n else '')
for n,e in enumerate(expand_x_1(p)))))
print('\n# small primes using the aks test')
print([p for p in range(101) if aks_test(p)])
# p: (x-1)^p for small p
0: +1
1: -1 +1x^1
2: +1 -2x^1 +1x^2
3: -1 +3x^1 -3x^2 +1x^3
4: +1 -4x^1 +6x^2 -4x^3 +1x^4
5: -1 +5x^1 -10x^2 +10x^3 -5x^4 +1x^5
6: +1 -6x^1 +15x^2 -20x^3 +15x^4 -6x^5 +1x^6
7: -1 +7x^1 -21x^2 +35x^3 -35x^4 +21x^5 -7x^6 +1x^7
8: +1 -8x^1 +28x^2 -56x^3 +70x^4 -56x^5 +28x^6 -8x^7 +1x^8
9: -1 +9x^1 -36x^2 +84x^3 -126x^4 +126x^5 -84x^6 +36x^7 -9x^8 +1x^9
10: +1 -10x^1 +45x^2 -120x^3 +210x^4 -252x^5 +210x^6 -120x^7 +45x^8 -10x^9 +1x^10
11: -1 +11x^1 -55x^2 +165x^3 -330x^4 +462x^5 -462x^6 +330x^7 -165x^8 +55x^9 -11x^10 +1x^11
# small primes using the aks test
[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97]