
时间:2015-12-09 23:35:24

标签: verilog

我有一个家庭作业问题需要制作一个mealy机器的状态图,只要连续输入3个或更多1个,就会输出一个。 我想出了它,我看到它的方式在我的情况(状态)中概述,我感觉它是正确的,因为它编译得很好。我认为我的问题是我的测试台。这一切都在一个文件中,但为了使我的解释更容易解决...

// This is my module for the state diagram
 module prob558(output reg y,input x, clk,reset);
parameter s0=2'b00,s1=2'b01,s2=2'b10,s3=2'b11;
reg [1:0] state; 
always @(posedge clk, negedge reset)
if (reset==0) state<=s0;
s0: if (x==0) state<=s0 && y==0; else if(x==1)state<=s1 && y==0;
s1: if (x==0) state<=s0 && y==0; else if(x==1)state<=s2 && y==0;
s2: if (x==0) state<=s0 && y==0; else if(x==1)state<=s3 && y==0;
s3: if (x==0) state<=s0 && y==1; else if(x==1)state<=s3 && y==1;


module prob558_tb();
reg clock;
reg reset;
reg x;
wire y;
prob558 p558(y,x,clk,reset);

// this is where I am starting to get lost, I am only trying to follow a 
// poorly explained example my professor showed us for a synchronous 
// circuit...
initial #200 $finish;
initial begin
clock = 0;
reset = 0;
#5 reset =1;
#5 clock=~clock;

// This I came up with my own, and although it is wrong, this is the way I am 
// thinking of it. What I am trying to do below is to have the 'x' inputs be 
// set by these numbers I am inputting, and then I was thinking it would go 
// through my case statements and  the 'y' output would be given
initial begin
#10 x=1;
#10 x=0;
#10 x=1;
#10 x=1;
#10 x=1;
#10 x=1;
#10 x=1;
#10 x=0;
#10 x=0;

// the following below I know is correct!
initial begin
$monitor("x= %d y=%d",x,y);

我得到了0101010的x输入,所有的y输出都是'y = x' 如果有人有任何改进的提示我会非常感激!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. clk必须为clock

    //  prob558 p558(y,x,clk,reset); <-- clk must be clock
        prob558 p558(y,x,clock,reset);
  2. clock代必须处于无限循环

    //#5 clock=~clock; <-- should be inside an infinite loop
    initial begin
      forever begin
        #5 clock = ~clock;
  3. 在断言某些输入信号之前等待复位

    @(posedge reset); // wait for reset
  4. 使用clock代替@(posedge clock)将您的输入同步到#10并使用非阻止分配。

    // #10 x=1; <-- use @(posedge clock) instead and a non-blocking assignment
    // #10 x=0;
    // #10 x=1;
    // #10 x=1;
    // #10 x=1;
    // #10 x=1;
    // #10 x=1;
    // #10 x=0;
    // #10 x=0;
      @(posedge clock) x <= 1;
      @(posedge clock) x <= 0;
      @(posedge clock) x <= 1;
      @(posedge clock) x <= 1;
      @(posedge clock) x <= 1;
      @(posedge clock) x <= 1;
      @(posedge clock) x <= 1;
      @(posedge clock) x <= 0;
      @(posedge clock) x <= 0;
  5. 您可能想尝试运行上述更正here并查看波形。
