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//下面:感谢G. Bach的评论,增加了句子。
//上面:感谢G. Bach的评论,增加了句子。
msec <- 1
sec <- msec * 1000000
min <- sec * 60
hour <- min * 60
day <- hour * 24
mon <- day * 30
year <- day * 365
cen <- year * 100
time_units = c( sec, min, hour, day, mon, year, cen )
time_funcs = list(
lg_n = function(x) 2^x,
sqrt_2 = function(x) x^2,
itself = function(x) x,
n_sq = function(x) sqrt(x),
n_3sq = function(x) pracma::nthroot(x, 3),
nsq_of_2 = function(x) log2(x)
obvious_vals <- sapply( time_units, plyr::each(time_funcs) )
但是,我无法获得 nlog2(n)和 n!(n factorial)的反函数。
(此代码仅适用于 nlog2(n)。) 虽然我通过上面的操作获得了结果,如下所示, 但我不确定我是否以最有效的方式做到了。
有没有人有更好的想法来帮助我? 提前谢谢。 [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7]
lg_n Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf Inf
sqrt_2 1.000000e+12 3.600000e+15 1.296000e+19 7.464960e+21 6.718464e+24 9.945193e+26 9.945193e+30
itself 1.000000e+06 6.000000e+07 3.600000e+09 8.640000e+10 2.592000e+12 3.153600e+13 3.153600e+15
n_sq 1.000000e+03 7.745967e+03 6.000000e+04 2.939388e+05 1.609969e+06 5.615692e+06 5.615692e+07
n_3sq 1.000000e+02 3.914868e+02 1.532619e+03 4.420838e+03 1.373657e+04 3.159382e+04 1.466455e+05
nsq_of_2 1.993157e+01 2.583846e+01 3.174535e+01 3.633031e+01 4.123720e+01 4.484206e+01 5.148592e+01
get_aprx_val <- function () {
max_iter <- 100
threshold <- 1.0e-07
results <- rep( NA, length(time_units) )
index <- 1
for ( t_unit in time_units ) {
x <- t_unit
step <- .5 * t_unit
for ( i in 1:max_iter ) {
if ( x*log2(x) - t_unit >= threshold ) {
x <- x - step
else if ( x*log2(x) - t_unit <= -threshold ) {
x <- x + step
else {
results[index] <- x
step <- .5 * step
index <- index + 1
[1] 6.274613e+04 2.801418e+06 1.333781e+08 2.755148e+09 7.187086e+10 7.976339e+11 6.861096e+13
答案 0 :(得分:2)
function(time) uniroot(function(n) n * log2(n) - time, c(1e-8, 1e20))$root)
#[1] 6.274613e+04 2.801418e+06 1.333781e+08 2.755148e+09 7.187086e+10 7.976339e+11 6.861096e+13