# Convert some money to an appropriate collection of cents
penny = 1
nickel = 5
dime = 10
quarter = 25
quarters = 0
dimes = 0
nickels = 0
pennys = 0
cents = int(input("Please enter an amount of money you have in cents: "))
if cents >= 25:
quarters = cents / quarter
cents % quarter
if cents >= 10:
dimes = cents/dime
cents % dime
if cents >= 5:
nickels = cents /nickel
cents % nickel
if cents > 0:
pennys = cents / penny
cents = 0
print ("The coins are: quarters", quarters,\
",dimes", dimes, ",nickels", nickels, ", and pennys.", pennys)
extern NSString *const GDD_UI_COMFIRM_TITLE;//comfirm button title
extern NSString *const GDD_UI_CANCELL_TITLE;//cancell button title
NSString *const GDD_UI_COMFIRM_TITLE = @"ok";
NSString *const GDD_UI_CANCELL_TITLE = @"cancel";
我希望像全局const字符串一样访问数组,以便代码看起来一致,但如果我在global.h / .m中声明和定义数组,那将是错误的。 有人建议使用类来包装数组,但它符合我的一致要求。 顺便说一句,我听说有人说使用全局变量不是一个好主意,是否有全局变量的替代品?