
时间:2015-09-19 20:54:45

标签: java android libgdx resume

当我启动应用程序时 - 一切都还可以,UI,播放器和磁贴都很合适。当我尝试恢复应用程序后,例如锁定和解锁屏幕时,会出现问题。

启动应用时的屏幕:enter image description here

恢复后的屏幕enter image description here



public class UiButton extends Sprite
    private boolean touched = false;

    public UiButton( Texture texture, float posX, float posY )
        super( texture );
        setPosition( posX, posY );

    @Override public void setSize( float toWidth, float toHeight )
        super.setSize( toWidth, toHeight );
        setOriginCenter( );

    public void setTouched( boolean touched ) { this.touched = touched; }
    public boolean getTouched( ) { return touched; }

    public boolean isTouched( float touchX, float touchY )
        float xDiff = touchX - getX( ) - getWidth( ) / 2;
        float yDiff = touchY - getY( ) - getHeight( ) / 2;

        float distance = ( xDiff * xDiff ) + ( yDiff * yDiff );
        if( distance <= Calculation.square( getWidth( ) / 2 ) )
            return true;

        return false;


public class GameScreen implements Screen
    private final static int INITIAL_TILE_SIZE = 32;

    // Display variables
    private OrthographicCamera camera;
    private SpriteBatch        spriteBatch;
    private SpriteBatch        uiBatch;
    private Player             player;

    // Map variables
    private OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer mapRenderer;
    private TiledMap                   tiledMap;

    // User Interface variables
    private UiButton arrow_right;
    private UiButton arrow_left;
    private UiButton arrow_down;
    private UiButton arrow_up;
    private UiButton action;

    // FPS control variables
    int sleep_time     = 0;
    int frames_skipped = 0;

    @Override public void show( )
        /** Setting InputProcessor **/
        InitializeInputProcessor( );

        /** Initializing Camera **/
        camera = new OrthographicCamera( );
        camera.setToOrtho( false );

        /** Initializing spriteBatch **/
        spriteBatch = new SpriteBatch( );
        spriteBatch.setProjectionMatrix( camera.combined );
        spriteBatch.maxSpritesInBatch = 5;

        /** Initializing uiBatch **/
        uiBatch = new SpriteBatch( );
        uiBatch.maxSpritesInBatch = 5;

        /** Creating map **/
        InitializeMap( );

        /** Creating Player **/
        player = new Player( ) / 2, ) / 2 );
        player.setSize( 32, 32 );

        /** Creating UI **/
        GenerateUI( ) / 60, ) / 5 );

    public void doUpdating( )
        /** Updating Player **/
        player.update( ( TiledMapTileLayer ) tiledMap.getLayers( ).get( 1 ) );

        /** Updating our Camera **/
        camera.position.set( player.getX( ), player.getY( ), 0 );
        camera.update( );

    public void doRendering( )
        /** Clearing the screen **/ 1, 1, 1, 1 ); GL20.GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT );

        mapRenderer.setView( camera );
        mapRenderer.render( );

        /** spriteBatch rendering **/
        spriteBatch.setProjectionMatrix( camera.combined );
        spriteBatch.begin( );

        player.draw( spriteBatch );

        spriteBatch.end( );

        /** uiBatch rendering **/
        uiBatch.begin( );

        arrow_right.draw( uiBatch );
        arrow_left.draw( uiBatch );
        arrow_down.draw( uiBatch );
        arrow_up.draw( uiBatch );
        action.draw( uiBatch );

        uiBatch.end( );

    @Override public void dispose( )
        spriteBatch.dispose( );
        uiBatch.dispose( );
        tiledMap.dispose( );
        mapRenderer.dispose( );

    private void InitializeMap( )
        tiledMap = new TmxMapLoader( ).load( "maps/test.tmx" );
        mapRenderer = new OrthogonalTiledMapRenderer( tiledMap );

    private void GenerateUI( float padding, float button_size )
        arrow_right = new UiButton( new Texture( Gdx.files.internal( "ui/arrow_right_small.png" ) ), button_size * 1.4f + padding, button_size * 0.8f + padding );
        arrow_right.setSize( button_size, button_size );

        arrow_left = new UiButton( new Texture( Gdx.files.internal( "ui/arrow_left_small.png" ) ), padding, button_size * 0.8f + padding );
        arrow_left.setSize( button_size, button_size );

        arrow_up = new UiButton( new Texture( Gdx.files.internal( "ui/arrow_up_small.png" ) ), button_size * 0.8f, button_size * 1.6f + padding );
        arrow_up.setSize( button_size, button_size );

        arrow_down = new UiButton( new Texture( Gdx.files.internal( "ui/arrow_down_small.png" ) ), button_size * 0.8f, padding );
        arrow_down.setSize( button_size, button_size );

        action = new UiButton( new Texture( Gdx.files.internal( "ui/ic_target_small.png" ) ), ) - padding - button_size, padding + button_size );
        action.setSize( button_size * 1.5f, button_size * 1.5f );

    @Override public void render( float delta )
        final int MAX_FRAME_SKIPS = 5;
        final int DESIRED_FPS     = 60;
        final int FRAME_PERIOD    = 1000 / DESIRED_FPS;

        if( sleep_time >= 0 || frames_skipped == MAX_FRAME_SKIPS )
            long start_time = System.currentTimeMillis( );
            frames_skipped = 0;

            doUpdating( );
            doRendering( );

            long time_diff = System.currentTimeMillis( ) - start_time;
            sleep_time = ( int ) ( FRAME_PERIOD - time_diff );

            if( sleep_time > 0 )
                try { Thread.sleep( sleep_time ); }
                catch( InterruptedException e )
                    System.out.println( "InterruptedException while trying to execute Thread.sleep( " + sleep_time + " )\n" + e.getMessage( ) );

            doUpdating( );

            sleep_time += FRAME_PERIOD;

    @Override public void resize( int width, int height )
        camera.viewportHeight = 320;
        camera.viewportWidth = Math.round( 320 * ) / ) );

    @Override public void resume( ) { }
    @Override public void pause( ) { }
    @Override public void hide( ) { }

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