
时间:2015-08-18 12:06:17

标签: algorithm data-structures graph


Given a graph and N sets of vertices, how to check that if the vertices 
in each set exist on a path (that may not have to be simple) in the 


1) On a graph 
     A --> B --> C
   The vertices A, B and C are on a path

2) On a graph
     A ---> B ---> ...
     C -----+
   The vertices A, B and C are not on a path

3) On a graph
     A <--- B <--- ...
     C <----+
   The vertices A, B and C are not on a path

4) On a graph
     A ---> X -----> B ---> C --> ...
            |               ^
   The vertices A, B and C are on a path

这是一个复杂度为N *(V + E)的简单算法。

for each set S of vertices with more than 1 elements {
  initialize M that maps a vertice to another vertice it reaches;
  mark all vertices of G unvisited;
  pick and remove a vertex v from S;
  while S is not empty {
    from all unvisited node, find one vertex v' in S that v can reach;
    if v' does not exist {
      pick and remove a vertex v from S;
    M[v] = v';
    remove v' from S;
    v = v';

  // Check that the relations in M forms a path 
    if size[M] != size(S)-1 {
       return false;
    take the vertex v in S that is not in M
    while M is not empty {
      if not exist v' s.t. M[v]' = v {
        return false;
    return true;

for循环需要N步; while-loop将以最坏的情况访问所有节点/边缘,成本为V + E.

是否有任何已知算法可以解决问题? 如果图表是DAG,我们可以有更好的解决方案吗?


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

这里的无关不是一个有意义的假设,因为我们可以将每个强组件合并到一个顶点。路径也是红鲱鱼;通过一堆双节点路径,我们实际上在DAG中进行了一系列可达性查询。比O(n 2 )更快地执行此操作被认为是一个难题:https://cstheory.stackexchange.com/questions/25298/dag-reachability-with-on-log-n-space-and-olog-n-time-queries

答案 1 :(得分:1)

您应该查看Floyd-Warshall algorithm。它将为您提供O(V 3 )图中所有顶点对之间最短路径的长度。获得这些结果后,您可以进行强力深度优先遍历,以确定是否可以从一个节点转到下一个节点以及下一个节点等。这应该在O(n n )中发生其中n是当前集合中的顶点数。那么,总复杂度应该是O(V 3 + N * n n )(或类似的东西)。

n n 似乎令人生畏,但如果n与V相比较小,那么在实践中它将不是一件大事。
