
时间:2015-08-14 01:30:47

标签: matplotlib

在我的例子中,我想在实际数据后面绘制一条“突出显示”线(一条黑色粗线,上面有一条较窄的黄线,以创建一个黑色轮廓)(在我的例子中为蓝色'Pitch Angle'线)

Example of the effect I want, created with multiple plot commands.


def highlight(x, h, hlw=8, hc='#FFFBCC', hll='Highlighted', **kwargs):

    Plot data in Series x, highlighting the elements correponding to True in h.

    # For passing to extra the highlighter lines, drop any passed kwargs which
    # would clobber their appearance.  Keep a copy of the full set for the data.
    # The extra lines are plotted first so they appear underneath the actual
    # data.
    fullkwargs = kwargs.copy()
    for k in ['lw', 'linewidth', 'linestyle', 'ls', 'color', 'c', 'label']:
        kwargs.pop(k, None)

    # Generate a probably unique ID so that the legend entries of these lines
    # can be identified by the caller.
    import random
    gid = random.random()

    # Plot the highlighting lines.  First, plot a heavier black line to provide
    # a clear outline to the bright highlighted region.
    x.where(h).plot(lw=hlw+2, c='k', label='_dont_put_me_in_legend', **kwargs)
    # Plot the bright highlighter line on top of that.  Give this line an id.
    x.where(h).plot(lw=hlw, c=hc, label=hll, gid=gid, **kwargs)

    # Plot the actual data.
    a = x.plot(**fullkwargs)

    # Generate the custom legend entry artists.
    import matplotlib.lines as mlines
    l1 = mlines.Line2D([], [], lw=hlw+2, c='k')
    l2 = mlines.Line2D([], [], lw=hlw, c=hc)

    # Return the unique identifier of this call, and the tuple of line styles to
    # go to HandlerTuple (see
    # http://matplotlib.org/users/legend_guide.html#legend-handlers).  This
    # makes it possible to update all "highlighter" legend entries with the
    # correct color-on-black visual style produced here.
    return {gid: (l1, l2)}

我设法通过循环遍历所有图例条目并替换其中gid是其中之一的图例键来调用plt.legend()时,通过使用HandlerTuple来生成突出显示的精确图例条目。 highlight返回的值。

handles,labels = a.get_legend_handles_labels()
newhandles = []

for h in handles:

    if h.get_gid() in hi:




a.legend(newhandles, labels)


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