
时间:2015-08-13 13:16:49

标签: python pandas


USAF,   NCDC,  Date,     HrMn, I, Type,  QCP,  Dir, Q, I, Spd,   Q, 
034820,99999,19490801,0000,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  5.7,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0100,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  4.6,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0200,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  4.6,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0300,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  4.6,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0400,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  6.7,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0500,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  8.7,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0600,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  8.2,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0700,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  8.2,1,


ipath= "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\科研风速数据资料\Marham\\marham.txt"
uipath = unicode(ipath , "utf8")
file2 = open(uipath)
df = pd.read_csv(uipath,header=0)
# I can drop USAF, but unable to drop NCDC, I, Q, 
df.drop(['USAF', 'NCDC'], 1,inplace=True)


ValueError: labels ['NCDC'] not contained in axis

我的代码出了什么问题?我过去常常使用df.drop(['a', 'b', 'c'], 1,inplace=True)


 '   NCDC',
 '  Date',
 '     HrMn',
 ' I',
 ' Type',
 '  QCP',
 '  Dir',
 ' Q',
 ' I.1',
 ' Spd',
 '   Q',
 ' ']

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


In [106]:
import io
import pandas as pd
t="""USAF,   NCDC,  Date,     HrMn, I, Type,  QCP,  Dir, Q, I, Spd,   Q, 
034820,99999,19490801,0000,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  5.7,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0100,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  4.6,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0200,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  4.6,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0300,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  4.6,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0400,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  6.7,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0500,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  8.7,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0600,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  8.2,1,
034820,99999,19490801,0700,4,  SAO,    ,270,1,N,  8.2,1,"""
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(t), skipinitialspace=True)

    USAF   NCDC      Date  HrMn  I Type  QCP  Dir  Q I.1  Spd  Q.1  \
0  34820  99999  19490801     0  4  SAO  NaN  270  1   N  5.7    1   
1  34820  99999  19490801   100  4  SAO  NaN  270  1   N  4.6    1   
2  34820  99999  19490801   200  4  SAO  NaN  270  1   N  4.6    1   
3  34820  99999  19490801   300  4  SAO  NaN  270  1   N  4.6    1   
4  34820  99999  19490801   400  4  SAO  NaN  270  1   N  6.7    1   
5  34820  99999  19490801   500  4  SAO  NaN  270  1   N  8.7    1   
6  34820  99999  19490801   600  4  SAO  NaN  270  1   N  8.2    1   
7  34820  99999  19490801   700  4  SAO  NaN  270  1   N  8.2    1   

   Unnamed: 12  
0          NaN  
1          NaN  
2          NaN  
3          NaN  
4          NaN  
5          NaN  
6          NaN  
7          NaN


In [108]:
df.drop(['USAF', 'NCDC'], 1,inplace=True)

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 8 entries, 0 to 7
Data columns (total 11 columns):
Date           8 non-null int64
HrMn           8 non-null int64
I              8 non-null int64
Type           8 non-null object
QCP            0 non-null float64
Dir            8 non-null int64
Q              8 non-null int64
I.1            8 non-null object
Spd            8 non-null float64
Q.1            8 non-null int64
Unnamed: 12    0 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(3), int64(6), object(2)
memory usage: 768.0+ bytes