我在this site的Quartus II 9.1中阅读了VHDL中的位加法器。首先,根据指南我添加并编译1位加法器 - 它可以正常工作。
-- Simulation Tutorial
-- 1-bit Adder
-- This is just to make a reference to some common things needed.
-- We declare the 1-bit adder with the inputs and outputs
-- shown inside the port().
-- This will add two bits together(x,y), with a carry in(cin) and
-- output the sum(sum) and a carry out(cout).
entity BIT_ADDER is
port( a, b, cin : in STD_LOGIC;
sum, cout : out STD_LOGIC );
-- This describes the functionality of the 1-BIT adder.
architecture BHV of BIT_ADDER is
-- Calculate the sum of the 1-BIT adder.
sum <= (not a and not b and cin) or
(not a and b and not cin) or
(a and not b and not cin) or
(a and b and cin);
-- Calculates the carry out of the 1-BIT adder.
cout <= (not a and b and cin) or
(a and not b and cin) or
(a and b and not cin) or
(a and b and cin);
end BHV;
当我编译它时,它工作正常。之后我添加其他VHDL来测试它。 这是1位加法器的测试平台:
-- ENGR 10 VHDL Lab
-- 1-bit Adder Testbench
-- A testbench is used to rigorously tests a design that you have made.
-- The output of the testbench should allow the designer to see if
-- the design worked. The testbench should also report where the testbench
-- failed.
-- This is just to make a reference to some common things needed.
-- Decare a testbench. Notice that the testbench does not have any
-- input or output ports.
entity TEST_ADD is
-- Describes the functionality of the tesbench.
architecture TEST of TEST_ADD is
-- The object that we wish to test is declared as a component of
-- the test bench. Its functionality has already been described elsewhere.
-- This simply describes what the object's inputs and outputs are, it
-- does not actually create the object.
component BIT_ADDER
port( a, b, cin : in STD_LOGIC;
sum, cout : out STD_LOGIC );
end component;
-- Specifies which description of the adder you will use.
for U1: BIT_ADDER use entity WORK.BIT_ADDER(BHV);
-- Create a set of signals which will be associated with both the inputs
-- and outputs of the component that we wish to test.
signal A_s, B_s : STD_LOGIC;
signal CIN_s : STD_LOGIC;
signal SUM_s : STD_LOGIC;
signal COUT_s : STD_LOGIC;
-- This is where the testbench for the BIT_ADDER actually begins.
-- Create a 1-bit adder in the testbench.
-- The signals specified above are mapped to their appropriate
-- roles in the 1-bit adder which we have created.
U1: BIT_ADDER port map (A_s, B_s, CIN_s, SUM_s, COUT_s);
-- The process is where the actual testing is done.
-- We are now going to set the inputs of the adder and test
-- the outputs to verify the functionality of our 1-bit adder.
-- Case 0 : 0+0 with carry in of 0.
-- Set the signals for the inputs.
A_s <= '0';
B_s <= '0';
CIN_s <= '0';
-- Wait a short amount of time and then check to see if the
-- outputs are what they should be. If not, then report an error
-- so that we will know there is a problem.
wait for 10 ns;
assert ( SUM_s = '0' ) report "Failed Case 0 - SUM" severity error;
assert ( COUT_s = '0' ) report "Failed Case 0 - COUT" severity error;
wait for 40 ns;
-- Carry out the same process outlined above for the other 7 cases.
-- Case 1 : 0+0 with carry in of 1.
A_s <= '0';
B_s <= '0';
CIN_s <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
assert ( SUM_s = '1' ) report "Failed Case 1 - SUM" severity error;
assert ( COUT_s = '0' ) report "Failed Case 1 - COUT" severity error;
wait for 40 ns;
-- Case 2 : 0+1 with carry in of 0.
A_s <= '0';
B_s <= '1';
CIN_s <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
assert ( SUM_s = '1' ) report "Failed Case 2 - SUM" severity error;
assert ( COUT_s = '0' ) report "Failed Case 2 - COUT" severity error;
wait for 40 ns;
-- Case 3 : 0+1 with carry in of 1.
A_s <= '0';
B_s <= '1';
CIN_s <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
assert ( SUM_s = '0' ) report "Failed Case 3 - SUM" severity error;
assert ( COUT_s = '1' ) report "Failed Case 3 - COUT" severity error;
wait for 40 ns;
-- Case 4 : 1+0 with carry in of 0.
A_s <= '1';
B_s <= '0';
CIN_s <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
assert ( SUM_s = '1' ) report "Failed Case 4 - SUM" severity error;
assert ( COUT_s = '0' ) report "Failed Case 4 - COUT" severity error;
wait for 40 ns;
-- Case 5 : 1+0 with carry in of 1.
A_s <= '1';
B_s <= '0';
CIN_s <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
assert ( SUM_s = '0' ) report "Failed Case 5 - SUM" severity error;
assert ( COUT_s = '1' ) report "Failed Case 5 - COUT" severity error;
wait for 40 ns;
-- Case 6 : 1+1 with carry in of 0.
A_s <= '1';
B_s <= '1';
CIN_s <= '0';
wait for 10 ns;
assert ( SUM_s = '0' ) report "Failed Case 6 - SUM" severity error;
assert ( COUT_s = '1' ) report "Failed Case 6 - COUT" severity error;
wait for 40 ns;
-- Case 7 : 1+1 with carry in of 1.
A_s <= '1';
B_s <= '1';
CIN_s <= '1';
wait for 10 ns;
assert ( SUM_s = '1' ) report "Failed Case 7 - SUM" severity error;
assert ( COUT_s = '1' ) report "Failed Case 7 - COUT" severity error;
wait for 40 ns;
end process;
错误(10533):add_test.vhd(65)处的VHDL Wait语句错误:Wait语句必须包含带UNTIL关键字的条件子句
答案 0 :(得分:1)
如Brian所述,Altera Quartus是一个综合工具:它将您的VHDL(或Verilog)代码转换为“网表”,可以映射到实际的门(或查找表)在FPGA的情况下,但这是另一个故事)。因此,Quartus就像是来自Xilinx的并发ISE。还有其他的合成器,比如Synopsys的Design Compiler等。通常你会用VHDL(或Verilog)设计这样的目的:获得一个最终工作的硬件,在真正的门上(FPGA或ASIC门)。