
时间:2015-07-09 18:04:04

标签: python numpy scipy mathematical-optimization discrete-mathematics


我看了scipy.optimize,但据我所知,似乎并不支持这种优化。 scipy.optimize.basinhopping看起来非常诱人但似乎需要连续的变量。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

我认为genetic algorithm在这种情况下可能会很好用。以下是使用deap汇总的快速示例,它基于示例here

import numpy as np
import deap
from deap import algorithms, base, tools
import imp

class GeneticDetMinimizer(object):

    def __init__(self, N=30, popsize=500):

        # we want the creator module to be local to this instance, since
        # creator.create() directly adds new classes to the module's globals()
        # (yuck!)
        cr = imp.load_module('cr', *imp.find_module('creator', deap.__path__))
        self._cr = cr

        self._cr.create("FitnessMin", base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0,))
        self._cr.create("Individual", np.ndarray, fitness=self._cr.FitnessMin)

        self._tb = base.Toolbox()

        # an 'individual' consists of an (N^2,) flat numpy array of 0s and 1s
        self.N = N
        self.indiv_size = N * N

        self._tb.register("attr_bool", np.random.random_integers, 0, 1)
        self._tb.register("individual", tools.initRepeat, self._cr.Individual,
                          self._tb.attr_bool, n=self.indiv_size)

        # the 'population' consists of a list of such individuals
        self._tb.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list,
        self._tb.register("evaluate", self.fitness)
        self._tb.register("mate", self.crossover)
        self._tb.register("mutate", tools.mutFlipBit, indpb=0.025)
        self._tb.register("select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=3)

        # create an initial population, and initialize a hall-of-fame to store
        # the best individual
        self.pop = self._tb.population(n=popsize)
        self.hof = tools.HallOfFame(1, similar=np.array_equal)

        # print summary statistics for the population on each iteration
        self.stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind: ind.fitness.values)
        self.stats.register("avg", np.mean)
        self.stats.register("std", np.std)
        self.stats.register("min", np.min)
        self.stats.register("max", np.max)

    def fitness(self, individual):
        assigns a fitness value to each individual, based on the determinant
        return np.linalg.det(individual.reshape(self.N, self.N)),

    def crossover(self, ind1, ind2):
        randomly swaps a subset of array values between two individuals
        size = self.indiv_size
        cx1 = np.random.random_integers(0, size - 2)
        cx2 = np.random.random_integers(cx1, size - 1)
        ind1[cx1:cx2], ind2[cx1:cx2] = (
            ind2[cx1:cx2].copy(), ind1[cx1:cx2].copy())
        return ind1, ind2

    def run(self, ngen=int(1E6), mutation_rate=0.3, crossover_rate=0.7):

        pop, log = algorithms.eaSimple(self.pop, self._tb,
        self.log = log
        return self.hof[0].reshape(self.N, self.N), log

if __name__ == "__main__":
    gd = GeneticDetMinimizer()
    best, log = gd.run()

在我的笔记本电脑上运行1000代大约需要40秒,这使我从约-5.7845x10 8 的最小行列式值到-6.41504x10 11 。我对元参数(人口规模,突变率,交叉率等)并没有太多参与,所以我相信它可以做得更好。


import numpy as np
import deap
from deap import algorithms, base, tools
import imp
from cachetools import LRUCache

# used to control the size of the cache so that it doesn't exceed system memory

class GeneticDetMinimizer(object):

    def __init__(self, N=30, popsize=500, cachesize=None, seed=0):

        # an 'individual' consists of an (N^2,) flat numpy array of 0s and 1s
        self.N = N
        self.indiv_size = N * N

        if cachesize is None:
            cachesize = int(np.ceil(8 * MAX_MEM_BYTES / self.indiv_size))

        self._gen = np.random.RandomState(seed)

        # we want the creator module to be local to this instance, since
        # creator.create() directly adds new classes to the module's globals()
        # (yuck!)
        cr = imp.load_module('cr', *imp.find_module('creator', deap.__path__))
        self._cr = cr

        self._cr.create("FitnessMin", base.Fitness, weights=(-1.0,))
        self._cr.create("Individual", np.ndarray, fitness=self._cr.FitnessMin)

        self._tb = base.Toolbox()
        self._tb.register("attr_bool", self.random_bool)
        self._tb.register("individual", tools.initRepeat, self._cr.Individual,
                          self._tb.attr_bool, n=self.indiv_size)

        # the 'population' consists of a list of such individuals
        self._tb.register("population", tools.initRepeat, list,
        self._tb.register("evaluate", self.fitness)
        self._tb.register("mate", self.crossover)
        self._tb.register("mutate", self.mutate, rate=0.002)
        self._tb.register("select", tools.selTournament, tournsize=3)

        # create an initial population, and initialize a hall-of-fame to store
        # the best individual
        self.pop = self._tb.population(n=popsize)
        self.hof = tools.HallOfFame(1, similar=np.array_equal)

        # print summary statistics for the population on each iteration
        self.stats = tools.Statistics(lambda ind: ind.fitness.values)
        self.stats.register("avg", np.mean)
        self.stats.register("std", np.std)
        self.stats.register("min", np.min)
        self.stats.register("max", np.max)

        # keep track of configurations that have already been visited
        self.tabu = LRUCache(cachesize)

    def random_bool(self, *args):
        return self._gen.rand(*args) < 0.5

    def mutate(self, ind, rate=1E-3):
        mutate an individual by bit-flipping one or more randomly chosen
        # ensure that each mutation always introduces a novel configuration
        while np.packbits(ind.astype(np.uint8)).tostring() in self.tabu:
            n_flip = self._gen.binomial(self.indiv_size, rate)
            if not n_flip:
            idx = self._gen.random_integers(0, self.indiv_size - 1, n_flip)
            ind[idx] = ~ind[idx]
        return ind,

    def fitness(self, individual):
        assigns a fitness value to each individual, based on the determinant
        h = np.packbits(individual.astype(np.uint8)).tostring()
        # look up the fitness for this configuration if it has already been
        # encountered
        if h not in self.tabu:
            fitness = np.linalg.det(individual.reshape(self.N, self.N))
            self.tabu.update({h: fitness})
            fitness = self.tabu[h]
        return fitness,

    def crossover(self, ind1, ind2):
        randomly swaps a block of rows or columns between two individuals

        cx1 = self._gen.random_integers(0, self.N - 2)
        cx2 = self._gen.random_integers(cx1, self.N - 1)
        ind1.shape = ind2.shape = self.N, self.N

        if self._gen.rand() < 0.5:
            # row swap
            ind1[cx1:cx2, :], ind2[cx1:cx2, :] = (
                ind2[cx1:cx2, :].copy(), ind1[cx1:cx2, :].copy())
            # column swap
            ind1[:, cx1:cx2], ind2[:, cx1:cx2] = (
                ind2[:, cx1:cx2].copy(), ind1[:, cx1:cx2].copy())

        ind1.shape = ind2.shape = self.indiv_size,

        return ind1, ind2

    def run(self, ngen=int(1E6), mutation_rate=0.3, crossover_rate=0.7):

        pop, log = algorithms.eaSimple(self.pop, self._tb,
        self.log = log

        return self.hof[0].reshape(self.N, self.N), log

if __name__ == "__main__":
    gd = GeneticDetMinimizer(0)
    best, log = gd.run()

迄今为止我的最佳得分是> -3.23718x10 13 -3.92366x10 13 10000 1000代后,我的机器大约需要45秒。

根据评论中链接的 cthonicdaemon 解决方案,31x31 Hadamard矩阵的最大行列式必须至少为75960984159088×2 30 〜= 8.1562x10 22 (尚未证明该解决方案是否最佳)。 (n-1 x n-1)二元矩阵的最大行列式是(nxn)Hadamard矩阵的2 1-n 倍,即8.1562x10 22 x 2 -30 〜= 7.5961x10 13 ,因此遗传算法在当前最着名的解决方案的一个数量级内。

然而,健身功能似乎在这里稳定,我很难打破-4x10 13 。由于它是一种启发式搜索,因此无法保证它最终会找到全局最优值。

enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:1)

我不知道scipy中任何直接的离散优化方法。另一种方法是使用pip或github中的simanneal package,它允许您引入自己的移动函数,这样您就可以将其限制在域内移动:

import random
import numpy as np
import simanneal

class BinaryAnnealer(simanneal.Annealer):

    def move(self):
        # choose a random entry in the matrix
        i = random.randrange(self.state.size)
        # flip the entry 0 <=> 1
        self.state.flat[i] = 1 - self.state.flat[i]

    def energy(self):
        # evaluate the function to minimize
        return -np.linalg.det(self.state)

matrix = np.zeros((5, 5))
opt = BinaryAnnealer(matrix)

答案 2 :(得分:1)






下表中给出了大小为n = 21的{1,-1}矩阵的最大行列式。 22号是最小的开箱。在表中,D(n)表示最大行列式除以2n-1。等价地,D(n)表示大小为n-1的{0,1}矩阵的最大行列式。


2)David Zwicker的代码给出了3000万的答案的原因可能是因为他正在最小化。没有最大化。

return -np.linalg.det(self.state)


3)此外,这个问题的解决方案空间非常大。我计算不同矩阵的数量为2 ^(30 * 30),即大约10 ^ 270。因此,查看每个矩阵根本不可能,甚至看看它们中的大多数也是如此。

我在这里有一些代码(改编自David Zwicker的代码),但是我不知道它与实际最大值有多接近。在我的PC上进行1000万次迭代需要大约45分钟,或者对于1次迭代只需要大约2分钟。我得到的最大值约为34亿。但同样,我不知道这与理论上的最大值有多接近。

import numpy as np
import random
import time


def Main():

    startTime = time.time()
    mat = np.zeros((MATRIX_SIZE, MATRIX_SIZE), dtype = int)
    for i in range(MATRIX_SIZE):
        for j in range(MATRIX_SIZE):
            mat[i,j] = random.randrange(2)

    print("Starting matrix:\n", mat)       

    maxDeterminant = 0

    for i in range(1000000):
        # choose a random entry in the matrix
        x = random.randrange(MATRIX_SIZE)
        y = random.randrange(MATRIX_SIZE)

    mat[x,y] = 1 - mat[x,y]


        detValue = np.linalg.det(mat)
        if detValue > maxDeterminant:
            maxDeterminant = detValue

    timeTakenStr = "\nTotal time to complete: " + str(round(time.time() - startTime, 4)) + " seconds"
    print(timeTakenStr )

