在没有FOR的情况下按行迭代 - 而不是"应用"的通用函数

时间:2015-06-25 20:52:44

标签: r

# Custom DF
demo <- data.frame(step = seq(1:5), x1 = sample(1:5, 5), x2 = sample(5:9, 5))

# Add column with a result of some operation on subset before this row
demo <- transform(demo, res = 0)

# Fill in "res" with result of operation on several rows (subset) and some coefficients
for (k in 2:nrow(demo)) demo$res[k] <- demo$x1[k] * 2.0 + demo$x1[k - 1] * 3.0

问题:是否可以用&#34; apply&#34;替换循环。或具有这些条件的任何其他迭代器

  • 回调函数(FUN)用于&#34;应用&#34;应该知道当前行的索引
  • 另外,我需要从FUN
  • 访问初始DF


cycle <- function(k) { k }
lapply(1:nrow(demo), cycle) # use sequence instead of DF itself

此代码将打印从1到5的索引,但如何将demo作为参数传递到&#34; cycle&#34;?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


$('#fixModal').on('show.bs.modal', function (event) {
  var button = $(event.relatedTarget),
      hclub = button.data('hclubid'),
      modal = $(this),
      imgpath = "/images/clubcrests/",
      homecrest = imgpath + hclub + '.jpg',
      gencrest = imgpath + 'generic.jpg',

  $.get(homecrest).done(function () { 
    homecrestsrc = "<img src='" + homecrest + "'>"
  }).fail(function () { 
    homecrestsrc = "<img src='" + gencrest + "'>"
  }).always(function () {

demo$res <- c(0,tail(demo$x1,-1)*2 + head(demo$x1,-1)*3) 库具有很好的dplyr函数,可以使这些操作更容易。


还可以将其他参数传递给library(dplyr) demo %>% mutate(res2=x1*2 + lag(x1)*3) # this values the first value as NA rather than 0 中的函数。例如,您可以


正在迭代的参数作为第一个参数传递,然后您可以在cycle <- function(k, d) { paste(k, d[[1]][k]) } lapply(1:nrow(demo), cycle, demo) 调用本身中包含其他参数,并将它们传递给子函数。