one : ℤ
one = + 1
--giving a rational as input it will return next rational (in some down tailing method)
next : pair → pair
next q = if (n eq one) then (mkPair (+ m Data.Integer.+ one) 1)
else (mkPair (n Data.Integer.- one) (m Nat.+ 1))
n = getX q
m = getY q
--it will generate all rational from (1,1)
rational : Stream pair
rational = iterate next (mkPair one 1)
--it will get all the rational which are greater than the given rational.
RQ : pair → Stream pair → Stream pair
RQ q (x ∷ xs) = (x add q) ∷ ♯ (RQ q (♭ xs))
--This is a stream of positive rational greater than (0,1).
positiveRat : Stream pair
positiveRat = RQ (mkPair (+ 0) (1)) rational
现在我要证明`对于所有x,如果x> 0然后x将属于正理性流。
open import Data.Stream
open import Data.Nat
open import Data.Rational
open import Data.Integer
open import Coinduction
lemma : (x : pair) → ((+ 0) Data.Integer.≤ (pair.x x)) → ( x ∈ positiveRat )
lemma q proof = ?
I'm not sure if there should be a case for the constructor +≤+,
because I get stuck when trying to solve the following unification
problems (inferred index ≟ expected index):
+ m ≟ + 0
+ n ≟ getX q₁
when checking that the expression ? has type q ∈ positiveRat