
时间:2015-05-27 15:04:23

标签: python computational-geometry intersection convex-hull


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

根据,凸包的一个方面的点x验证V.x+b=0,其中Vb由{{1}给出}}。 (hull.equations代表此处的点积。.是长度为1的法线向量。)


如果V是法线,则b是偏移量,x是凸起内部的点   船体,然后Vx + b <0。

如果V是从U开始的光线矢量,则光线方程为O。所以射线的一个方面是x=αU, α>0。与船体的唯一交叉点对应于x = αU = -b/(V.U) U的正值的最小值: enter image description here



这是一个纯粹的numpy解决方案,所以它很快。 import numpy as np from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull def hit(U,hull): eq=hull.equations.T V,b=eq[:-1],eq[-1] alpha=-b/,U) return np.min(alpha[alpha>0])*U 多维数据集中100万个点的示例:


答案 1 :(得分:4)




一旦得到正点积,就可以通过将平面在平面方向上的距离除以点积来计算超平面在光线方向上的距离。例如,如果平面距离3个单位,并且点积为0.5,则对于沿光线移动的每个单位,您只能获得0.5个单位,因此超平面在光线方向上为3 / 0.5 = 6个单位



def normalize(v):
    norm = np.linalg.norm(v)
    if norm == 0: 
       return v
    return v / norm

def find_hull_intersection(hull, ray_point):
    # normalise ray_point
    unit_ray = normalize(ray_point)
    # find the closest line/plane/hyperplane in the hull:
    closest_plane = None
    closest_plane_distance = 0
    for plane in hull.equations:
        normal = plane[:-1]
        distance = plane[-1]
        # if plane passes through the origin then return the origin
        if distance == 0:
            return np.multiply(ray_point, 0) # return n-dimensional zero vector 
        # if distance is negative then flip the sign of both the
        # normal and the distance:       
        if distance < 0:
            np.multiply(normal, -1);
            distance = distance * -1
        # find out how much we move along the plane normal for
        # every unit distance along the ray normal:
        dot_product =, unit_ray)
        # check the dot product is positive, if not then the
        # plane is in the opposite direction to the rayL
        if dot_product > 0:  
            # calculate the distance of the plane
            # along the ray normal:          
            ray_distance = distance / dot_product
            # is this the closest so far:
            if closest_plane is None or ray_distance < closest_plane_distance:
                closest_plane = plane
                closest_plane_distance = ray_distance
    # was there no valid plane? (should never happen):
    if closest_plane is None:
        return None
    # return the point along the unit_ray of the closest plane,
    # which will be the intersection point
    return np.multiply(unit_ray, closest_plane_distance)


from scipy.spatial import ConvexHull
import numpy as np

points = np.array([[-2, -2], [2, 0], [-1, 2]])
h = ConvexHull(points)
closest_point = find_hull_intersection(h, [1, -1])
print closest_point


[ 0.66666667 -0.66666667]