EX。如果节点持有州名,并且我们想要找到加利福尼亚州和犹他州之间的最短路径,则输出将显示加利福尼亚州 - >内华达 - >犹他州
bool DirectedGraph::GetShortestPath(
const string& startNode, const string& endNode,
bool nodeDataInsteadOfName, vector<string>& traversalList) const
//Nodes are the same
if (startNode.compare(endNode) == 0)
return false;
//Stores the location of our nodes in the node list
vector<int> path;
//Queue to hold the index of the node traversed
queue<int> q;
//Create our boolean table to handle visited nodes
bool *visited = new bool[m_nodes.size()];
//initialize bool table
memset(visited, false, sizeof(bool) * m_nodes.size());
//Label the start node as visited
visited[GetNodeIndex(startNode)] = true;
//Push the node onto our queue
while (!q.empty())
//Store the nodes index
int index = q.front();
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < m_nodes[index]->Out.size(); i++)
//If this node matches what we are looking for break/return values
if (m_nodes[index]->Out[i]->targetI == GetNodeIndex(endNode))
if (nodeDataInsteadOfName)
for (int x = 0; x < path.size(); x++)
for (int x = 0; x < path.size(); x++)
traversalList.push_back( m_nodes[path[x]]->Name);
return true;
//Continue through the data
if (!visited[m_nodes[index]->Out[i]->targetI])
visited[m_nodes[index]->Out[i]->targetI] = true;
// You must implement this function
return false;
struct Edge
int srcI; // Index of source node
int targetI; // Index of target node
Edge(int sourceNodeIndex, int targetNodeIndex)
srcI = sourceNodeIndex;
targetI = targetNodeIndex;
struct Node
string Name;
string Data;
Node(const string& nodeName, const string& nodeData)
Name = nodeName;
Data = nodeData;
// List of incoming edges to this node
vector<Edge*> In;
// List of edges going out from this node
vector<Edge*> Out;
// We need a list of nodes and edges
vector<Node*> m_nodes;
vector<Edge*> m_edges;
// Used for efficiency purposes so that quick node lookups can be
// done based on node names. Maps a node name string to the index
// of the node within the nodes list (m_nodes).
unordered_map<string, int> m_nodeMap;
答案 0 :(得分:1)
第一个问题是 for 循环中的 if 。您的路径变量只能包含两个项目:起始节点和结束节点。我建议你不要跟踪for循环的路径。相反,为每个节点分配一个距离。
struct Node
string Name;
string Data;
int Distance;
Node(const string& nodeName, const string& nodeData)
Name = nodeName;
Data = nodeData;
Distance = INT_MAX;
// List of incoming edges to this node
vector<Edge*> In;
// List of edges going out from this node
vector<Edge*> Out;
m_nodes[GetNodeIndex(startNode)]->Distance = 0;
来访问该节点m_nodes[index]->Distance + 1
此时您已正确更新距离。从端节点向后工作,每次从邻接列表中选择节点(距离=当前节点的距离 - 1)。您可以使用 m_edges 向量执行此操作,每次实际知道 targetI 时,您可以使用距离值检查其对应的 scrI 如上所述。