
时间:2015-04-07 00:59:59

标签: java animation timer

我试图了解有关Java GUI编程的更多信息,特别是游戏动画。我引用了http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/c6/s4.html上名为“SubKiller.java”的程序。来源如下:

import java.awt.*;        
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

 * This panel implements a simple arcade game in which the user tries to blow
 * up a "submarine" (a black oval) by dropping "depth charges" (a red disk) from 
 * a "boat" (a blue roundrect).  The user moves the boat with the left- and 
 * right-arrow keys and drops the depth charge with the down-arrow key.
 * The sub moves left and right erratically along the bottom of the panel.
 * This class contains a main() routine to allow it to be run as a program.
public class SubKiller extends JPanel {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame window = new JFrame("Sub Killer Game");
        SubKiller content = new SubKiller();
        window.setSize(600, 480);
        window.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        window.setResizable(false);  // User can't change the window's size.


    private Timer timer;        // Timer that drives the animation.

    private int width, height;  // The size of the panel -- the values are set
                                //    the first time the paintComponent() method
                                //    is called.  This class is not designed to
                                //    handle changes in size; once the width and
                                //    height have been set, they are not changed.
                                //    Note that width and height cannot be set
                                //    in the constructor because the width and
                                //    height of the panel have not been set at
                                //    the time that the constructor is called.

    private Boat boat;          // The boat, bomb, and sub objects are defined
    private Bomb bomb;          //    by nested classes Boat, Bomb, and Submarine,
    private Submarine sub;      //    which are defined later in this class.
                                //    Note that the objects are created in the
                                //    paintComponent() method, after the width
                                //    and height of the panel are known.

     * The constructor sets the background color of the panel, creates the
     * timer, and adds a KeyListener, FocusListener, and MouseListener to the
     * panel.  These listeners, as well as the ActionListener for the timer
     * are defined by anonymous inner classes.  The timer will run only
     * when the panel has the input focus.
    public SubKiller() {

        setBackground( new Color(0,200,0) ); 

        ActionListener action = new ActionListener() {
                // Defines the action taken each time the timer fires.
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                if (boat != null) {
        timer = new Timer( 30, action );  // Fires every 30 milliseconds.

        addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() {
                // The mouse listener simply requests focus when the user
                // clicks the panel.
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent evt) {
        } );

        addFocusListener( new FocusListener() {
                // The focus listener starts the timer when the panel gains
                // the input focus and stops the timer when the panel loses
                // the focus.  It also calls repaint() when these events occur.
            public void focusGained(FocusEvent evt) {
            public void focusLost(FocusEvent evt) {
        } );

        addKeyListener( new KeyAdapter() {
                // The key listener responds to keyPressed events on the panel. Only
                // the left-, right-, and down-arrow keys have any effect.  The left- and
                // right-arrow keys move the boat while down-arrow releases the bomb.
            public void keyPressed(KeyEvent evt) {
                int code = evt.getKeyCode();  // Which key was pressed?
                if (code == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) {
                        // Move the boat left.  (If this moves the boat out of the frame, its
                        // position will be adjusted in the boat.updateForNewFrame() method.)
                    boat.centerX -= 15;
                else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) {  
                        // Move the boat right.  (If this moves boat out of the frame, its
                        // position will be adjusted in the boat.updateForNewFrame() method.)
                    boat.centerX += 15;
                else if (code == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) {
                        // Start the bomb falling, if it is not already falling.
                    if ( bomb.isFalling == false )
                        bomb.isFalling = true;
        } );

    } // end constructor

     * The paintComponent() method draws the current state of the game.  It
     * draws a gray or cyan border around the panel to indicate whether or not
     * the panel has the input focus.  It draws the boat, sub, and bomb by
     * calling their respective draw() methods.
    public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

        super.paintComponent(g);  // Fill panel with background color, green.

        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
        g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);

        if (boat == null) {
                // The first time that paintComponent is called, it assigns
                // values to the instance variables.
            width = getWidth();
            height = getHeight();
            boat = new Boat();
            sub = new Submarine();
            bomb = new Bomb();

        if (hasFocus())
        else {
            g.drawString("CLICK TO ACTIVATE", 20, 30);
        g.drawRect(0,0,width-1,height-1);  // Draw a 3-pixel border.


    } // end paintComponent()

     * This nested class defines the boat.  Note that its constructor cannot
     * be called until the width of the panel is known!
    private class Boat {
        int centerX, centerY;  // Current position of the center of the boat.
        Boat() { // Constructor centers the boat horizontally, 80 pixels from top.
            centerX = width/2;
            centerY = 80;
        void updateForNewFrame() { // Makes sure boat has not moved off screen.
            if (centerX < 0)
                centerX = 0;
            else if (centerX > width)
                centerX = width;
        void draw(Graphics g) {  // Draws the boat at its current location.
            g.fillRoundRect(centerX - 40, centerY - 20, 80, 40, 20, 20);
    } // end nested class Boat

     * This nested class defines the bomb. 
    private class Bomb {
        int centerX, centerY; // Current position of the center of the bomb.
        boolean isFalling;    // If true, the bomb is falling; if false, it
                             // is attached to the boat.
        Bomb() { // Constructor creates a bomb that is initially attached to boat.
            isFalling = false;
        void updateForNewFrame() {  // If bomb is falling, take appropriate action.
            if (isFalling) {
                if (centerY > height) {
                        // Bomb has missed the submarine.  It is returned to its
                        // initial state, with isFalling equal to false.
                    isFalling = false;
                else if (Math.abs(centerX - sub.centerX) <= 36 &&
                        Math.abs(centerY - sub.centerY) <= 21) {
                        // Bomb has hit the submarine.  The submarine
                        // enters the "isExploding" state.
                    sub.isExploding = true;
                    sub.explosionFrameNumber = 1;
                    isFalling = false;  // Bomb reappears on the boat.
                else {
                        // If the bomb has not fallen off the panel or hit the
                        // sub, then it is moved down 10 pixels.
                    centerY += 10;
        void draw(Graphics g) { // Draw the bomb.
            if ( ! isFalling ) {  // If not falling, set centerX and centerY
                                  // to show the bomb on the bottom of the boat.
                centerX = boat.centerX;
                centerY = boat.centerY + 23;
            g.fillOval(centerX - 8, centerY - 8, 16, 16);
    } // end nested class Bomb

     * This nested class defines the sub.  Note that its constructor cannot
     * be called until the width of the panel is known!
    private class Submarine {
        int centerX, centerY; // Current position of the center of the sub.
        boolean isMovingLeft; // Tells whether the sub is moving left or right
        boolean isExploding;  // Set to true when the sub is hit by the bomb.
        int explosionFrameNumber;  // If the sub is exploding, this is the number
                                   //   of frames since the explosion started.
        Submarine() {  // Create the sub at a random location 40 pixels from bottom.
            centerX = (int)(width*Math.random());
            centerY = height - 40;
            isExploding = false;
            isMovingLeft = (Math.random() < 0.5);
        void updateForNewFrame() { // Move sub or increase explosionFrameNumber.
            if (isExploding) {
                    // If the sub is exploding, add 1 to explosionFrameNumber.
                    // When the number reaches 15, the explosion ends and the
                    // sub reappears in a random position.
                if (explosionFrameNumber == 15) { 
                    centerX = (int)(width*Math.random());
                    centerY = height - 40;
                    isExploding = false;
                    isMovingLeft = (Math.random() < 0.5);
            else { // Move the sub.
                if (Math.random() < 0.04) {  
                        // In one frame out of every 25, on average, the sub
                        // reverses its direction of motion.
                    isMovingLeft = ! isMovingLeft; 
                if (isMovingLeft) { 
                        // Move the sub 5 pixels to the left.  If it moves off
                        // the left edge of the panel, move it back to the left
                        // edge and start it moving to the right.
                    centerX -= 5;  
                    if (centerX <= 0) {  
                        centerX = 0; 
                        isMovingLeft = false; 
                else {
                        // Move the sub 5 pixels to the right.  If it moves off
                        // the right edge of the panel, move it back to the right
                        // edge and start it moving to the left.
                    centerX += 5;         
                    if (centerX > width) {  
                        centerX = width;   
                        isMovingLeft = true; 
        void draw(Graphics g) {  // Draw sub and, if it is exploding, the explosion.
            g.fillOval(centerX - 30, centerY - 15, 60, 30);
            if (isExploding) {
                    // Draw an "explosion" that grows in size as the number of
                    // frames since the start of the explosion increases.
                g.fillOval(centerX - 4*explosionFrameNumber,
                        centerY - 2*explosionFrameNumber,
                g.fillOval(centerX - 2*explosionFrameNumber,
                        centerY - explosionFrameNumber/2,
    } // end nested class Submarine    

} // end class SubKiller


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