%function colorMoments = colorMoments(hsv)
% image to be first converted from R, G, B to the H, S, V color space
% input: image to be analyzed and extract 2 first moments from each H,S,V
% output: 1x6 vector containing the 2 first color momenst from each H,S,V
% channel
% load image into work space and re-size
a = imread('filename.ext');
b = imresize(a,0.079);
% convert from R,G,B to the H,S,V color space
hsv = rgb2hsv(b);
% extract color channels
H = double(hsv(:, :, 1));
S = double(hsv(:, :, 2));
V = double(hsv(:, :, 3));
% compute 2 first color moments from each channel
meanH = mean( H(:) );
stdH = std( H(:) );
meanS = mean( S(:) );
stdS = std( S(:) );
meanV = mean( V(:) );
stdV = std( V(:) );
% construct output vector
colorMoments = zeros(1, 6);
colorMoments(1, :) = [meanH stdH meanS stdS meanV stdV];