id trainee course category fromdate todate status
1 111 sim Pro 01-02-2015 08-04-2015 Pending
2 169 Sim VM 01-03-2015 04-03-2015 Completed
所以在上表中,第一次训练(abc)从2月1日开始,到4月8日结束,第二次训练(xyz)从3月1日到3月8日。 我想计算为
for the month of February training days = 28 , No. of Trainees = 1
March training days = 31 + 4 , No. of Trainees = 2
April training days = 8 , No. of Trainees = 1
SELECT * FROM trainingsessions where fromdate between '2015-02-01' and '2015-02-28' and todate between '2015-02-01' and '2015-02-28' ;
但是第二个参数失败并且没有任何返回。 我怎么能这样做?