
时间:2015-03-13 21:15:35

标签: javascript


基本上,有三个图像,一块石头,一张纸和一些剪刀,然后你点击一个。使用我键入的代码,计算机生成一个随机值,该值将转换为摇滚,纸张或剪刀。当玩家点击图像时,它会将玩家选择设置为摇滚,纸张或剪刀。然后javascript运行一些if else语句来比较两个选项,并决定胜利者。


<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Rock Paper Scissors</title>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.3/jquery.min.js"></script>
body {
    font-family: Roboto, Arial; 

.choose img {
    width: 150px;
    margin: 20px;   


<div class="choose" align="center">
    <h2 id="question">Rock, paper, or scissors?"</h2>
    <img src="http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141120133208/epicrapbattlesofhistory/images/4/4b/A_Rock!.gif" id="rock"><img src="http://www.clipartpal.com/_thumbs/pd/education/paper_sheet.png" id="paper"><img src="http://www2.fiskars.com/var/fiskars_amer/storage/images/frontpage2/sewing-quilting/products/scissors-and-sharpeners/the-original-orange-handled-scissors-8/16933-6-eng-US/The-Original-Orange-Handled-Scissors-8_product_main.png" id="scissors">


    var computerChoice = math.random();
    var userChoice = null;

    //Change randomly generated number to rock, paper, or scissors
    if (computerChoice < .33) {
        computerChoice == "rock";
    } else if (computerChoice < .66) {
        computerChoice == "paper";
    } else {
        computerChoice == "scissors";   

    //Set userChoice variable to rock, paper, or scissors
    function convertUserChoice() {
        $('#rock').click(function() {
            userChoice == "rock";
        $('#paper').click(function() {
            userChoice == "paper";
        $('#scissors').click(function() {
            userChoice == "scissors";

    //Compare computerChoice with userChoice, decide who wins
    if (userChoice == computerChoice) {
        alert ("Tie!");
    } else if (userChoice == "rock") {
        if (computerChoice == "scissors") {
            alert ("You win!");
        } else {
            alert ("You lose.");
    } else if (userChoice == "paper") {
        if (computerChoice == "rock") {
            alert ("You win!");
        } else {
            alert ("You lose.");
    } else if (userChoice == "scissors") {
        if (computerChoice == "paper") {
            alert ("You win!");
        } else {
            alert ("You lose");


以下是实际html页面的链接: https://747d6108ac1130fc3601936220515b351efca1a4.googledrive.com/host/0B4rWYiw5-JZtfjJpT2M0WUNRRGtWQ250RElDc2QxRUc2aEdzajFERWkzVUVTd0pkNlY3LXc/RPS.html


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


  1. 您的点击处理程序未附加到DOM元素,因为您尚未调用convertUserChoice()。只需删除该功能即可使用。
  2. 使用=代替==。需要保留而不是比较。
  3. 您需要为computerChoicecheckChoise创建功能,以便在需要时调用它们。
  4. 当然,正如评论Math中所提到的,upercase是必需的。
  5. 请在此jsFiddle及以下版本中找到您的代码。


    您可以使用支票对象来改善您的获胜支票。该对象存储用户的每个获胜情况。例如如果用户选择摇滚,那么winningCombinations['rock']将返回值scissors,如果computerChoice是剪刀,那将是一个获胜的情况,比较将返回true,字符串win将是结果。 (参见下面的更新代码。)

    这比你的if / else条件容易。

        var computerChoice = null,
            userChoice = null;
        var newComputerChoice = function () {
            computerChoice = Math.random();
            //Change randomly generated number to rock, paper, or scissors
            if (computerChoice < .33) {
                computerChoice = "rock";
            } else if (computerChoice < .66) {
                computerChoice = "paper";
            } else {
                computerChoice = "scissors";
            console.log('pc choice: ', computerChoice);
        //Set userChoice variable to rock, paper, or scissors
        //function convertUserChoice() {
        $('.choose>img').click(function () {
            var id = $(this).attr('id');
            userChoice = id.substring(0, id.length); //#rock --> remove #
            console.log('user choice: ', userChoice);
        var checkChoice = function () {
            var message = function(msgType) {
                var msgTypes = ['win', 'lose'],
                    index = msgTypes.indexOf(msgType),
                    format = ( index != -1 ) ? 'You %1$s!': 'Tie!';
                alert(sprintf(format, msgTypes[index]));
            var winningCombinations = {
                // userchoice: computerchoice
                rock: 'scissors', // you win
                paper: 'rock',    // you win
                scissors: 'paper' // you win
            var result;
            //Compare computerChoice with userChoice, decide who wins
            if (userChoice == computerChoice) {
            else {
                result = ( winningCombinations[userChoice] == computerChoice ) ? 'win': 'lose';
    body {
        font-family: Roboto, Arial;
    .choose img {
        width: 150px;
        margin: 20px;
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    <div class="choose" align="center">
         <h2 id="question">Rock, paper, or scissors?"</h2>
        <img src="http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20141120133208/epicrapbattlesofhistory/images/4/4b/A_Rock!.gif" id="rock">
        <img src="http://www.clipartpal.com/_thumbs/pd/education/paper_sheet.png" id="paper">
        <img src="http://www2.fiskars.com/var/fiskars_amer/storage/images/frontpage2/sewing-quilting/products/scissors-and-sharpeners/the-original-orange-handled-scissors-8/16933-6-eng-US/The-Original-Orange-Handled-Scissors-8_product_main.png" id="scissors">