factors n = [ x | x <- [2..s], mod n x ==0]
where s = floor $ sqrt(fromIntegral n)
-- this is wrong - but why cause earlier errors?
-- getDigs ns = map digitToInt $ map show ns -- Bad
-- getDigs ns = map digitToInt $ show ns -- Good
getDigs :: Int -> [Int]
getDigs ns = map digitToInt $ map show ns
Could not deduce (RealFrac s0) arising from a use of `floor'
from the context (Integral t)
bound by the inferred type of factors :: Integral t => t -> [t]
at preTest.hs:(7,1)-(8,44)
The type variable `s0' is ambiguous
Note: there are several potential instances:
instance RealFrac Double -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance RealFrac Float -- Defined in `GHC.Float'
instance Integral a => RealFrac (GHC.Real.Ratio a)
-- Defined in `GHC.Real'
In the expression: floor
In the expression: floor $ sqrt (fromIntegral n)
In an equation for `s': s = floor $ sqrt (fromIntegral n)
如果我显式键入第一个函数( factors :: Int - &gt; [Int] ),那么编译器会在第二个函数中正确地找到错误。推断类型是:
factors :: Integral t => t -> [t]
(GHCi 7.8.3)