创建轨迹栏以在OpenCV Python中滚动大图像

时间:2015-02-18 23:26:03

标签: python opencv window scrollbars

我正在尝试在OpenCv python创建的窗口中创建滚动条。我知道我需要实现代码来处理滚动/平移过程,但我不知道从哪里开始,我到处都是。我必须在OpenCV窗口中创建滚动条而不是使用其他GUI窗口框架。下面是我用来加载图像和缩放图像的代码(有效)。任何帮助表示赞赏。请不要向我推荐有关创建轨迹栏的opencv文档,我已经阅读过它并且它根本没有帮助。谢谢!

import cv2
import cv2.cv as cv
import numpy as np

cv.NamedWindow('image', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
cv.NamedWindow('Control Window', cv.CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)

print " Zoom In-Out demo "
print " Press u to zoom "
print " Press d to zoom "

img = cv2.imread('picture.jpg')

    h,w = img.shape[:2]

    k = cv2.waitKey(10)

    if k==27 :

    elif k == ord('u'):  # Zoom in, make image double size
        img = cv2.pyrUp(img,dstsize = (2*w,2*h))

    elif k == ord('d'):  # Zoom down, make image half the size
        img = cv2.pyrDown(img,dstsize = (w/2,h/2))


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


  1. 向右或向下拖动以缩放
  2. 右键单击以使视图居中于鼠标
  3. 拖动x和y轨迹栏以滚动
  4. 初始化时,您可以选择传入当用户左键单击像素时将调用的函数
  5. (据我所知,OpenCV无法读取鼠标滚轮,无法创建垂直轨迹栏,因此用户体验有点不直观,但有效。)

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    import cv2
    import numpy as np
    class PanZoomWindow(object):
        """ Controls an OpenCV window. Registers a mouse listener so that:
            1. right-dragging up/down zooms in/out
            2. right-clicking re-centers
            3. trackbars scroll vertically and horizontally 
        You can open multiple windows at once if you specify different window names.
        You can pass in an onLeftClickFunction, and when the user left-clicks, this 
        will call onLeftClickFunction(y,x), with y,x in original image coordinates."""
        def __init__(self, img, windowName = 'PanZoomWindow', onLeftClickFunction = None):
            self.WINDOW_NAME = windowName
            self.H_TRACKBAR_NAME = 'x'
            self.V_TRACKBAR_NAME = 'y'
            self.img = img
            self.onLeftClickFunction = onLeftClickFunction
            self.TRACKBAR_TICKS = 1000
            self.panAndZoomState = PanAndZoomState(img.shape, self)
            self.lButtonDownLoc = None
            self.mButtonDownLoc = None
            self.rButtonDownLoc = None
            cv2.namedWindow(self.WINDOW_NAME, cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL)
            cv2.setMouseCallback(self.WINDOW_NAME, self.onMouse)
            cv2.createTrackbar(self.H_TRACKBAR_NAME, self.WINDOW_NAME, 0, self.TRACKBAR_TICKS, self.onHTrackbarMove)
            cv2.createTrackbar(self.V_TRACKBAR_NAME, self.WINDOW_NAME, 0, self.TRACKBAR_TICKS, self.onVTrackbarMove)
        def onMouse(self,event, x,y,_ignore1,_ignore2):
            """ Responds to mouse events within the window. 
            The x and y are pixel coordinates in the image currently being displayed.
            If the user has zoomed in, the image being displayed is a sub-region, so you'll need to
            add self.panAndZoomState.ul to get the coordinates in the full image."""
            if event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE:
            elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONDOWN:
                #record where the user started to right-drag
                self.mButtonDownLoc = np.array([y,x])
            elif event == cv2.EVENT_RBUTTONUP and self.mButtonDownLoc is not None:
                #the user just finished right-dragging
                dy = y - self.mButtonDownLoc[0]
                pixelsPerDoubling = 0.2*self.panAndZoomState.shape[0] #lower = zoom more
                changeFactor = (1.0+abs(dy)/pixelsPerDoubling)
                changeFactor = min(max(1.0,changeFactor),5.0)
                if changeFactor < 1.05:
                    dy = 0 #this was a click, not a draw. So don't zoom, just re-center.
                if dy > 0: #moved down, so zoom out.
                    zoomInFactor = 1.0/changeFactor
                    zoomInFactor = changeFactor
    #            print "zoomFactor:",zoomFactor
                self.panAndZoomState.zoom(self.mButtonDownLoc[0], self.mButtonDownLoc[1], zoomInFactor)
            elif event == cv2.EVENT_LBUTTONDOWN:
                #the user pressed the left button. 
                coordsInDisplayedImage = np.array([y,x])
                if np.any(coordsInDisplayedImage < 0) or np.any(coordsInDisplayedImage > self.panAndZoomState.shape[:2]):
                    print "you clicked outside the image area"
                    print "you clicked on",coordsInDisplayedImage,"within the zoomed rectangle"
                    coordsInFullImage = self.panAndZoomState.ul + coordsInDisplayedImage
                    print "this is",coordsInFullImage,"in the actual image"
                    print "this pixel holds ",self.img[coordsInFullImage[0],coordsInFullImage[1]]
                    if self.onLeftClickFunction is not None:
            #you can handle other mouse click events here
        def onVTrackbarMove(self,tickPosition):
        def onHTrackbarMove(self,tickPosition):
        def redrawImage(self):
            pzs = self.panAndZoomState
            cv2.imshow(self.WINDOW_NAME, self.img[pzs.ul[0]:pzs.ul[0]+pzs.shape[0], pzs.ul[1]:pzs.ul[1]+pzs.shape[1]])
    class PanAndZoomState(object):
        """ Tracks the currently-shown rectangle of the image.
        Does the math to adjust this rectangle to pan and zoom."""
        MIN_SHAPE = np.array([50,50])
        def __init__(self, imShape, parentWindow):
            self.ul = np.array([0,0]) #upper left of the zoomed rectangle (expressed as y,x)
            self.imShape = np.array(imShape[0:2])
            self.shape = self.imShape #current dimensions of rectangle
            self.parentWindow = parentWindow
        def zoom(self,relativeCy,relativeCx,zoomInFactor):
            self.shape = (self.shape.astype(np.float)/zoomInFactor).astype(np.int)
            #expands the view to a square shape if possible. (I don't know how to get the actual window aspect ratio)
            self.shape[:] = np.max(self.shape) 
            self.shape = np.maximum(PanAndZoomState.MIN_SHAPE,self.shape) #prevent zooming in too far
            c = self.ul+np.array([relativeCy,relativeCx])
            self.ul = c-self.shape/2
        def _fixBoundsAndDraw(self):
            """ Ensures we didn't scroll/zoom outside the image. 
            Then draws the currently-shown rectangle of the image."""
    #        print "in self.ul:",self.ul, "shape:",self.shape
            self.ul = np.maximum(0,np.minimum(self.ul, self.imShape-self.shape))
            self.shape = np.minimum(np.maximum(PanAndZoomState.MIN_SHAPE,self.shape), self.imShape-self.ul)
    #        print "out self.ul:",self.ul, "shape:",self.shape
            yFraction = float(self.ul[0])/max(1,self.imShape[0]-self.shape[0])
            xFraction = float(self.ul[1])/max(1,self.imShape[1]-self.shape[1])
            cv2.setTrackbarPos(self.parentWindow.H_TRACKBAR_NAME, self.parentWindow.WINDOW_NAME,int(xFraction*self.parentWindow.TRACKBAR_TICKS))
            cv2.setTrackbarPos(self.parentWindow.V_TRACKBAR_NAME, self.parentWindow.WINDOW_NAME,int(yFraction*self.parentWindow.TRACKBAR_TICKS))
        def setYAbsoluteOffset(self,yPixel):
            self.ul[0] = min(max(0,yPixel), self.imShape[0]-self.shape[0])
        def setXAbsoluteOffset(self,xPixel):
            self.ul[1] = min(max(0,xPixel), self.imShape[1]-self.shape[1])
        def setYFractionOffset(self,fraction):
            """ pans so the upper-left zoomed rectange is "fraction" of the way down the image."""
            self.ul[0] = int(round((self.imShape[0]-self.shape[0])*fraction))
        def setXFractionOffset(self,fraction):
            """ pans so the upper-left zoomed rectange is "fraction" of the way right on the image."""
            self.ul[1] = int(round((self.imShape[1]-self.shape[1])*fraction))
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        infile = "./testImage.png"
        myImage = cv2.imread(infile,cv2.IMREAD_ANYCOLOR)
        window = PanZoomWindow(myImage, "test window")
        key = -1
        while key != ord('q') and key != 27: # 27 = escape key
            #the OpenCV window won't display until you call cv2.waitKey()
            key = cv2.waitKey(5) #User can press 'q' or ESC to exit.

答案 1 :(得分:1)



这不是真的。您可以在处理后始终更新图像。例如,查看herehere especially
这些示例在OpenCv中处理图像并将它们放在PyQt gui框架中。我相信你可以和其他Gui框架做类似的事情(我无法为Tkinter找到任何东西)。我想我过去已经看过wxPython集成了。


img=QImage(image)#similar to how pyqt would work


编辑:在这种情况下,我会渲染视频(请参阅this example&amp; here),然后将图像作为单独的对象,然后使用pyqt渲染(再次作为第三个对象)。要捕获鼠标单击的位置,请查看this question,最后,将该点引用到第二个对象,即OpenCV图像。