
时间:2015-01-19 11:53:01

标签: scala generics lower-bound upperbound


class Creature {
  override def toString = "I exist"

class Person(val name: String) extends Creature {
  override def toString = name

class Employee(override val name: String) extends Person(name) {
  override def toString = name

class Test[T](val x: T = null) {

  def upperBound[U <: T](v: U): Test[U] = {
    new Test[U](v)

  def lowerBound[U >: T](v: U): Test[U] = {
    new Test[U](v)


Creature <- Person <- Employee

在def main中:

val test = new Test[Person]()

val ub = test.upperBound(new Employee("John Derp")) //#1 ok because Employee is subtype of Person
val lb = test.lowerBound(new Creature())            //#2 ok because Creature is supertype of Person

val ub2 = test.upperBound(new Creature())           //#3 error because Creature is not subtype of Person
val lb2 = test.lowerBound(new Employee("Scala Jo")) //#4 ok? how could? as Employee is not supertype of Person


  1. A <: B定义A必须是子类型或等于B(上限)

  2. A >: B定义A必须是超类型或等于B(下限)

  3. 但是#4发生了什么?为什么没有错误?由于Employee不是Person的超类型,我希望它不符合绑定类型参数[U >: T]


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


scala> test.lowerBound(new Employee("Scala Jo"))
res9: Test[Person] = Test@1ba319a7

scala> test.lowerBound[Employee](new Employee("Scala Jo"))
<console>:21: error: type arguments [Employee] do not conform to method lowerBound's type parameter bounds [U >: Person]
              test.lowerBound[Employee](new Employee("Scala Jo"))

一般情况下,它连接到Liskov Substitution Principle - 您可以在任何地方使用子类型而不是超类型(或者#34;子类型总是可以转换为其超类型&#34;),因此类型推断试图推断尽可能最近的超类型(如Person这里)。

因此,对于ub2,[Nothing..Person][Creature..Any]之间没有这样的交集,但对于lb2,[Person..Any][Employee..Any]之间存在一个交叉点 - 那就是&#39} Person。因此,您应明确指定类型(强制Employee而不是[Employee..Any])以避免此处的类型推断。


scala> def aaa[T, A >: T](a: A)(t: T, a2: A) = t
aaa: [T, A >: T](a: A)(t: T, a2: A)T

scala> aaa(new Employee(""))(new Person(""), new Employee(""))
<console>:19: error: type arguments [Person,Employee] do not conform to method aaa's type parameter bounds [T,A >: T]
              aaa(new Employee(""))(new Person(""), new Employee(""))

此处类型A在第一个参数列表中被推断并固定为Employee,因此第二个参数列表(抛出错误)只有选择 - 按原样使用它。


scala> case class O[T](a: T)
defined class O

scala> def aaa[T, A >: T](t: T, a2: O[A]) = t
aaa: [T, A >: T](t: T, a2: O[A])T

scala> aaa(new Person(""), O(new Employee("")))
<console>:21: error: type mismatch;
 found   : O[Employee]
 required: O[Person]
Note: Employee <: Person, but class O is invariant in type T.
You may wish to define T as +T instead. (SLS 4.5)
              aaa(new Person(""), O(new Employee("")))
此处{p> T已固定为Employee,无法将O[Employee]转换为O[Person] {{1}}由于默认情况下的不变性。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


