从Python读取3D HDF的特定Z组件切片

时间:2014-12-02 17:53:33

标签: python hdf5 hdf pyhdf

有谁知道如何修改以下代码,以便我可以在Python中读取3D hdf数据的特定z组件切片?从附图中可以看出,z值从0到160,我想绘制' 80'只要。尺寸为400x160x160。这是我的代码。

import h5handler as h5h

h5h.manager.setPath('E:\data\Data5', False)

for i in np.arange(0,1,5000):

cycleFile = h5h.CycleFile(h5h.manager.cycleFiles['cycle_'+str(i)+'.hdf'], 'r')

fig = plt.figure()

fig.suptitle('Cycle_'+str(i)+' at t=14.4s', fontsize=20)

ax1 = plt.subplot(311)

ax2 = plt.subplot(312)

ax3 = plt.subplot(313)

Bx = np.reshape(cycleFile.get('/fields/Bx').value.T, (160,400))*6.872130320978866e-06*(1e9)

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from pyhdf.SD import *
import numpy as np

file_handle = SD("your_input_file.hdf", SDC.READ)
data_handle = file_handle.select("Bx")
Bx_data = data_handle.get() #creates a numpy array filled with the data
Bx_subset = Bx_data[:,:,80]


import Nio

file_handle = nio.open_file("your_input_file.hdf", format='hdf')
Bx_data = file_handle.variables["Bx"][:] #creates a numpy array filled with the data
Bx_subset = Bx_data[:,:,80]
