
时间:2014-11-28 16:43:41

标签: r

我正在尝试执行以下操作,但是我会在最终的列表方式中使用函数(#4以下 - #1-3只是问题的设置):

  1. 将时间序列数据框拆分为按细分列表
  2. 将其中的每一个拆分为培训和测试集
  3. 使用auto.arima()(在训练集上)为每个细分市场构建arima模型(预测收入,订单为 xreg
  4. 使用每个细分市场的arima模型预测收入,使用下一期的订单值
  5. (1):数据:

    library(plyr); library(xts); library(forecast)
    data <- data.frame(
        date = seq(as.Date('2014-05-01'), length = 31, by = '1 day'),
        segment = c(rep('High', 31), rep('Med', 31), rep('Low', 31)),
        orders = sample(50:100, 93, replace=TRUE),
        revenue = sample(1500:3000, 93, replace=TRUE))


    train_dates <- as.Date('2014-05-01') + 0:19
    test_dates <- as.Date('2014-05-21') + 0:10


    xtsFunc <- function(x) {
        as.xts(x[,3:4], order.by=x$date)
    # Training and test lists:
    train_list <- dlply(subset(data, date %in% train_dates), .(segment), xtsFunc)
    test_list <- dlply(subset(data, date %in% test_dates), .(segment), xtsFunc)


    arimaFunc <- function(x){
        auto.arima(x[,'revenue'], xreg=x[,'orders'])
    train_arimas <- llply(train_list, arimaFunc) 


    如何将“train_arimas”中的模型应用到“test_list”中各自的段,使用[,'orders']的未来值(例如来自“test_list”)作为“预测中的xreg参数” .Arima()“?


    forecastFunc <- function(x){
        forecast.Arima(x, h=11, xreg=test_list$x$orders)
    lapply(train_arimas, forecastFunc)

    注意:这有点像我问的earlier question,但希望措辞更清楚......


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


# Split the data according to the variable `segment`
data_s <- split(data, data$segment)

# Estimate a model for each list element for the period [01-05.2014; 20-05.2014]
mod <- lapply(data_s, function(x) auto.arima(x$revenue[1:20], xreg = x$orders[1:20]))

# Apply respective models to the data supplying the regressor `orders`:
res <- mapply(function(mod, data_s) forecast.Arima(mod, xreg = data_s$orders[21:31]), mod, data_s)

# In order to get the respective forecasts (`means`):
forecasts <- lapply(apply(res, 2, list), function(x) x[[1]]$mean)


plot(data_s$Low$revenue, type="l")
lines(21:31, forecasts$Low, col = "red")

plot(data_s$High$revenue, type="l")
lines(21:31, forecasts$High, col = "red")

plot(data_s$Med$revenue, type="l")
lines(21:31, forecasts$Med, col = "red")