
时间:2014-11-24 10:55:05

标签: recursion concurrency go goroutine




这是Tour of Go的最后一项练习,https://tour.golang.org/#73


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


示例on playground

package main

import (

type Fetcher interface {
    // Fetch returns the body of URL and
    // a slice of URLs found on that page.
    Fetch(url string) (body string, urls []string, err error)

// Crawl uses fetcher to recursively crawl
// pages starting with url, to a maximum of depth.
func Crawl(wg *sync.WaitGroup, url string, depth int, fetcher Fetcher, cache *UrlCache, results *Results) {
    defer wg.Done()

    if depth <= 0 || !cache.AtomicSet(url) {

    body, urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
    if err != nil {
        results.Error <- err

    results.Data <- [2]string{url, body}

    for _, url := range urls {
        go Crawl(wg, url, depth-1, fetcher, cache, results)

func main() {
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    cache := NewUrlCache()

    results := NewResults()
    defer results.Close()

    go Crawl(&wg, "http://golang.org/", 4, fetcher, cache, results)
    go results.Read()

// Results defines channels which yield results for a single crawled URL.
type Results struct {
    Data  chan [2]string // url + body.
    Error chan error     // Possible fetcher error.

func NewResults() *Results {
    return &Results{
        Data:  make(chan [2]string, 1),
        Error: make(chan error, 1),

func (r *Results) Close() error {
    return nil

// Read reads crawled results or errors, for as long as the channels are open.
func (r *Results) Read() {
    for {
        select {
        case data := <-r.Data:
            fmt.Println(">", data)

        case err := <-r.Error:
            fmt.Println("e", err)

// UrlCache defines a cache of URL's we've already visited.
type UrlCache struct {
    data map[string]struct{} // Empty struct occupies 0 bytes, whereas bool takes 1 bytes.

func NewUrlCache() *UrlCache { return &UrlCache{data: make(map[string]struct{})} }

// AtomicSet sets the given url in the cache and returns false if it already existed.
// All within the same locked context. Modifying a map without synchronisation is not safe
// when done from multiple goroutines. Doing a Exists() check and Set() separately will
// create a race condition, so we must combine both in a single operation.
func (c *UrlCache) AtomicSet(url string) bool {
    _, ok := c.data[url]
    c.data[url] = struct{}{}
    return !ok

// fakeFetcher is Fetcher that returns canned results.
type fakeFetcher map[string]*fakeResult

type fakeResult struct {
    body string
    urls []string

func (f fakeFetcher) Fetch(url string) (string, []string, error) {
    if res, ok := f[url]; ok {
        return res.body, res.urls, nil
    return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("not found: %s", url)

// fetcher is a populated fakeFetcher.
var fetcher = fakeFetcher{
    "http://golang.org/": &fakeResult{
        "The Go Programming Language",
    "http://golang.org/pkg/": &fakeResult{
    "http://golang.org/pkg/fmt/": &fakeResult{
        "Package fmt",
    "http://golang.org/pkg/os/": &fakeResult{
        "Package os",


答案 1 :(得分:2)


在您的情况下,找到的网址数量将是产生的例程数量,但不一定需要。我会亲自产生或多或少固定数量的提取例程,因此您不会打开太多的HTTP请求(或者至少您可以控制它)。那么你的主循环不会改变,因为它不关心如何执行提取。这里的重要事实是你需要为每个url发送一个结果或错误 - 我在这里修改了代码,所以当深度已经为1时它不会产生新的例程。




package main

import (

type Fetcher interface {
    // Fetch returns the body of URL and
    // a slice of URLs found on that page.
    Fetch(url string) (body string, urls []string, err error)

type Res struct {
    url string
    body string
    found int // Number of new urls found

// Crawl uses fetcher to recursively crawl
// pages starting with url, to a maximum of depth.
func Crawl(url string, depth int, fetcher Fetcher, ch chan Res, errs chan error, visited map[string]bool) {
    body, urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
    visited[url] = true
    if err != nil {
        errs <- err

    newUrls := 0    
    if depth > 1 {
        for _, u := range urls {
            if !visited[u] {
                go Crawl(u, depth-1, fetcher, ch, errs, visited)

    // Send the result along with number of urls to be fetched
    ch <- Res{url, body, newUrls}


func main() {
    ch := make(chan Res)
    errs := make(chan error)
    visited := map[string]bool{}
    go Crawl("http://golang.org/", 4, fetcher, ch, errs, visited)
    tocollect := 1
    for n := 0; n < tocollect; n++ {
        select {
        case s := <-ch:
            fmt.Printf("found: %s %q\n", s.url, s.body)
            tocollect += s.found
        case e := <-errs:


// fakeFetcher is Fetcher that returns canned results.
type fakeFetcher map[string]*fakeResult

type fakeResult struct {
    body string
    urls []string

func (f fakeFetcher) Fetch(url string) (string, []string, error) {
    if res, ok := f[url]; ok {
        return res.body, res.urls, nil
    return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("not found: %s", url)

// fetcher is a populated fakeFetcher.
var fetcher = fakeFetcher{
    "http://golang.org/": &fakeResult{
        "The Go Programming Language",
    "http://golang.org/pkg/": &fakeResult{
    "http://golang.org/pkg/fmt/": &fakeResult{
        "Package fmt",
    "http://golang.org/pkg/os/": &fakeResult{
        "Package os",


答案 2 :(得分:0)

这是我解决Go Tour网络爬虫练习的方式

为了跟踪并行执行中的递归完成,我使用了Atomic Integer计数器来跟踪并行递归中抓取了多少个url。在主函数中,我循环等待直到原子计数器递减回零。

为避免再次抓取相同的URL ,我使用了Mutex映射来跟踪抓取的URL。


您可以找到entire working code here on Github

// Safe HashSet Version
type SafeHashSet struct {
    urls map[string]bool //Primarily we wanted use this as an hashset, so the value of map is not significant to us

var (
    urlSet     SafeHashSet
    urlCounter int64

// Adds an URL to the Set, returns true if new url was added (if not present already)
func (m *SafeHashSet) add(newUrl string) bool {
    defer m.Unlock()
    _, ok := m.urls[newUrl]
    if !ok {
        m.urls[newUrl] = true
        return true
    return false

// Crawl uses fetcher to recursively crawl
// pages starting with url, to a maximum of depth.
func Crawl(url string, depth int, fetcher Fetcher) {

    // Decrement the atomic url counter, when this crawl function exits
    defer atomic.AddInt64(&urlCounter, -1)

    if depth <= 0 {

    // Don't Process a url if it is already processed
    isNewUrl := urlSet.add(url)

    if !isNewUrl {
        fmt.Printf("skip: \t%s\n", url)

    body, urls, err := fetcher.Fetch(url)
    if err != nil {
    fmt.Printf("found: \t%s %q\n", url, body)

    for _, u := range urls {
        atomic.AddInt64(&urlCounter, 1)
        // Crawl parallely
        go Crawl(u, depth-1, fetcher)

func main() {
    urlSet = SafeHashSet{urls: make(map[string]bool)}

    atomic.AddInt64(&urlCounter, 1)
    go Crawl("https://golang.org/", 4, fetcher)

    for atomic.LoadInt64(&urlCounter) > 0 {
        time.Sleep(100 * time.Microsecond)