二进制搜索树 - 复制树

时间:2014-11-17 03:02:39

标签: c++ recursion binary-search-tree copy-constructor

我在使用C ++对数据结构进行排序时,我正在编写一堆函数来创建二进制搜索树类。在尝试创建复制构造函数/函数来复制树时,我有点迷失。

void BST<T>::copyBST(Node* treeOriginal, Node* treeNew){

        if (treeOriginal == NULL) //base case to end recursion when at tree end
            treeNew == NULL;
            Node* treeNew = new Node;  //create the node and set the new key to original
            treeNew->key = treeOriginal->key;

            Node* leftChild = new Node; //create a left node to be child of new node
            treeNew->left = leftChild;
            leftChild->parent = treeNew;

            Node* rightChild = new Node; //create a right node
            treeNew->right = rightChild;
            rightChild->parent = treeNew;

            copyBST(treeOriginal->left, leftChild); //call copy function on subtree of left child
            copyBST(treeOriginal->right, rightChild); //call copy function on subtree of right child



leftChild->parent = treeNew; and rightChild->parent = treeNew;




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void BST<T>::copyBST(Node* treeOriginal, Node *parent, Node*& treeNew){

    if (treeOriginal == NULL) //base case to end recursion when at tree end
        treeNew == NULL;
        Node* treeNew = new Node;  //create the node and set the new key to original
        treeNew->key = treeOriginal->key;
        treeNew->parent = parent;

        // Just call recursively to copy the subtrees:
        copyBST(treeOriginal->left, treeNew, treeNew->left);
        copyBST(treeOriginal->right, treeNew, treeNew->right);


Node* BST<T>::copyOf(Node* treeOriginal, Node *parent){

    if (treeOriginal == NULL) //base case to end recursion when at tree end
        return NULL;

    //create the node and set the new key to original
    Node* treeNew = new Node;
    treeNew->key = treeOriginal->key;
    treeNew->parent = parent;

    // Just call recursively to copy the subtrees:
    treeNew->left = copyOf(treeOriginal->left, treeNew);
    treeNew->right = copyOf(treeOriginal->right, treeNew);

    return treeNew;