def balloonBubbleCollide(balloon,bubble):
point1 = balloon.getCenter() #get center of user controlled balloon
point2= bubble.getCenter() #get center of select bubble
distance= getDistance(point1, point2) #run distance foruma
if distance <= 30: #if distance <= to 30, given my parameters, they are colliding
return True
def checkForBubblesAbsorbed(balloon, bubbles, window):
count = 0 #initial number of balloons absorbed
for bubble in bubbles: #check each bubble
collide = balloonBubbleCollide(balloon, bubble) #True or False, if colliding
if collide == True:
count = count + 1 #increase the number of absorbed by 1 upon collision
return count
我猜这些是感兴趣的功能。我明白为什么它不起作用。当距离&lt; = 30时,计数等于计数+ 1 。但是,如何使它成为累积计数?
答案 0 :(得分:0)
您在每个return count
def checkForBubblesAbsorbed(balloon, bubbles, window):
count = 0
for bubble in bubbles:
collide = balloonBubbleCollide(balloon, bubble)
if collide == True:
count = count + 1
# This return should be outside the for loop (you have an extra indent)
return count
注意:您可以使用if collide
你可以在计数函数之外创建一个变量cumulative_count = 0
(例如在.py模块的全局范围内),然后是cumulative_count += checkForBubblesAbsorbed(...)
cumulative_count = 0
def balloonBubbleCollide(...)
def checkForBubblesAbsorbed(...)
def somewhere(...)
cumulative_count += checkForBubblesAbsorbed(...)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
返回一个布尔值,你需要在第一次迭代后没有返回的整个循环的总和,这是你自己的代码中发生的事情。 for循环中的return
def balloonBubbleCollide(balloon,bubble):
point1 = balloon.getCenter()
point2= bubble.getCenter()
distance= getDistance(point1, point2)
return distance <= 30 # will be True or False
def checkForBubblesAbsorbed(balloon, bubbles):
return sum(balloonBubbleCollide(balloon, bubble) for bubble in bubbles)