时间:2014-10-15 16:59:12

标签: vhdl fpga vga

我正在尝试使用Terasic的一些书籍和Altera DE1开发套件来学习VHDL编程。

这里的问题是我正在尝试为VGA控制器编程,分辨率为640x480(虽然我的屏幕是带有1280x1024的TFT LCD)。


我正在使用FSM来制作垂直和水平信号,另一个块用于驱动RGB输入,还有一个来自DE1的27 MHz时钟。








library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity VGA_controller is
     port(clk, reset : in std_logic;
        Hsync,Vsync : out std_logic;
        R,G,B : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0));
end entity;

architecture arch of VGA_controller is

component FSM_sync is
    port(clk,reset : in std_logic;
        Hsync,Vsync,VIDON : out std_logic;
        Vcount,Hcount : out integer range 0 to 799);
end component;

component VGA_display is
    port(hcount,vcount : in integer range 0 to 799;
        r,g,b : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        video_on : in std_logic);
end component;

signal video : std_logic;
signal signal1 : integer range 0 to 799;
signal signal2 : integer range 0 to 799;


maquinaestado_sync : FSM_sync port map (clk=>clk, reset=>reset, Hsync=>Hsync, Vsync=>Vsync, Vcount=>signal1, Hcount=>signal2, VIDON=>video);

salida_pantalla : VGA_display port map (r=>R, g=>G, b=>B, video_on=>video, vcount=>signal1, hcount=>signal2 );

end arch;


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity FSM_sync is
    port(clk,reset : in std_logic;
        Hsync,Vsync,VIDON : out std_logic;
        Vcount,Hcount : out integer range 0 to 799);
end entity;

architecture arch of FSM_sync is
--constantes para definir los ciclos de reloj de cada señal del HSYNC
constant counterMAX : integer := 640;
constant counterSP : integer := 96;
constant counterBP : integer := 48;
constant counterHV : integer := 640;
constant counterFP : integer := 16;
--constantes para definir los ciclos de reloj de cada señal del VSYNC
constant counterMAX_V : integer := 384000;  -- calculamos estos valores multiplicando el numero de filas por los pixeles en cada fila horizontal (800)
constant counterSP_V : integer := 1600;     -- de manera que cada estado de la sincronizacion vertical dure todo el recorrido de los pixeles de cada fila
constant counterBP_V : integer := 26400;
constant counterVV : integer := 384000;
constant counterFP_V : integer := 8000;
--constantes para el numero de pixeles maximo que debemos controlar en horizontal y en vertical
constant number_pixelsMAX_H : integer := 800;
constant number_pixelsMAX_V : integer := 525;

type state is (SP_1,BP,HV,FP,reseteo);  --4 estados para cada maquina de estado de sincronizacion (vertical y horizontal)
signal present_state_H,next_state_H,present_state_V,next_state_V : state;

signal timer : integer range 0 to counterMAX ; -- señal para pasar el valor counterXX al proceso secuencial para compararlo con un contador y establecer el
                                                -- tiempo de duracion de cada estado
signal timer2 : integer range 0  to counterMAX_V ;  --lo mismo que la señal anterior pero para el sincronizacion vertical

signal video_1,video_2 : std_logic; 

signal hcount_reg,vcount_reg : integer range 0 to 799;


--FSM para la sincronizacion del barrido HORIZONTAL

lower_part_1 : process (clk,reset)
                variable counter : integer range 0 to counterMAX - 1;   --variable para crear un contador de pulsos del clk
                variable counter2 : integer range 0 to number_pixelsMAX_H - 1;          --contador para los pixeles horizontales    
                variable counter3 : integer range 0 to number_pixelsMAX_V - 1;          --contador para los pixeles verticales
             begin                                                  --se cargan con 800 por que 800 son los pixeles que hay que leer en horizontal 
                if (reset = '1') then                               --esto implica contadores de al menos 10 bits para llegar a ese numero.
                                                                    --y para que los dos contadores sean del mismo numero de bits se cargan los dos igual   
                    counter := 0;                                   --realmente en vertical solo debemos contar hasta 521
                    counter2 := 0;          
                    counter3 := 0;
                    present_state_H <= reseteo;

                elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
                    counter := counter + 1;

                    if (counter2 < number_pixelsMAX_H-1) then
                        counter2 := counter2 + 1;
                        counter2 := 0;
                        if (counter3 < number_pixelsMAX_V-1) then
                            counter3 := counter3 + 1;
                            counter3 := 0;
                        end if;
                    end if;

                    hcount_reg <= counter2;
                    vcount_reg <= counter3;

                    if (counter = timer) then
                        present_state_H <= next_state_H;
                        counter := 0;
                    end if;
                end if;
                end process lower_part_1;

upper_part_1 : process (next_state_H)

                Hsync <= '1';
                next_state_H <= HV;

                case present_state_H is
                    when SP_1 =>
                        Hsync <= '0';
                        next_state_H <= BP;
                        timer <= counterSP;

                        video_1 <= '0';

                    when BP =>
                        Hsync <= '1';
                        next_state_H <= HV;
                        timer <= counterBP;

                        video_1 <= '0';

                    when HV =>
                        Hsync <= '1';
                        next_state_H <= FP;
                        timer <= counterHV;

                        video_1 <= '1';

                    when FP =>
                        Hsync <= '1';
                        next_state_H <= SP_1;
                        timer <= counterFP;

                        video_1 <= '0';

                    when reseteo =>
                        Hsync <= '1';
                        next_state_H <=HV;

                    end case;
                end process upper_part_1;

--FSM para la sincronizacion del barrido VERTICAL

lower_part_2 : process (clk,reset)
                variable counter2 : integer range 0 to counterMAX_V;    --variable para crear un contador de pulsos del clk
                if (reset = '1') then
                    counter2 := 0;
                    present_state_V <= reseteo;

                elsif (clk'event and clk = '1') then
                    counter2 := counter2 + 1;

                    if (counter2 = timer2) then
                        present_state_V <= next_state_V;
                        counter2 := 0;
                    end if;
                end if;
                end process lower_part_2;

upper_part_2 : process (next_state_V)

                Vsync <= '1';
                next_state_V <= HV;

                case present_state_V is
                    when SP_1 =>
                        Vsync <= '0';
                        next_state_V <= BP;
                        timer2 <= counterSP_V;
                        video_2 <= '0';
                    when BP =>
                        Vsync <= '1';
                        next_state_V <= HV;
                        timer2 <= counterBP_V;

                        video_2 <= '0';

                    when HV =>
                        Vsync <= '1';
                        next_state_V <= FP;
                        timer2 <= counterVV;

                        video_2 <= '1';

                    when FP =>
                        Vsync <= '1';
                        next_state_V <= SP_1;
                        timer2 <= counterFP_V;

                        video_2 <= '0';

                    when reseteo =>
                        Vsync <= '1';
                        next_state_V <=HV;

                    end case;
                end process upper_part_2;

VIDON <= video_1 AND video_2;
Vcount <= vcount_reg;
Hcount <= hcount_reg;

        end arch;


library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity VGA_display is
    port(hcount,vcount : in integer range 0 to 799;
        r,g,b : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
        video_on : in std_logic);
end entity;

architecture arch of VGA_display is


process (video_on)
    if video_on = '1' then  --solo activamos los pixeles cuando vidon esté a uno, es decir, esten en la fase HV y VV las sincronizaciones
            r <= "1111";
            g <= "0000"; 
            b <= "0000";

        r <= (others => '0');
        g <= (others => '0');
        b <= (others => '0');
    end if;

end process;
end arch;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


我根据您报告的27 MHz(~37 ns)计算了您的H和V速率,看看我是否能找到一台能接受它们的1280 x 1024 LCD显示器。

你的水平计数器是counter2,从0到number_pixelsMAX_H - 1(799),你的垂直计数器是counter3,从0到number_pixelsMAX_V - 1(524)计数。

这使您的水平速率为800 x 37 ns = 29.600 us,垂直速率为15.54 ms。 33.8 KHz H,V 64 Hz。

在不知道您正在使用的特定显示器的情况下,我四处寻找任何规格,并找到定义同步速率范围的SXGA AMOLED显示规格。


Table 6-4 AC Characteristics




看起来Acer 17英寸V173L将同步到它,例如有3种VGA模式(60 Hz,72 Hz和75 Hz)和Mac模式640 x 480(66 Hz)。





答案 1 :(得分:0)

有关VGA控制器的VGA理论和VHDL代码的详细信息,请参阅VH Pedroni在2010年第3版“VHDL&#34;电路设计与仿真”(第2版)(第2版)中的第15章。< / p>