
时间:2014-09-20 09:43:01

标签: javascript opengl-es three.js buffer-geometry




v12  v11  v10
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v02  v01  v00


在我的openFrameworks代码中,这一切都完美无缺!经过很多麻烦我终于在THREE.js中工作了,但是我注意到,一旦我增加了顶点的数量,一切都开始变得怪异 - 三角形连接(似乎)到处都是,一大块顶点开始被跳过。目前任何包括网格大小256 * 256在内的任何东西都可以正常工作,但是一旦我增加任何更高的值,我就会开始看到所有的文物。



var landscape = {     大小:0,     chunkSize:21845,     距离:0,     geometry:null,     mesh:null,     职位:null,     法线:null,     颜色:null,     indices:null,

generateVertex: function( r, c )
    var pos, color;

    // Set position
    pos = new THREE.Vector3();
    pos.x = this.distance * c;
    pos.z = this.distance * r;
    pos.y = -2 + 5*simplex.noise2D( 0.1*pos.x, 0.1*pos.z );

    // Set color
    color = new THREE.Color();
    color.setRGB( Math.random(1), 0, 0 );

    this.vertices.setXYZ( r * this.size + c, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z );
    this.colors.setXYZ( r * this.size + c, color.r, color.g, color.b );

generateIndices: function( i, r, c )
    this.indices[ i ] = ( r * this.size ) + c;
    this.indices[ i + 1 ] = ( ( r + 1 ) * this.size ) + c;
    this.indices[ i + 2 ] = ( ( r + 1 ) * this.size ) + ( c + 1 );

    this.indices[ i + 3 ] = ( r * this.size ) + c;
    this.indices[ i + 4 ] = ( ( r + 1 ) * this.size ) + ( c + 1 );
    this.indices[ i + 5 ] = ( r * this.size ) + ( c + 1 );

    /*this.indices[ i ] =  ( ( r * this.size ) + c ) % ( 3 * this.chunkSize );
    this.indices[ i + 1 ] = ( ( ( r + 1 ) * this.size ) + c ) % ( 3 * this.chunkSize );
    this.indices[ i + 2 ] = ( ( ( r + 1 ) * this.size ) + ( c + 1 ) ) % ( 3 * this.chunkSize );

    this.indices[ i + 3 ] = ( ( r * this.size ) + c ) % ( 3 * this.chunkSize );
    this.indices[ i + 4 ] = ( ( ( r + 1 ) * this.size ) + ( c + 1 ) ) % ( 3 * this.chunkSize );
    this.indices[ i + 5 ] = ( ( r * this.size ) + ( c + 1 ) ) % ( 3 * this.chunkSize ); */   

generatePoint: function( x, z )


generate: function( size, distance )
    var sizeSquared, i;
    sizeSquared = size * size;
    i = 0;
    this.size = size;
    this.distance = distance;

    // Create buffer geometry
    this.geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();

    this.indices = new Uint16Array( 6*(size-1)*(size-1) );

    this.vertices = new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( sizeSquared * 3 ), 3 );
    this.colors = new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( sizeSquared * 3 ), 3 );

    // Generate points
    for( var r = 0; r < size; r = r + 1 )
        for( var c = 0; c < size; c = c + 1 )
            this.generateVertex( r, c );

            if( (r < size - 1) && (c < size - 1) )
                this.generateIndices( i, r, c );
                i = i + 6;

    // Set geometry
    this.geometry.addAttribute( 'index', new THREE.BufferAttribute( this.indices, 1 ) );
    this.geometry.addAttribute( 'position', this.vertices );
    this.geometry.addAttribute( 'color', this.colors );        

    /*this.geometry.offsets = [];

    var triangles = 2 * ( size - 1 ) * ( size - 1 );
    var offsets = triangles / this.chunkSize;

    for( var j = 0; j < offsets; j = j + 1 )
        var offset =
            start: j * this.chunkSize * 3,
            index: j * this.chunkSize * 3,
            count: Math.min( triangles - ( j * this.chunkSize ), this.chunkSize ) * 3

        this.geometry.offsets.push( offset );

    var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors} );
    //var material = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({ vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors });


    this.mesh = new THREE.Mesh( this.geometry, material );
    scene.add( this.mesh );


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

WebGL基于OpenGL ES 2.0,它不支持32位索引缓冲区,因此只要有超过256 * 256个顶点,索引缓冲区就无法再解决所有这些问题。

来自OpenGL ES 2.0 Standard(第2.8节顶点阵列):


支持使用ubyte和ushort索引的索引支持。支持   对于uint索引,OpenGL ES 2.0不需要。如果   实现支持uint索引,它将导出OES元素   index - uint extension。

假设这是问题,您可以通过获取并检查OES_element_index_uint extension来启用32位索引缓冲区。

var uintExt = gl.getExtension("OES_element_index_uint");
if (!uintExt) {
   alert("Sorry, this app needs 32bit indices and your device or browser doesn't appear to support them");



this.indices = new Uint16Array( 6*(size-1)*(size-1) );


this.indices = new Uint32Array( 6*(size-1)*(size-1) );

我在source of three.js's renderer内快速钻研,看起来它会检查索引数组的类型,如果使用gl.UNSIGNED_INT,它会将glDrawElements传递给Uint32Array }。