
时间:2010-04-07 13:19:18

标签: python optimization numpy physics

recently asked about trying to optimise a Python loop for a scientific application,并为我收到了an excellent, smart way of recoding it within NumPy which reduced execution time by a factor of around 100



import numpy as np
import time

def reshape_vector(v):
    b = np.empty((3,1))
    for i in range(3):
        b[i][0] = v[i]
    return b

def unit_vectors(r):
     return r / np.sqrt((r*r).sum(0))

def calculate_dipole(mu, r_i, mom_i):
    relative = mu - r_i
    r_unit = unit_vectors(relative)
    A = 1e-7

    num = A*(3*np.sum(mom_i*r_unit, 0)*r_unit - mom_i)
    den = np.sqrt(np.sum(relative*relative, 0))**3
    B = np.sum(num/den, 1)
    return B

N = 20000 # number of dipoles
r_i = np.random.random((3,N)) # positions of dipoles
mom_i = np.random.random((3,N)) # moments of dipoles
a = np.random.random((3,3)) # three basis vectors for this crystal
n = [10,10,10] # points at which to evaluate sum
gamma_mu = 135.5 # a constant

t_start = time.clock()
for i in range(n[0]):
    r_frac_x = np.float(i)/np.float(n[0])
    r_test_x = r_frac_x * a[0]
    for j in range(n[1]):
        r_frac_y = np.float(j)/np.float(n[1])
        r_test_y = r_frac_y * a[1]
        for k in range(n[2]):
            r_frac_z = np.float(k)/np.float(n[2])
            r_test = r_test_x +r_test_y + r_frac_z * a[2]
            r_test_fast = reshape_vector(r_test)
            B = calculate_dipole(r_test_fast, r_i, mom_i)
            omega = gamma_mu*np.sqrt(np.dot(B,B))
            # write r_test, B and omega to a file
    frac_done = np.float(i+1)/(n[0]+1)
    t_elapsed = (time.clock()-t_start)
    t_remain = (1-frac_done)*t_elapsed/frac_done
    print frac_done*100,'% done in',t_elapsed/60.,'minutes...approximately',t_remain/60.,'minutes remaining'

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


r_test_fast = reshape_vector(r_test)

r_test_fast = r_test.reshape((3,1))





首先,取cartesian() function, which we'll use。然后

def calculate_dipole_vect(mus, r_i, mom_i):
    # Treat each mu sequentially
    Bs = []
    omega = []
    for mu in mus:
        rel = mu - r_i
        r_norm = np.sqrt((rel * rel).sum(1))
        r_unit =  rel / r_norm[:, np.newaxis]
        A = 1e-7

        num = A*(3*np.sum(mom_i * r_unit, 0)*r_unit - mom_i)
        den = r_norm ** 3
        B = np.sum(num / den[:, np.newaxis], 0)
        omega.append(gamma_mu * np.sqrt(np.dot(B, B)))
    return Bs, omega

# Transpose to get more "natural" ordering with row-major numpy
r_i = r_i.T
mom_i = mom_i.T

t_start = time.clock()
r_frac = cartesian((np.arange(n[0]) / float(n[0]),
                    np.arange(n[1]) / float(n[1]),
                    np.arange(n[2]) / float(n[2])))
r_test = np.dot(r_frac, a)
B, omega = calculate_dipole_vect(r_test, r_i, mom_i)

print 'Total time for vectorized: %f s' % (time.clock() - t_start)


答案 1 :(得分:2)
