当前版本的Matlab本身并不支持Kinect One。 Stackoverflow上有几篇帖子询问如何在Matlab环境中渲染特定的数据流(深度,骨架或rgb)。有没有人对如何在Matlab中记录/显示数据有任何建议或评论?
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本文旨在解释如何在Matlab中呈现Kinect One的数据流。我总是喜欢单独录制数据而不是使用Matlab。对于那些正在挣扎的人来说,这是一个小帮助指南。
这篇文章的内容是什么: - Kinect One与Matlab(目前)不兼容。在这里,我发布了如何在Matlab中渲染骨架,RGB和深度图像的示例。这个想法是允许您在Matlab中使用数据执行操作。请注意,我只发布功能,您需要生成自己的显示。此外,您必须单独记录数据(在Kinect之外)。这些代码可能需要更改最新的SDK版本。你需要自己做一些腿部工作,但这些代码应该是一个很好的指标。
private void saveSkel(long timeStamp, Body body)
string filePath = yourPath + '\\' + timeStamp + ".txt";
StreamWriter cooStream = new StreamWriter(filePath, false);
IReadOnlyDictionary<JointType, Joint> joints = body.Joints;
Dictionary<JointType, Point> jointPoints = new Dictionary<JointType, Point>();
foreach (JointType jointType in joints.Keys)
//Camera space points
ColorSpacePoint depthSpacePoint = this.coordinateMapper.MapCameraPointToColorSpace(joints[jointType].Position);
cooStream.WriteLine(joints[jointType].JointType +" " + joints[jointType].TrackingState + " " + joints[jointType].Position.X + " " + joints[jointType].Position.Y + " " + joints[jointType].Position.Z + " " + depthSpacePoint.X + " " + depthSpacePoint.Y);
//If we want to record both hand states
if (handLassO == true)
string wrtLineData = "LeftHand " + body.HandLeftState + " RightHand " + body.HandRightState;
function handle = displayKinectSkeleton(ax, Skels)
%This function displays the Kinect skeleton
% ax - axis of the skeleton
% Skels - skeleton file [format: 3*25 matrix (X;Y;Z)]
% handle - return the kinect handle
%Index the joints
joints.SpineBase = 1;
joints.SpineMid =2;
joints.Neck =3;
joints.Head =4;
joints.ShoulderLeft =5;
joints.ElbowLeft =6;
joints.WristLeft =7;
joints.HandLeft =8;
joints.ShoulderRight =9;
joints.ElbowRight =10;
joints.WristRight =11;
joints.HandRight =12;
joints.HipLeft =13;
joints.KneeLeft =14;
joints.AnkleLeft =15;
joints.FootLeft =16;
joints.HipRight =17;
joints.KneeRight =18;
joints.AnkleRight =19;
joints.FootRight =20;
joints.SpineShoulder =21;
joints.HandTipLeft =22;
joints.ThumbLeft =23;
joints.HandTipRight =24;
joints.ThumbRight =25;
joints.position_count = 25;
%Generate connections
skeleton_conn = [ ...
joints.SpineBase, joints.SpineMid; ... %1
joints.SpineMid,joints.SpineShoulder;... %2
joints.SpineShoulder, joints.Neck;... %3
joints.Neck,joints.Head;... %4
%Left arm
joints.SpineShoulder,joints.ShoulderLeft;... %5
joints.ShoulderLeft, joints.ElbowLeft;... %6
joints.ElbowLeft, joints.WristLeft;... %7
joints.WristLeft, joints.HandLeft;... %8
%Right arm
joints.SpineShoulder, joints.ShoulderRight;... %9
joints.ShoulderRight, joints.ElbowRight;...%10
joints.ElbowRight, joints.WristRight;... %11
joints.WristRight,joints.HandRight;... %12
%Left leg
joints.SpineBase, joints.HipLeft;... %13
joints.HipLeft, joints.KneeLeft;... %14
joints.KneeLeft,joints.AnkleLeft;... %15
joints.AnkleLeft,joints.FootLeft;... %16
%Right legs
joints.SpineBase, joints.HipRight;... %17
joints.HipRight, joints.KneeRight;... %18
joints.KneeRight, joints.AnkleRight;... %19
joints.AnkleRight, joints.FootRight; %20
joints.HandLeft, joints.HandTipLeft;... %21
joints.WristLeft, joints.ThumbLeft;... %22
joints.HandRight, joints.HandTipRight;... %23
joints.WristRight, joints.ThumbRight;... %24
%Orignal XYZ points.I'be reshaped as I use the format elsewhere.
xyz_shape = reshape(Skels, 3, 25)'; %I reshape as I use it for some different)
x = xyz_shape(:,1);
y = xyz_shape(:,2);
z = xyz_shape(:,3);
%Join the skeleton
xyz_step=[x y z];
%Plot the skeleton
handle = scatter3(ax, xyz_step(:,1), xyz_step(:,2), xyz_step(:,3), 'bo');
%Generate the limb connections
torsoColor = 'r';
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(1:4,:), torsoColor, 2.5);
%Left Arm
leftArmColor = 'g';
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(5:7,:), leftArmColor, 2.5);
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(8:8,:), leftArmColor, 2.5);
%Right Arm
rightArmColor = 'b';
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(9:11,:), rightArmColor, 2.5);
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(12:12,:), rightArmColor, 2.5);
leftLegColor = 'y';
rightLegColor = 'm';
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(13:14,:), leftLegColor, 2.5);
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(14:16,:), leftLegColor, 2.5);
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(17:18,:), rightLegColor, 2.5);
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(18:20,:), rightLegColor, 2.5);
wristColor = 'r';
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(21:21,:), wristColor, 2.5);
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(22:22,:), wristColor, 2.5);
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(23:23,:), wristColor, 2.5);
handle = displayLimbs(ax, xyz_step', skeleton_conn(24:24,:), wristColor, 2.5);
function [ handle ] = displayLimbs(ax, xyz, jointLoc, color, width)
%This function joins specific joints together with the line function.
% ax - axis location
% xyz - the xyz location for the time instance
% jointLoc - joint index locations
% color - color of the lines
% width - width of the lines
% handle - Kinect handle
handle = line(xyz(1,jointLoc), xyz(2,jointLoc), xyz(3,jointLoc), 'Color', color, 'Parent', ax, 'LineWidth', width);
.CPP代码段 *这是如何保存深度数据的示例。
//Save the depth data
string filePath = yourPath + '\\' + "depth" + frame.RelativeTime.ToString() + ".bin";
using (FileStream streamDepth = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
using (BinaryWriter depthWriter = new BinaryWriter(streamDepth))
function [depthImg] = ReadKiectDepthIndivi(loc)
%This function reads in a Kinect depth image from a bin file
% loc - location of the bin file
% depthImg - depth image
%Read in the file
fid = fopen(loc); %read the file in
[A, count] = fread(fid, 'uint16=>uint16',2); %load and shift
fclose(fid); %close the stream
%Convert into structure
dims = [512 424]; %dims of the depth
depth = double(A); %convert to double for imaging
[depthImg.X, depthImg.Y] = meshgrid([1:dims(1)], [1:dims(2)]); %obtain x and y
depthImg.Z = reshape(depth, dims(1), dims(2))'; %generate depth
%temp.Z(temp.Z==0)=NaN; % noise clean up (if required)
surf(displayHandles.depthHandle, depthImg, depthImg, depthImg, 'EdgeColor','None', 'FaceAlpha', 0.5);
<强> RGB:强>
.CPP代码段 *为了速度和效率保存为bin文件。但是,取决于您的机器。您可能需要对记录速率进行下采样。</ p>
string filePath = yourPath + '\\' + "image" + frame.RelativeTime.ToString() + ".bin";
using (FileStream streamRGB = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create))
using (BinaryWriter rgbWriter = new BinaryWriter(streamRGB))
function [rgbImg] = ReadKinectRGBIndvid(loc)
%This function read's in a Kinect RGB image from a bin file
% loc - location of the bin file
% depthImg - depth image
% Created by Dan 11/03/14 (based on JD version)
%Read in the image file
fid = fopen(loc);
[A, count] = fread(fid, 'uint8=>uint8');
dims = [1920 1080];
rgbImg(:,:,3) = reshape(A(1:4:end), dims(1), dims(2));
rgbImg(:,:,2) = reshape(A(2:4:end), dims(1), dims(2));
rgbImg(:,:,1) = reshape(A(3:4:end), dims(1), dims(2));
imageRGB = permute(rgbImg, [2 1 3]);
RGB = imrotate(RGB ,-90);
RGB = flipdim(RGB,2);
image(RGB, 'Parent',displayHandles.rgbHandle);