Java AVL树有效地更新大小

时间:2014-09-01 18:45:02

标签: java recursion


我用来获取单词总数的方法正常工作,因为我正在使用nodeSize方法,它是左右子树和自身的添加[left subtree + rightsubtree + 1] 。获取范围中的单词的差异或数量,因为起始和结束单词都有重叠点。


public int nodeSize(BSTVertex T) {
    if (T == null) {
        return 0;
    } else {
        return nodeSize(T.left) + nodeSize(T.right) + 1;

public void insert(String v) {
    root = insert(root, v);

protected BSTVertex insert(BSTVertex T, String v) {
    if (T == null) {
        return new BSTVertex(v);
    if (T.key.compareTo(v) < 0) {
        T.right = insert(T.right, v);
        T.right.parent = T;
    } else {// search to the left
        T.left = insert(T.left, v);
        T.left.parent = T;
    T.totalNode = nodeSize(T);
    int balance = nodeHeight(T.left) - nodeHeight(T.right);
    if (balance == 2) {
        int balance2 = nodeHeight(T.left.left) - nodeHeight(T.left.right);
        if (balance2 == 1) {
            T = rightRotation(T);
        } else {//Left Right Case  2,-1
            T.left = rotateLeft(T.left);
            T = rightRotation(T);

    if (balance == -2) {
        int balance2 = nodeHeight(T.right.left) - nodeHeight(T.right.right);
        if (balance2 == -1) {
            T = rotateLeft(T);  //single left for -1
        } else {//Right left case, -2,1
            T.right = rightRotation(T.right);
            T = rotateLeft(T);
    return T;

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