答案 0 :(得分:6)
partitions :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
partitions [] = [([], [])]
partitions (x : xs) = let ps = partitions xs in
[(x : ys, zs) | (ys, zs) <- ps] ++ [(ys, x : zs) | (ys, zs) <- ps]
unbalance :: Num a => ([a], [a]) -> a
unbalance (ys, zs) = abs (sum ys - sum zs)
balancedPartition :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> ([a], [a])
balancedPartition = minimumBy (comparing unbalance) . partitions
module Balance where
import Data.List(minimumBy)
import Data.Ord(comparing)
partitions :: [a] -> [([a], [a])]
partitions [] = [([], [])]
partitions (x : xs) = let ps = partitions xs in
[(x : ys, zs) | (ys, zs) <- ps] ++ [(ys, x : zs) | (ys, zs) <- ps]
unbalance :: Num a => ([a], [a]) -> a
unbalance (ys, zs) = abs (sum ys - sum zs)
balancedPartition :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> ([a], [a])
balancedPartition = minimumBy (comparing unbalance) . partitions
答案 1 :(得分:1)
balancedPartition :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> ([a], [a])
balancedPartition = snd . head . partitionsByBadness . sort
-- recursively builds a list of possible partitionings and their badness
-- sorted by their (increasing) badness
partitionsByBadness [] = [(0, ([], []))]
partitionsByBadness (x:xs) = let res = partitionsByBadness xs
withX = map ( (+x) *** first (x:)) res
sansX = map (subtract x *** second (x:)) res
in merge withX $ normalize sansX
-- When items are added to the second list, the difference between the sums
-- decreases - and might become negative
-- We take those cases and swap the lists, so that the first list has always
-- a greater sum and the difference is always positive
-- So that we can sort the list again (with linear complexity)
normalize xs = let (neg, pos) = span ((<0) . fst) xs
in merge pos $ reverse $ map (negate *** swap) neg
-- merge two sorted lists (as known from mergesort, but
-- omits "duplicates" with same badness)
merge :: Ord k => [(k, v)] -> [(k, v)] -> [(k, v)]
merge [] zss = zss
merge yss [] = yss
merge yss@(y:ys) zss@(z:zs) = case comparing fst y z of
LT -> y : merge ys zss
EQ -> merge ys zss
GT -> z : merge yss zs
答案 2 :(得分:1)
% stack ghci --package Binpack
λ: import Data.BinPack
λ: let bins numberOfBins items = let totalSize = sum items; binSize = succ (totalSize `div` (max 1 numberOfBins)) in binpack WorstFit Decreasing id (replicate numberOfBins (emptyBin binSize)) items
λ: bins 2 [1,3,4,6,9]
λ: map snd . fst . bins 2 $ [1,3,4,6,9]