
时间:2014-08-15 22:57:02

标签: java swing opengl lwjgl



Testing for a total of 500000 rectangles
Swing time: 0.16367821
OpenGL time: 0.06317429
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  159.0899%

Testing for a total of 750000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.066062525
Swing time: 0.16988374
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  157.156%

Testing for a total of 1000000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.0907693
Swing time: 0.15694521
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  72.90561%

Testing for a total of 1250000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.09591239
Swing time: 0.17011923
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  77.369385%

Testing for a total of 1500000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.11926948
Swing time: 0.21623997
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  81.303696%

Testing for a total of 1750000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.16327758
Swing time: 0.25741237
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  57.65323%

Testing for a total of 2000000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.17265266
Swing time: 0.2788536
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  61.511322%

Testing for a total of 2250000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.2492242
Swing time: 0.3022127
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  21.261368%

Testing for a total of 2500000 rectangles
Swing time: 0.3231118
OpenGL time: 0.29499054
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  9.532944%

Testing for a total of 2750000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.34329778
Swing time: 0.38381234
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  11.801575%

Testing for a total of 3000000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.34859535
Swing time: 0.39274055
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  12.663734%

Testing for a total of 3250000 rectangles
Swing time: 0.4241282
OpenGL time: 0.44056854
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  -3.7316208%

Testing for a total of 3500000 rectangles
Swing time: 0.4600469
OpenGL time: 0.4737318
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  -2.8887482%

Testing for a total of 3750000 rectangles
Swing time: 0.40855232
OpenGL time: 0.25052726
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  63.07698%

Testing for a total of 4000000 rectangles
Swing time: 0.5119725
OpenGL time: 0.55266017
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  -7.362152%

Testing for a total of 4250000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.5010328
Swing time: 0.57198834
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  14.16185%

Testing for a total of 4500000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.53123826
Swing time: 0.5992712
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  12.806473%

Testing for a total of 4750000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.5412617
Swing time: 0.6458795
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  19.328514%

Testing for a total of 5000000 rectangles
OpenGL time: 0.58324844
Swing time: 0.69343716
OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  18.892242%


package swingVSopengl;

import java.awt.Graphics;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.Display;
import org.lwjgl.opengl.DisplayMode;
import static org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11.*;

public class SwingVsOpenGL {

    static int amount = 0;
    static float swingtime, opengltime;

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        for (amount = 500000; amount <= 5000000; amount += 250000) {

            System.out.println("Testing for a total of "
                    + String.valueOf(amount) + " rectangles");
            new SwingWay();
            new OpenGLWay();
            System.out.println("OpenGL relative to SWING is faster by  "
                    + String.valueOf(swingtime / opengltime * 100 - 100) + "%");


    private static class SwingWay extends JFrame {

        public SwingWay() {
            setSize(64, 64);
            add(new JPanel() {
                public void paint(Graphics g) {
                    long time = System.nanoTime();
                    for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
                        g.fillRect(0, 0, 16, 16);
                    swingtime = (float) (System.nanoTime() - time) / 1000000000;
                    System.out.print("Swing time: ");


    private static class OpenGLWay {
        OpenGLWay() {
            try {
                Display.setDisplayMode(new DisplayMode(64, 64));
                Display.setTitle("A fresh display!");
            } catch (LWJGLException e) {

            glOrtho(0, 640, 480, 0, 1, -1);

            long time = System.nanoTime();
            for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) {
                glVertex2i(0, 0);
                glVertex2i(16, 0);
                glVertex2i(16, 16);
                glVertex2i(0, 16);
            opengltime = (float) (System.nanoTime() - time) / 1000000000;
            System.out.print("OpenGL time: ");



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


此外,您使用OpenGL的方式也会遭受巨大的开销。你测量的不是SWING与OpenGL的效率,而是函数调用的效率。 Ditch glBegin ... glEnd(它们已经超过15年了)并使用顶点数组。也不要通过用绘图命令用勺子喂它来使GPU饿死。而是通过每个绘图批次至少100个基元的顶点数组为它提供一个All-You-Can-Eat。只有这样,你才能离开高地。