AngularJS REST服务调用:如何在提供者,控制器和指令之间交换数据?

时间:2014-07-30 11:02:08

标签: javascript angularjs rest angularjs-directive

我有两个REST Web服务,我必须逐个调用。第一个返回一些我必须用于第二个REST服务调用的数据。第二个结果,我需要将它提供给我的指令,它应该显示值。


app.controller('MyRestCtrl', [$scope, 'RestScope', function($scope, RestScope) {
    RestScope.preGet().success(function(data) {
        /* success of the first REST call and do some calculations with this data */
        /* Question: I have to set the calculated data (data1 and data2) to the 
                     RestScope provider, how can I do this, so that the second call 
                     .get() has this data to make the request? */

        RestScope.get().success(function(response) {
            /* response has all the data which I need for my directive */
            /* Question: How can I provide this data into my directive? */


app.provider('RestScope', function() {
    this.data1 = null;
    this.data2 = null;
    this.setData1 = function(_data1) {
        this.data1 = _data1;
    this.setData2 = function(_data2) {
        this.data2 = _data2;

    this.$get = ['$http', '$log', function($http, $log) {
        var _data1 = this.data1;
        var _data2 = this.data2;
        function get() {
            return $http.get('' + _data1 + '/?param=' + _data2);
        function preGet() {
            return $http.get('');
        return {
            get: get,
            preGet: preGet


app.directive('myDirective', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'AEC', 
        replace: false, 
        templateUrl: 'path/to/my.html'


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