我正在使用单身人士类型,并且基于Miles Sabin的代码片段之一,我有这个:
scala> trait Param[K] { self =>
| type V
| }
defined trait Param
scala> def param[V0](key: String): Param[key.type] { type V = V0 } = new Param[key.type] { type V = V0 }
param: [V0](key: String)Param[key.type]{type V = V0}
scala> val r = param[Int]("q")
r: Param[String("q")]{type V = Int} = $anon$1@770c789a
scala> val s = param[String]("s")
s: Param[String("s")]{type V = String} = $anon$1@9e77ebd
scala> val ff = if (true) {
| r
| } else {
| s
| }
ff: Param[_ >: String("q") with String("s") <: String]{type V >: Int with String} = $anon$1@770c789a
查看表达式的类型,看起来K和V分别用String(&#34; s&#34;)和Int with String统一到String(&#34; q&#34;)< / p>
Param[K0 with K1] { type V: V0 with V1 } -> (Param[K0] { type V: V0}, Param[K1] { type V: V1})