
时间:2014-06-24 20:46:46

标签: c# arrays performance indexing


有人告诉我为我的游戏做这个,但我不确定它是如何解决我的问题 我制作了一个游戏,角色向左走,然后向上然后向右走,然后是几个加载动画并处理动作的计时器,但是当我使用此代码绘制时

     *e.Graphics.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.Corn_Cobs, 70, 70, 40, 40);*



  namespace Rice_Boy_Tester_2
   public partial class Form1 : Form

  bool iggy = false;
    bool left2 = false;
    bool right2 = false;
    bool Up2 = false;
    bool Down2 = false;
    bool Check2 = false;

    bool left = false;
    bool right = false;
    bool Up = false;
    bool Down = false;
    bool Check = false;

    Image[] Animations;

    public Form1()


    private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

        Animations = new Image[6];
        Animations[0] = Image.FromFile("Rice-Boy-Walking-Left-Bouncing.gif"); 
        Animations[1] = Image.FromFile("Rice-Boy-Walking-Up-Bouncing.gif");
        Animations[2] = Image.FromFile("Rice-Boy-Walking-Right-Bouncing.gif");
        Animations[3] = Image.FromFile("Rice-Boy-Walking-Down.gif");
        Animations[4] = Properties.Resources.Rice_Boy_Standing_Left;
        Animations[5] = Properties.Resources.Corn_Cobs;


    private void Refresh_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)


    private void PriceBoyWalk_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (left)//Goes Left
            Player.Left -= 1;
        if (Player.Left < 170 & Check == false)//checks how far away player is from form
            left = false;
            Up = true;
        if (Up & Player.Left < 170) //Goes Up
            Player.Top -= 1;
            Check = true;

        if (Player.Top < 100 & Check)
            Up = false;
            Down = true;


        if (right)//Goes Right
            Player.Left += 1;


        if (Down)//Goes Down
            Player.Top += 1;


        if (Player.Top + 150 > this.ClientSize.Height)// When RiceBoy goes down and hits bottom  right = true
            Check = false;
            Down = false;
            right = true;

        if (Player.Left + 150 > this.ClientSize.Width)//Stops At Starting Point
            right = false;


    private void B1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

        this.Paint += new PaintEventHandler(form1_Pad1_Corn);
        RiceBoyWalkGif.Enabled = true;
        left = true;
        left2 = true;
        RiceBoyWalk.Enabled = true;}

 private void form1_Pad1_Corn(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)

     e.Graphics.DrawImage(Properties.Resources.Corn_Cobs, 70, 70, 400, 400); 

    private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)

        if (left2)

            Player.Image = Animations[0];
            left2 = false;

        if (Player.Left < 170 & Check2 == false)//checks how far away player is from form

            left2 = false;
            Up2 = true;

        if (Up2 & Player.Left < 170) //Goes Up
            this.Player.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(36, 76); // Changes size of the picture box to maintain quaility 
            Player.Image = Animations[1];//Animates RiceBoyWalkingUp
            Check2 = true;
            Up2 = false;


        if (Player.Top < 105 & Check2)//Player.Top < 101 must be +1 greater than the RiceBoyWalkTimer
            Up2 = false;
            Down2 = true;


        if (right2)

            this.Player.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(53, 77); // Changes size of the picture box to maintain quaility 
            Player.Image = Animations[2];//Animates RiceBoyWalkingRight
            right2 = false;


        if (Down2)//Goes Down
           Player.Image = Animations[3];//Animates RiceBoyWalkingDown
            Down2 = false;


        if (Player.Top + 150 > this.ClientSize.Height)// When RiceBoy goes down and hits bottom riceboy walks right
            iggy = true;// shows that riceboy is approching the starting point
            Check2 = false;
            Down2 = false;
            right2 = true;

        if (Player.Left + 150 > this.ClientSize.Width & iggy)//Stops At Starting Point
            right2 = false;
            Player.Image = Animations[4];// Rice boy standing left

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