
时间:2014-05-21 00:48:40

标签: haskell monads yesod persistent


Couldn't match type `PersistMonadBackend m0'
              with `persistent-'
The type variable `m0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type sig`enter code here`nature that fixes these type variable(s)
Expected type: PersistEntityBackend User
  Actual type: PersistMonadBackend m0
In the expression: `enter code here`get
In the expression: (get $ ((contactContact val) :: UserId))
In the first argument of `map', namely
  `(\ (Entity key val) -> (get $ ((contactContact val) :: UserId)))'    

以下代码获取一个与联系人具有一对多关系的List实体。在Contact Model中,有一个名为contact的属性表示对User的外键约束(conctact的类型是UserId)。 我正在尝试检索联系人列表(userIds列表)并执行map get来检索用户实体列表。


getContactsR :: Handler Html
getContactsR  = do
  muser <- maybeAuth
  case muser of 
    Just (Entity userId user) -> do
      (list, contacts) <- runDB $ do 
          maybeList <- getBy (UniqueList userId)
          case maybeList of
            Just (Entity listId list) -> do
              contacts' <- selectList [ContactList ==. listId] []                        
              let contacts = map (\(Entity key val) -> (get $ ((contactContact val) :: UserId) )) contacts'
              return (list, contacts')
           Nothing -> error "Could not retrieve contact list"
      defaultLayout $(widgetFile "contacts")
    Nothing -> do
     setMessage $ toHtml ("Error getting contact list"  :: Text)
     redirect HomeR   


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let contacts = map (\(Entity key val) -> (get $ ((contactContact val) :: UserId) )) contacts'


contacts <- mapM (\(Entity key val) -> (get $ ((contactContact val) :: UserId) )) contacts'
