
时间:2014-05-17 14:02:07

标签: matplotlib plot colormap



我承认以前我使用'彩虹'色图作为功率图,'hsv'色图用于相图(见[1])。然而,由于缺乏感知线性和排序[2] [3],因此极不鼓励使用彩虹色图。所以我切换到了'coolwarm'色彩图,以获得我非常喜欢的功率图。不幸的是,'hsv'色彩图似乎引入了与'彩虹'地图相同的视觉扭曲(并且它与'coolwarm'地图也不太相配,因为它看起来有点丑陋和华而不实)



  • 它必须是圆形的,以便0和2π的值用相同的颜色表示。

  • 不应引入任何视觉扭曲;特别是,它应该是感知线性的('hsv'色图似乎不是)。我不认为感性排序对于阶段信息来说是如此重要,但它当然不会造成任何伤害。

  • 与'coolwarm'色彩图组合使用时,它应具有视觉吸引力。但是,如果有另一对漂亮的色彩图可以显示振幅和相位信息,我很高兴考虑其他选项。



[1] http://matplotlib.org/examples/color/colormaps_reference.html

[2] http://www.renci.org/~borland/pdfs/RainbowColorMap_VisViewpoints.pdf

[3] http://medvis.org/2012/08/21/rainbow-colormaps-what-are-they-good-for-absolutely-nothing/

6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:18)

您可以尝试"husl" system,它类似于hls / hsv但具有更好的视觉属性。它位于seabornstandalone package


import numpy as np
from numpy import sin, cos, pi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

n = 314
theta = np.linspace(0, 2 * pi, n)

x = cos(theta)
y = sin(theta)

f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
with sns.color_palette("husl", n):
    ax = f.add_subplot(121)
    ax.plot([np.zeros_like(x), x], [np.zeros_like(y), y], lw=3)
    ax.set_title("HUSL space")

with sns.color_palette("hls", n):
    ax = f.add_subplot(122)
    ax.plot([np.zeros_like(x), x], [np.zeros_like(y), y], lw=3)
    ax.set_title("HLS space")


enter image description here

答案 1 :(得分:17)

hue-HUSL 色彩映射的问题在于从它读取角度并不直观。我不知道任何预定义的色彩映射,这是可能的。


  • 对于线性分段色彩图,我们定义了一些颜色。然后,色彩图是颜色之间的线性插值。这有视觉扭曲。
  • 对于 luminosity-HSLUV map ,我们使用HUSL(“HSLUV”)空间,但不仅仅是色调通道,我们使用两种颜色和光度通道。这有distortions in the chroma,但颜色鲜艳。
  • luminosity-HPLUV map ,我们使用HPLUV色彩空间(关注@ mwaskom的评论)。这是真正没有视觉扭曲的唯一方法,但颜色并未饱和 这就是他们的样子:

colormap with simple function

我们在自定义色彩映射中看到,白色代表0,蓝色代表1i等。 在右上角,我们看到hue-HUSL地图进行比较。在那里,颜色角度分配是随机的。

enter image description here



import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as col
import seaborn as sns
import hsluv # install via pip
import scipy.special # just for the example function

##### generate custom colormaps
def make_segmented_cmap(): 
    white = '#ffffff'
    black = '#000000'
    red = '#ff0000'
    blue = '#0000ff'
    anglemap = col.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
        'anglemap', [black, red, white, blue, black], N=256, gamma=1)
    return anglemap

def make_anglemap( N = 256, use_hpl = True ):
    h = np.ones(N) # hue
    h[:N//2] = 11.6 # red 
    h[N//2:] = 258.6 # blue
    s = 100 # saturation
    l = np.linspace(0, 100, N//2) # luminosity
    l = np.hstack( (l,l[::-1] ) )

    colorlist = np.zeros((N,3))
    for ii in range(N):
        if use_hpl:
            colorlist[ii,:] = hsluv.hpluv_to_rgb( (h[ii], s, l[ii]) )
            colorlist[ii,:] = hsluv.hsluv_to_rgb( (h[ii], s, l[ii]) )
    colorlist[colorlist > 1] = 1 # correct numeric errors
    colorlist[colorlist < 0] = 0 
    return col.ListedColormap( colorlist )

N = 256
segmented_cmap = make_segmented_cmap()
flat_huslmap = col.ListedColormap(sns.color_palette('husl',N))
hsluv_anglemap = make_anglemap( use_hpl = False )
hpluv_anglemap = make_anglemap( use_hpl = True )

##### generate data grid
x = np.linspace(-2,2,N)
y = np.linspace(-2,2,N)
z = np.zeros((len(y),len(x))) # make cartesian grid
for ii in range(len(y)): 
    z[ii] = np.arctan2(y[ii],x) # simple angular function
    z[ii] = np.angle(scipy.special.gamma(x+1j*y[ii])) # some complex function

##### plot with different colormaps
fig = plt.figure(1)
colormapnames = ['segmented map', 'hue-HUSL', 'lum-HSLUV', 'lum-HPLUV']
colormaps = [segmented_cmap, flat_huslmap, hsluv_anglemap, hpluv_anglemap]
for ii, cm in enumerate(colormaps):
    ax = fig.add_subplot(2, 2, ii+1)
    pmesh = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z/np.pi, 
        cmap = cm, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
    plt.axis([x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()])
    cbar = fig.colorbar(pmesh)
    cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Phase [pi]')
    ax.set_title( colormapnames[ii] )


答案 2 :(得分:9)

matplotlib version 3.0开始,内置了循环perceptually uniform colormaps。好的,暂时只有一个颜色图,但是在循环中有两个开始和结束选择,即twilight and twilight_shifted


width: calc(100vw / [crop_width]px));


twilight and twilight_shifted colormaps in action

这些全新的色彩图是对现有感知统一(顺序)色彩图集合的惊人补充,它们分别是 viridis plasma inferno 岩浆 cividis (最后一个是a new addition in 2.2,它不仅在感知上是统一的,因此对色盲友好,但看起来应该尽可能接近色盲和非色盲人士。

答案 3 :(得分:7)


import cmocean
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

azimuths = np.arange(0, 361, 1)
zeniths = np.arange(40, 70, 1)
values = azimuths * np.ones((30, 361))
fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(projection='polar'))
ax.pcolormesh(azimuths*np.pi/180.0, zeniths, values, cmap=cmocean.cm.phase)


enter image description here

答案 4 :(得分:3)



from colorspacious import cspace_convert
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as col
import seaborn as sns

# first draw a circle in the cylindrical JCh color space. 
# the third channel is hue in degrees. First is lightness and the second chroma
color_circle = np.ones((256,3))*60
color_circle[:,1] = np.ones((256))*45
color_circle[:,2] = np.arange(0,360,360/256)
color_circle_rgb = cspace_convert(color_circle, "JCh","sRGB1")

cm = col.ListedColormap(color_circle_rgb)

##### generate data grid like in above
x = np.linspace(-2,2,N)
y = np.linspace(-2,2,N)
z = np.zeros((len(y),len(x))) # make cartesian grid
for ii in range(len(y)): 
    z[ii] = np.arctan2(y[ii],x) # simple angular function

fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.gca()
pmesh = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, z/np.pi, 
    cmap = cm, vmin=-1, vmax=1)
plt.axis([x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()])
cbar = fig.colorbar(pmesh)
cbar.ax.set_ylabel('Phase [pi]')

enter image description here


colors = array([[0.91510904, 0.55114749, 0.67037311],
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   [0.92981889, 0.55215808, 0.57512667],
   [0.93026165, 0.55275127, 0.56708953],
   [0.93057716, 0.5534248 , 0.55906469],
   [0.93076407, 0.55417883, 0.55105838],
   [0.93082107, 0.55501339, 0.54307696],
   [0.93074689, 0.55592845, 0.53512681],
   [0.9305403 , 0.55692387, 0.52721438],
   [0.93020012, 0.55799943, 0.51934621],
   [0.92972523, 0.55915477, 0.51152885],
   [0.92911454, 0.56038948, 0.50376893],
   [0.92836703, 0.56170301, 0.49607312],
   [0.92748175, 0.56309471, 0.48844813],
   [0.9264578 , 0.56456383, 0.48090073],
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   [0.69235965, 0.64202973, 0.92056665],
   [0.69807888, 0.6396839 , 0.91957507],
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   [0.74226956, 0.62112542, 0.90656328],
   [0.74758193, 0.61884899, 0.90429382],
   [0.75284381, 0.6165862 , 0.90188009],
   [0.75805413, 0.61433829, 0.89932181],
   [0.76321187, 0.6121065 , 0.89661877],
   [0.76831596, 0.6098921 , 0.89377082],
   [0.77336536, 0.60769637, 0.89077786],
   [0.77835901, 0.6055206 , 0.88763988],
   [0.78329583, 0.6033661 , 0.88435693],
   [0.78817477, 0.60123418, 0.88092913],
   [0.79299473, 0.59912616, 0.87735668],
   [0.79775462, 0.59704339, 0.87363986],
   [0.80245335, 0.59498722, 0.86977904],
   [0.8070898 , 0.592959  , 0.86577468],
   [0.81166284, 0.5909601 , 0.86162732],
   [0.81617134, 0.5889919 , 0.8573376 ],
   [0.82061414, 0.58705579, 0.85290625],
   [0.82499007, 0.58515315, 0.84833413],
   [0.82929796, 0.58328538, 0.84362217],
   [0.83353661, 0.58145389, 0.83877142],
   [0.8377048 , 0.57966009, 0.83378306],
   [0.8418013 , 0.57790538, 0.82865836],
   [0.84582486, 0.57619119, 0.82339871],
   [0.84977422, 0.57451892, 0.81800565],
   [0.85364809, 0.57289   , 0.8124808 ],
   [0.85744519, 0.57130585, 0.80682595],
   [0.86116418, 0.56976788, 0.80104298],
   [0.86480373, 0.56827749, 0.79513394],
   [0.86836249, 0.56683612, 0.789101  ],
   [0.87183909, 0.56544515, 0.78294645],
   [0.87523214, 0.56410599, 0.77667274],
   [0.87854024, 0.56282002, 0.77028247],
   [0.88176195, 0.56158863, 0.76377835],
   [0.88489584, 0.56041319, 0.75716326],
   [0.88794045, 0.55929505, 0.75044023],
   [0.89089432, 0.55823556, 0.74361241],
   [0.89375596, 0.55723605, 0.73668312],
   [0.89652387, 0.55629781, 0.72965583],
   [0.89919653, 0.55542215, 0.72253414],
   [0.90177242, 0.55461033, 0.71532181],
   [0.90425   , 0.55386358, 0.70802274],
   [0.90662774, 0.55318313, 0.70064098],
   [0.90890408, 0.55257016, 0.69318073],
   [0.91107745, 0.55202582, 0.68564633],
   [0.91314629, 0.55155124, 0.67804225]])

cmap = col.ListedColormap(colors)

答案 5 :(得分:0)

我的 CMasher package 包含大量科学色图,包括循环色图。 与接近感知统一的 twilight 不同,CMasher 的所有颜色图都是感知统一的顺序。 您可以在其 online documentation 中查看其所有颜色图。

CMasher 的政策还规定,如果您对其提供的任何颜色图不满意,您可以要求我为您创建一个您喜欢的颜色图。