
时间:2014-04-23 18:56:36

标签: python opencv


  1. 定义内在相机矩阵A并构成[rvec, ...], [tvec, ...]
  2. 将它们用作cv2.projectPoints中的参数,以生成相机在查看圆圈网格时生成的图像,
  3. 检测结果图像中的要素(cv2.findCirclesGrid
  4. 在功能检测上使用cv2.calibrateCamera以恢复相机参数
  5. 我不应该恢复原有的内在和外在参数吗?

    此问题底部的完整代码执行此过程,但没有 恢复原始相机参数:

    Kept 4 full captures out of 4 images
    calibration error  133.796093439
    Simulation matrix: 
        [[  5.00000000e+03   0.00000000e+00   3.20000000e+02]
         [  0.00000000e+00   5.00000000e+03   2.40000000e+02]
         [  0.00000000e+00   0.00000000e+00   1.00000000e+00]]
    Estimated matrix: 
        [[   1.0331118     0.          317.58445168]
         [   0.          387.49075886  317.98450481]
         [   0.            0.            1.        ]]

    即。平均误差很大,估计的相机矩阵看起来不像 模拟相机矩阵或者用于生成测试图像。



    1)在跳过direct_generation_of_points以下的代码中添加了新功能    图像生成功能并直接使用cv2.projectPoints    计算传递到cv2.calibrateCamera的圆圈位置。    这是正常的。

    但这令人困惑:估计的圆圈位置(来自我的模拟 图像)通常在距离确切像素(主要像素)的大约十分之一的像素内 差异在于点的顺序不同:

    # compare the y-component's
    In [245]: S.dots[0][:,0,1]
    array([ 146.33618164,  146.30953979,  146.36413574,  146.26707458,
            146.17976379,  146.30110168,  146.17236328,  146.35955811,
            146.33454895,  146.36776733,  146.2612915 ,  146.21359253,
            146.23895264,  146.27839661,  146.27764893,  177.51347351,
            177.57495117,  177.53858948,  177.48587036,  177.63012695,
            177.48597717,  177.51727295,  177.5202179 ,  177.52545166,
            177.57287598,  177.51008606,  177.51296997,  177.53715515,
            177.53053284,  177.58164978,  208.69573975,  208.7252655 ,
            208.69616699,  208.73510742,  208.63375854,  208.66760254,
            208.71517944,  208.74360657,  208.62438965,  208.59814453,
            208.67456055,  208.72662354,  208.70921326,  208.63339233,
            208.70820618,  239.8401947 ,  240.06373596,  239.87176514,
            240.04118347,  239.97781372,  239.97572327,  240.04475403,
            239.95411682,  239.80995178,  239.94726562,  240.01327515,
            239.82675171,  239.99989319,  239.90107727,  240.07745361,
            271.31692505,  271.28417969,  271.28216553,  271.33111572,
            271.33279419,  271.33584595,  271.30758667,  271.21173096,
            271.28588867,  271.3387146 ,  271.33770752,  271.2104187 ,
            271.38504028,  271.25054932,  271.29376221,  302.52420044,
            302.47903442,  302.41482544,  302.39868164,  302.47793579,
            302.49789429,  302.45016479,  302.48071289,  302.50463867,
            302.51422119,  302.46307373,  302.42077637,  302.60791016,
            302.48162842,  302.46142578,  333.70709229,  333.75698853,
            333.64157104,  333.64926147,  333.6647644 ,  333.69546509,
            333.73342896,  333.76846313,  333.57540894,  333.76605225,
            333.74307251,  333.60968018,  333.7739563 ,  333.70132446,
            333.62057495], dtype=float32)
    In [246]: S.exact_dots[0][:,0,1]
    array([ 146.25,  177.5 ,  208.75,  240.  ,  271.25,  302.5 ,  333.75,
            146.25,  177.5 ,  208.75,  240.  ,  271.25,  302.5 ,  333.75,
            << snipped 10 identical rows >>
            146.25,  177.5 ,  208.75,  240.  ,  271.25,  302.5 ,  333.75,
            146.25,  177.5 ,  208.75,  240.  ,  271.25,  302.5 ,  333.75,
            146.25,  177.5 ,  208.75,  240.  ,  271.25,  302.5 ,  333.75], dtype=float32)


    import scipy
    import cv2
    import itertools
    def direct_generation_of_points():
        ''' Skip the part where we actually generate the image,
            just use cv2.projectPoints to generate the exact locations
            of the grid centers.
            ** This seems to work correctly **
        t=tvec(0.0,0.0,1.6) # keep the camera 1.6 meters away from target, looking at the origin
        rvecs=[ rvec(0.0,0.0,0.0), rvec(0.0, scipy.pi/6,0.0), rvec(scipy.pi/8,0.0,0.0), rvec(0.0,0.0,0.5) ]
        S.poses=[ (r,t) for r in rvecs ]
        S.images='No images: just directly generate the extracted circle locations'
        S.calib_results=cv2.calibrateCamera( [S.grid,]*len(S.dots), S.dots, S.img_size, cameraMatrix=S.A, flags=calib_flags)
        print "calibration error ", S.calib_results[0]
        print "Simulation matrix: \n", S.A
        print "Estimated matrix: \n", S.calib_results[1]
        return S
    def basic_test():
        ''' Uses a camera setup to 
            (1) generate an image of a grid of circles
            (2) detects those circles
            (3) generate an estimated camera model from the circle detections
            ** This does not work correctly **
        t=tvec(0.0,0.0,1.6) # keep the camera 1.6 meters away from target, looking at the origin
        rvecs=[ rvec(0.0,0.0,0.0), rvec(0.0, scipy.pi/6,0.0), rvec(scipy.pi/8,0.0,0.0), rvec(0.0,0.0,0.5) ]
        S.poses=[ (r,t) for r in rvecs ]
        S.dots=extract_dots( S.images, S.grid_size[::-1] )
        S.calib_results=cv2.calibrateCamera( [S.grid,]*len(S.dots), S.dots, S.img_size, cameraMatrix=S.A, flags=calib_flags)
        print "calibration error ", S.calib_results[0]
        print "Simulation matrix: \n", S.A
        print "Estimated matrix: \n", S.calib_results[1]
        return S
    class Setup(object):
        ''' Class to simulate a camera, produces images '''
        def __init__(self):
            self.A=scipy.array( [ [5.0e3,   0.0, self.img_size[1]/2],
                                  [  0.0, 5.0e3, self.img_size[0]/2],
                                  [  0.0,   0.0,    1.0            ] ], 
                                  dtype=scipy.float32 )
            # Nx, Ny, spacing, dot-size
            self.grid_spec=( 15, 7, 0.01, 0.001 )
            self.grid=square_grid_xy( self.grid_spec[0], self.grid_spec[1], self.grid_spec[2])     
            # a pose is a pair: rvec, tvec
            self.poses=[  ( rvec(0.0, scipy.pi/6, 0.0), tvec( 0.0,0.0,1.6) ),
        def grid_size(self):
            return self.grid_spec[:2]
        def make_images(self):
             return [make_dots_image(self.img_size, self.A, rvec, tvec, self.grid, self.grid_spec[-1] ) for (rvec,tvec) in self.poses]
        def make_locations_direct(self):
            return [cv2.projectPoints( self.grid, pose[0], pose[1], self.A, None)[0] for pose in self.poses]
    def square_grid_xy( nx, ny, dx ):
        ''' Returns a square grid in the xy plane, useful
            for defining test grids for camera calibration
        res=scipy.zeros( [3, nx*ny], dtype=scipy.float32 )
        for (i,(x,y)) in enumerate( itertools.product(xvals, yvals)):
            res[:,i]=scipy.array( [x,y,0.0] )
        return res.transpose()
    # single pixel dots were not detected?
    #def make_single_pixel_dots( img_size, A, rvec, tvec, grid, dist_k=None):
    #    rgb=scipy.ones( img_size+(3,), dtype=scipy.uint8 )*0xff
    #    (dot_locs, jac)=cv2.projectPoints( grid, rvec, tvec, A, dist_k)
    #    for p in dot_locs:
    #        (c,r)=(int(p[0][0]+0.5), int(p[0][1]+0.5))
    #        if 0<=c<img_size[1] and 0<=r<img_size[0]:
    #            rgb[r,c,:]=0
    #    return rgb
    def make_dots_image( img_size, A, rvec, tvec, grid, dotsize, dist_k=None):
        ''' Make the image of the dots, uses cv2.projectPoints to construct the image'''
        # make white image
        intensity=scipy.ones( img_size, dtype=scipy.uint32)*max_intensity
        # Monte-Carlo approach to draw the dots
        for dot in grid:
            deltas=2*dotsize*( scipy.rand(1024, 3 )-0.5) # no. of samples must be small relative to bit-depth of intensity array
            indicator=scipy.where( scipy.sum( deltas*deltas, 1)<dotsize*dotsize, 1, 0.0)
            print "inside fraction: ", sum(indicator)/len(indicator)
            (pts,jac)=cv2.projectPoints( dot+deltas, rvec, tvec, A, dist_k )
            pts=( p for (ind,p) in zip(indicator, pts) if ind )
            for p in pts: 
                (c,r)=( int(p[0][0]+0.5), int( p[0][1]+0.5 ) )
                if r>=0 and c>=0 and c<img_size[1] and r<img_size[0]:
                    print "col, row ", (c,r), " point rejected"
        # rescale so that image goes from 0x0 to max intensity
        # normalize the intensity
        intensity=0xff*( (intensity-min_intensity)/float(max_intensity-min_intensity)  )
        pixel_img=scipy.ones( intensity.shape+(3,), dtype=scipy.uint8 )
        return (pixel_img*intensity[:,:,scipy.newaxis]).astype(scipy.uint8 ) 
    def extract_dots( img_list, grid_size ):
            @arg img_list: usually a list of images, can be a single image 
        # convert single array, into a 1-element list
        if type(img_list) is scipy.ndarray:
        def get_dots( img ):
            res=cv2.findCirclesGridDefault( img, grid_size)
            if not res[0]: # sometimes, reversing the grid size will make the detection successful
                return cv2.findCirclesGridDefault( img, grid_size[::-1] )
            return res
        all_dots=[ get_dots( img) for img in img_list]
        #all_dots=[cv2.findCirclesGrid( img, grid_size[::-1] ) for img in img_list ]
        full_captures=[x[1] for x in all_dots if x[0] ]
        print "Kept {0} full captures out of {1} images".format( len(full_captures), len(img_list) )
        if len(full_captures)<len(img_list):
            print "\t", [x[0] for x in all_dots]
        return [scipy.squeeze(x) for x in full_captures]
    # convenience functions
    def vec3_32(x,y,z):
        return scipy.array( [x,y,z], dtype=scipy.float32 )
    if __name__=="__main__":

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

关键问题在于组织cv2.calibrateCamera的第一个参数中传递的网格点, 在问题中,要点按列主要顺序组织,可以这么说,需要按行主顺序排列:

def square_grid_xy_fixed( nx, ny, dx ):
    ''' Returns a square grid in the xy plane, useful
        for defining test grids for camera calibration
    res=scipy.zeros( [3, nx*ny], dtype=scipy.float32 )
    # need to have "x" be the most rapidly varying index, i.e.
    # it must be the final argument to itertools.product
    for (i,(y,x)) in enumerate( itertools.product(yvals, xvals)):
        res[:,i]=scipy.array( [x,y,0.0] )
    return res.transpose()