import random, sys
y_n = ["yes", "Yes", "y", "ye", "yeah", "Ye", "Yeah", "Y"] # list of all possible inputs for Yes.
r = random.randrange # this is to make getting a random number shorter.
class Character(): # class. holds attributes, and methods.
name = "" #name of the character
random_attr = "" # do you want the attributes to be randomly generated or inputted manually?
strength, skill = 0,0 #strength and skill attributes
dice = 0 # dice score
def charInputs(self, random_attr): #method
#holds prompts for input
prompts = ("Enter Strength Attribute, between 1 and 50: ", "Enter Skill Attribute, between 1 and 50: ")
if random_attr in y_n: # if the user has said anything in the y_n list,
strength, skill = r(1,50), r(1,50) #create random attributes
#prints out your name, and your attributes
print(self.name + " - STRENGTH = ", strength, " SKILL = ", skill)
else: # if no
try: # 'try' is used for error handling
answers = [int(input(p)) for p in prompts]
# this is a list comprehension. it loops through the prompts and gets inputs from them
if not all(0 < a <=50 for a in answers): # generator expression - loops through the answers list
# and if it is above 50 or below 0, it returns false. else it returns true (because of the
# all() function).
print("You did not enter an attribute(s) between 1 and 50. Program closing.")
#exit here
else: # if the above expression returns True
strength, skill = answers #gets the attributes from the answer lists
print(self.name + " - STRENGTH = ", strength, ", SKILL = ", skill) #prints them out
except ValueError: # if user has not entered a integer
print("Program exiting. You did not enter a valid data type.") #prints
#exit here
return strength, skill; #returns attributes so they can be used outside the function and placed
# into variables
def Mods(self, oth_chr, strength, skill, name): # method for creating the modifiers.
#(you, other character, strength, skill, your name) <---- this is what is inside those brackets
if c1.strength > oth_chr.strength: # if your strength is greater than the enemies
str_diff = c1.strength - oth_chr.strength #create strength differences
elif c1.strength == oth_chr.strength: # if they are both the same
print("no outcome. both strengths were the same. No modifier could be created.")
else: # if enemies character is greater than yours
str_diff = oth_chr.strength - c1.strength
if c1.skill > oth_chr.skill: # if your skill is greater than the enemies
ski_diff = c1.skill - oth_chr.skill #create skill difference
elif c1.skill == oth_chr.strength: # if they are the same
print("No outcome. Both skills were the same, no modifier could be created.")
else: # if the enemies is greater than yours
ski_diff = oth_chr.skill - c1.skill
str_mod = str_diff // 5 # creates strength and skill modifiers
ski_mod = ski_diff // 5
return str_mod, ski_mod; #returns them so they can be used outside the method and be put into variables
def diceRollAndOutcome(self, ch2, strength, skill, str_mod, ski_mod, name): # method that is for determining
# the dice roll and outcome
c1.dice, ch2.dice = r(1,6), r(1,6) # rolls the dice
if c1.dice == ch2.dice: # if the dice are the same
print("No outcome. Both sides are the same.") # no outcome
#exit here
elif c1.dice > c2.dice: # if character 1's is greater
c1.strength += str_mod # adds strength modifier
c1.skill += ski_mod # adds skill modifier
print(self.name + "'s dice is greater than " + ch2.name + "'s dice!\n")
ch2.strength -= str_mod # subtract strength mod from character 2 strength
print("STRENGTH MODIFIER = ", str_mod, " has been subtracted from " + ch2.name + "'s strength attribute. It's strength is now ", ch2.strength, "\n") # prints
ch2.skill -= ski_mod # subtract skill modifier from character 2 skill
print("SKILL MODIFIER = ", ski_mod, " has been subtracted from " + ch2.name + "'s skill attribute. It's skill is now ", ch2.skill, "\n") # prints
if ch2.strength <= 0: # is character 2's strength less than or = to 0?
ch2.strength = 0 # make character 2 strength 0
else: # if not
print(ch2.name + " has not died! It's remaining strength is ", ch2.strength) # print character 2 has some strength remaining
if ch2.skill <= 0: # if c2's skill is less than or = to 0
print(ch2.name + "'s skill has ran out!\n") # skill has ran out
print(ch2.name + " has some skill left! It's remaining skill is ", ch2.skill) # print c2 has some skill remaining
else: # if character 2's dice is greater than c1's
print(ch2.name + "'s dice is greater than " + name + "'s dice! \n")
self.strength -= str_mod # strength mod is subtracted from character 1's strength
print("STRENGTH MODIFIER = ", str_mod, " has been subtracted from " + self.name + "'s strength attribute. It's strength is now ", self.strength, "\n")
self.skill -= ski_mod # skill mod is subtracted from character 1's skill
print("SKILL MODIFIER = ", ski_mod, " has been subtracted from " + self.name + "'s skill attribute. It's skill is now ", self.skill, "\n")
if self.strength <= 0: # if c1's strength is less than or = to 0
self.strength = 0 # c1's strength is 0
else: # if not
print(self.name + " has not died! It's remaining strength is ", self.strength) # c1 has not died
if self.skill <= 0: # if c1's skill is less than or = to 0
print(self.name + "'s skill has ran out!\n") # c1's skill has ran out
print(self.name + " has some skill left! It's remaining skill is ", self.skill) # c1's skill has not ran out
c1 = Character() # creates instance of Character class inside "c1"
c2 = Character() # creates instance of Character class inside "c2"
c1.name = str(input("PLAYER 1 - Enter your characters name: ")) # input character name
c2.name = str(input("PLAYER 2 - Enter your characters name: ")) # input character name
c1.random_attr = str(input("PLAYER 1 - Would you like your attributes to be randomly generated? Yes or No: ").lower()) # would the character like their attributes randomly generated or not
c1.strength, c1.skill = c1.charInputs(c1.random_attr) # returned strength and skill attributes are put into variables
c2.random_attr = str(input("PLAYER 2 - Would you like your attributes to be randomly generated? Yes or No: ").lower()) # would the character like their attributes randomly generated or not
c2.strength, c2.skill = c2.charInputs(c2.random_attr) # returned strength and skill attributes are put into variables
str_mod, ski_mod = c1.Mods(c2, c1.strength, c1.skill, c1.name) # returned strength and skill modifiers are put into variables
c1.diceRollAndOutcome(c2,c1.strength, c1.skill, str_mod, ski_mod, c1.name) # calls diceRollAndOutcome method
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "N:\CA\task 3\task 3.py", line 118, in <module>
c1.strength, c1.skill = c1.charInputs(c1.random_attr) # returned strength and skill attributes are put into variables
File "N:\CA\task 3\task 3.py", line 41, in charInputs
return strength, skill; #returns attributes so they can be used outside the function and placed
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'strength' referenced before assignment
我该如何解决这个问题?有什么问题 - 我怎么能阻止将来这样做呢?
答案 0 :(得分:2)
答案 1 :(得分:1)
如果random_attr in y_n
未引发异常且 skill
为True,则您不会分配answers = [int(input(p)) for p in prompts]
和all(0 < a <=50 for a in answers)
答案 2 :(得分:0)