“<! - ?=”运算符的意义 - >

时间:2014-02-08 21:00:47

标签: c++ compilation operators standards operator-keyword





using namespace std;

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <stack>
#include <set>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>

#define PB push_back
#define SZ size()
#define REP(v, hi) for (int v=0; v<(hi); v++)
#define REPD(v, hi) for (int v=((hi)-1); v>=0; v--)
#define FOR(v, lo, hi) for (int v=(lo); v<(hi); v++)
#define FORD(v, lo, hi) for (int v=((hi)-1); v>=(lo); v--)

typedef vector <int> VI;
typedef vector <VI> VVI;
typedef vector <VVI> VVVI;

/* ############################ THE REAL CODE ############################ */

class RoboRace {
  int startTime(vector <string> m, vector <string> _c) {
    string c;
    REP(i,_c.SZ) c+=_c[i];
    int N=c.SZ;
    int Y=m.SZ, X=m[0].SZ;
    VVVI best(Y, VVI(X, VI(N+1, 99999)));
    int ey=-1,ex=-1;
    int yy=-1,yx=-1;
    int fy=-1,fx=-1;
    REP(y,Y) REP(x,X) {
      if (m[y][x]=='Y') { yy=y; yx=x; m[y][x]='.'; }
      if (m[y][x]=='F') { fy=y; fx=x; m[y][x]='.'; }
      if (m[y][x]=='X') { ey=y; ex=x; m[y][x]='.'; }
    REP(n,N+1) best[ey][ex][n]=n;
    REPD(n,N) REP(y,Y) REP(x,X) {
      if (m[y][x]=='#') continue;
      best[y][x][n] <?= best[y][x][n+1];
      if (c[n]=='N' && y>0)   best[y][x][n] <?= best[y-1][x][n+1];
      if (c[n]=='S' && y<Y-1) best[y][x][n] <?= best[y+1][x][n+1];
      if (c[n]=='W' && x>0)   best[y][x][n] <?= best[y][x-1][n+1];
      if (c[n]=='E' && x<X-1) best[y][x][n] <?= best[y][x+1][n+1];

    REP(n,N) if (best[yy][yx][n] < best[fy][fx][n]) return n;
    return -1;

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)

这是一个gcc扩展,复合最小运算符,一个二进制运算符,它将最小的操作数赋给左操作数。它在gcc手册的deprecated features list中提到。

A <?= B表示将A和B的最小值分配给A


<?     minimum operator
>?     maximum operator
>?=    compound form of maximum operator
