
时间:2014-01-22 14:55:45

标签: r optimization indexing


# Randomly populated matrices as example/toy data.

adata <- sample(1:25,2500,replace=T)
xdim <- 50
ydim <- 50
dim(adata) <- c(xdim,ydim)

# All possible categories
cats <- 1:25

# Retrieve the coordinates of the members of each class
# These subsets are used to calculate the minimum distances.

subA <- list(NULL)

for(i in 1:length(cats)){
  subA[[i]] <- which(adata==cats[i],arr.ind=T)

# Matrix containing Euclidean distances for each combination of dX and dY
eucdist <- matrix(nrow=xdim,ncol=ydim)
eucdist <- sqrt(((row(eucdist)-1)^2)+((col(eucdist)-1)^2))

# Create an array containing the x,y coordinates of each cell (in pixels). Used to  calculate distances

xycoor <- array(dim=c(xdim,ydim,2))
xycoor[,,1] <- row(xycoor[,,1])
xycoor[,,2] <- col(xycoor[,,2])

# For each cell, find the minimum distance to a cell belonging to each category

mindistA <- array(dim=c(xdim,ydim,length(cats)))

for(i in 1:length(cats)){
  # Calculates an array of the distance between each cell and the nearest cell of each class (of the same map)

  mindistA[,,i] <- apply(xycoor,1:2,function(x,y,z) min(eucdist[abs(sweep(subA[[i]],2,x,"-"))+1],na.rm=T))


  • list中包含的每个类创建一个cats,其中包含与该类对应的单元格的行号和列号
  • 对于我的矩阵的每个单元格,计算到每个类别对应的最近单元格的距离。

这适用于我的玩具数据,但我目前正在使用更大的数据集运行(我的矩阵大约有1000 * 2000个元素,而不是像这里的例子中的50 * 50)并且它非常慢并且很可能需要几天才能完成。基于this question,我怀疑尝试使用表达式作为索引来访问eucdist的元素会降低执行速度。

一种可能的解决方案是1)创建一个维度length(subA[[i]]) * 50 * 50 * 2的数组,其中包含每个网格单元格和每个单元格对应的X和Y坐标之间的距离。 class i,和2)使用此数组的内容在'eucdist'中查找所需的值(可能使用rownamescolnames,如链接问题的评论中所示以上)。但是,我担心在我的情况下,这将生成太大而无法处理的数组。




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