private function dropDownJewels():void
//trace(map[0]); // traces the x values
tempInt = 0;
for ( i=GV.GRID_SIZE_ROWS-1; i!==-1; i-- ) // a backward loop.
for ( j=GV.GRID_SIZE_COLS-1; j!==-1; j-- )
//trace(i + " " + j);
//check the jewel to the bottom of this one and if that is gone, then move this gem down.
if (!map[i][j].gone)
map[i][j].jewelDropDist = countRowsBelow(i, j, 0, 1);
// now we want jewels above this one to drop with it... so...
for ( k=1; k<j+1; k ++)
if (map[i][j-k].gone) { break;}
map[i][j-k].jewelDropDist = map[i][j].jewelDropDist;
tempInt = j-k;
if (map[i][j-k].jewelDropDist >= 1)
TweenLite.to(map[i][j-k], 10, {y: map[i][j-k].y + (map[i][j-k].jewelDropDist *( GV.JEWEL_HEIGHT + GV.JEWEL_SPACING ) ) });
//map[i][j-k].y += map[i][j-k].jewelDropDist *( GV.JEWEL_HEIGHT + GV.JEWEL_SPACING );
trace("COPIED: " +map[i][j-k].name + " jewel at " + i + "," + tempInt + " needs to drop " + map[i][j-k].jewelDropDist);
if (map[i][j].jewelDropDist >= 1) { trace(map[i][j].name + " jewel at " + i + "," + j + " needs to drop " + map[i][j].jewelDropDist); }
//map[i][j].gone = true;
TweenLite.to(map[i][j], 10, {y: map[i][j].y + (map[i][j].jewelDropDist *( GV.JEWEL_HEIGHT + GV.JEWEL_SPACING ) ) });