
时间:2014-01-09 02:27:08

标签: java math collision geometry


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乘以幅度平方的Fast Inverse Square Root进行归一化。

归一化矢量意味着将每个分量除以该矢量的大小。幅度等于sqrt(x**2 + y**2),其中xy是矢量的组成部分。但是平方根很慢,我们宁愿避免它。因此,我们选择乘以sqrt(x**2 + y**2)的幅度的倒数平方根,而不是除以1 / sqrt(x**2 + y**2)

为什么这有帮助?因为制作Quake III的优秀人员想出了一种非常快速的方法来计算1 / sqrt(x**2 + y**2),我们将其称为快速反向平方根

换句话说,fisqrt(x)等于1 / sqrt(x),但计算fisqrt(x)要比计算1 / sqrt(x)快得多。


def fisqrt(x):
    # See article for implementation details.

def normalize(vector):
    magnitude_squared = vector.x**2 + vector.y**2
    invsqrt = fisqrt(magnitude_squared)
    vector.v *= invsqrt
    vector.y *= invsqrt
    return vector


def magnitudeSquared(vector):
    return vector.x ** 2 + vector.y ** 2

def cull(circleA, circleB):
    # Save a square root by calling magnitudeSquared.
    # Assuming that circle.center is a vector with x and y components.

    minCollisionDistance = circleA.radius + circleB.radius
    if magnitudeSquared(circleA.center - circleB.center) <= minCollisionDistance ** 2:
        # Circles overlap, can't cull.
        return false

    # Circles do not overlap, can cull!
    return true
