
时间:2013-12-09 23:20:11

标签: javascript


因为HTML字符串可以附加在多个位置,ns_tag命名空间DOM ID以确保它们是唯一的。


// $A.someIndex() implements array.prototype.some

// create favorite pane strings
$A.someIndex(obj_fav, function (val) {
    previous_id = current_id;
    current_id = this.A.ns_tag + selector + val.tag;

    // new tag found, close previous and open new
    if ((previous_id === undefined) || (previous_id !== current_id)) {

        // populate tag array
        this.A['tag_array' + selector].push(current_id);
        tag_string = tag_string + this.composeTag(current_id, selector);
        if (previous_id !== undefined) {
            favorite_string += '</div>';
        favorite_string = favorite_string +
            '<div class="bookmark_page toggle_display_none" id = "' + current_id + '_page">';

    // add set of favorites between page tags

    favorite_string += this.composeFavorite(val, selector);
}, this);



    var SArcmarks = $A.klass({

        Name: 'SArcmarks',

        // namespacing helps to prevent name clashes        // base_location_id_subdivisions        // there are 2 prefixes and one suffix

        A: {
            // namespace suffix             base:                    'udt'          loc:                     null,
            ns_tag:                  'udt_',
            ns_tag1:                 'udt_1_',
            tag_array:               [],
            tag_array1:              [],
            prev_page_el:            null,
            prev_tag_el:             null,
            but_text:                null,

            // toggles
            toggle_display_none:     'toggle_display_none',
            toggle_display_inline:   'toggle_display_inline',
            toggle_tag_active:       'toggle_tag_active',
            toggle_tag_lazy:         'toggle_tag_lazy',

            // morphing
            class_a:                 null

        E: {
            hold_arcmarks:           '#hold_arcmarks',
            hold_tags:               '#hold_tags',
            aba_but_del:             '#aba_but_del',
            bookmark_link:           '@bookmark_link'


        update: function (obj_fav, fav_el, tag_el) {
            var favorite_string = '',
                tag_string = '',

            if (fav_el) {
                selector = 1;
            } else {
                selector = '';

            // create favorite pane strings
            $A.someIndex(obj_fav, function (val) {
                previous_id = current_id;
                current_id = this.A.ns_tag + selector + val.tag;

                // new tag found, close previous and open new
                if ((previous_id === undefined) || (previous_id !== current_id)) {

                    // populate tag array
                    this.A['tag_array' + selector].push(current_id);
                    tag_string = tag_string + this.composeTag(current_id, selector);
                    if (previous_id !== undefined) {
                        favorite_string += '</div>';
                    favorite_string = favorite_string +
                        '<div class="bookmark_page toggle_display_none" id = "' + current_id + '_page">';

                // add set of favorites between page tags

                favorite_string += this.composeFavorite(val, selector);
            }, this);

            // close last tag

            favorite_string = favorite_string + '</div>';

            // if atleast one favorite/tag

            if (this.A['tag_array' + selector][0]) {
                if (!fav_el) {
                    this.E.hold_arcmarks.innerHTML = favorite_string;
                } else {
                    fav_el.innerHTML = favorite_string;
                if (!tag_el) {
                    this.E.hold_tags.innerHTML = tag_string;
                } else {
                    tag_el.innerHTML = tag_string;
                this.flip($A.el('#' + this.A['tag_array' + selector][0]));


        composeFavorite: function (val, selector) {

            // add selector
            if (val.favicon === null) {
                val.favicon = 'arcmarks/images/image_null_50.png';
            return '<div class = "am_hold" id = "' + val.id + selector + '">' +
                     '<img name="bo_im" id="' + $A.addU(val.id + selector, 'a') +
                     '" class="bookmark_image" src="' + val.favicon + '">' +
                     '<a target="_blank" name="bookmark_link" class="bookmark_link" href = "' +
                      val.url + '" id="' + $A.addU(val.id + selector, 'b') + '">' + val.title + '</a>' +


        composeTag: function (current_id, selector) {

            // selector
            return '<p class="single_tag toggle_tag_lazy" id = "' + current_id + '">' +
                    current_id.slice(this.A['ns_tag' + selector].length) + '</p>';


        // add listeners to tag(<p>) elements
        initPane: function (selector) {
            $A.someIndex(this.A['tag_array' + selector], function (val) {
                var self = this;
                $A.el('#' + val).addEventListener("click", function () {
            }, this);


        // flip page(<div>) | tag(<p>) given a tag

        flip: function (tag_element) {
            var page_element = $A.el('#' + tag_element.id + '_page');
            $A.addClass(page_element, this.A.toggle_display_inline);
            $A.addClass(tag_element, this.A.toggle_tag_active);
            if (this.A.prev_page_el && (tag_element.id !== this.A.prev_tag_el.id)) {
                $A.addClass(this.A.prev_page_el, this.A.toggle_display_none);
                $A.addClass(this.A.prev_tag_el, this.A.toggle_tag_lazy);
            this.A.prev_page_el = page_element;
            this.A.prev_tag_el = tag_element;

        // insert favorite(<div>) given user input

        insertFavorite: function (obj_fav) {
            var tag_id = this.A.ns_tag + obj_fav.tag,
                html_string = this.composeFavorite(obj_fav),
                page_el = $A.el('#' + tag_id + '_page');

            div_el = $A.HTMLToElement(html_string);

            if (!page_el) {
                page_el = this.insertTagAndPage(tag_id);
            $A.eachChild(page_el, function (iter) {
                if (iter === null) {
                    return true;
                if (div_el.id < iter.id) {
                    page_el.insertBefore(div_el, iter);
                    return true;
                if (iter === page_el.lastChild) {
                    return true;

            this.flip($A.el('#' + tag_id));
            return div_el;



        // insert page(<div>) | tag(<p>) given a tag id

        insertTagAndPage: function (tag) {
            var par_el,
                self = this;

            hold_tags_el = this.E.hold_tags;
            hold_arcmarks_el = this.E.hold_arcmarks;

            par_el = $A.createElement('p');
            par_el.innerHTML = tag.slice(this.A.ns_tag.length);
            par_el.className = "single_tag";
            par_el.id = tag;

            // insert the tag(<p>)

            $A.eachChild(hold_tags_el, function (iter) {
                if (iter === null) {
                    return true;
                if (par_el.id < iter.id) {
                    hold_tags_el.insertBefore(par_el, iter);
                    return true;
                if (iter === hold_tags_el.lastChild) {
                    return true;

            par_el.addEventListener("click", function () {

            div_el = $A.createElement('div');
            div_el.className = "bookmark_page";
            div_el.id = tag + "_page";
            div_el.style.display = "";

            // insert the page(<div>);

            $A.eachChild(hold_arcmarks_el, function (iter) {
                if (iter === null) {
                    return true;
                if (div_el.id < iter.id) {
                    hold_arcmarks_el.insertBefore(div_el, iter);
                    return true;
                if (iter === hold_arcmarks_el.lastChild) {
                    return true;

            return div_el;


        // delete a favorite(<div>) given a link

        deleteFavorite: function (link_el) {
            var self = this,
                div_el = link_el.parentNode;
            $(div_el).toggle("explode", function () {
                if (div_el.previousSibling === null &&
                        div_el.nextSibling === null) {


        // delete tag(<p>) and page(<div>) given a favorite sub-element

        deleteTagAndPage : function (div_el) {
            var page_el = div_el.parentNode,
                tag_el = $A.el('#' + page_el.id.slice(0, -5)),
                hold_el = $A.el("#hold_tags");
            $A.eachChild(hold_el, function (iter_el) {
                if (iter_el) {
                    return true;
            }, this);


        morph: function (callback) {
            var i = 0,
                button = this.E.aba_but_del;
            if (this.A.but_text === 'Done') {
                this.A.but_text = 'Delete';
                this.A.class_a = 'bookmark_link';
                while (this.E.bookmark_link[i]) {
                    this.E.bookmark_link[i].removeEventListener("click", callback);
                    this.E.bookmark_link[i].className = this.A.class_a;
                    i += 1;
                button.innerHTML = this.A.but_text;
            } else {
                this.A.but_text = 'Done';
                this.A.class_a = 'bookmark_delete';
                while (this.E.bookmark_link[i]) {
                    this.E.bookmark_link[i].addEventListener("click", callback);
                    this.E.bookmark_link[i].className = this.A.class_a;
                    i += 1;
                button.innerHTML = this.A.but_text;

    }, true);

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