Raytracer - 实现阴影

时间:2013-12-03 21:31:04

标签: c++ raytracing


void Raytracer::computeShading( Ray3D& ray ) {
LightListNode* curLight = _lightSource;
Ray3D shadowRay;
for (;;) {
    if (curLight == NULL) break;
    // Each lightSource provides its own shading function.

    // Implement shadows here if needed.
    if (!ray.intersection.none) {
        shadowRay.origin = ray.intersection.point + 0.01 * ray.dir;
        shadowRay.dir = (curLight->light->get_position() - ray.intersection.point);


        curLight = curLight->next;



Colour Raytracer::shadeRay( Ray3D& ray ) {
Colour col(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
traverseScene(_root, ray);

// Don't bother shading if the ray didn't hit 
// anything.
if (!ray.intersection.none) {

    col = ray.col;  

// You'll want to call shadeRay recursively (with a different ray, 
// of course) here to implement reflection/refraction effects.  

return col; 


struct Intersection {
// Location of intersection.
Point3D point;
// Normal at the intersection.
Vector3D normal;
// Material at the intersection.
Material* mat;
// Position of the intersection point on your ray.
// (i.e. point = ray.origin + t_value * ray.dir)
// This is used when you need to intersect multiply objects and
// only want to keep the nearest intersection.
double t_value; 
// Set to true when no intersection has occured.
bool none;


// Ray structure. 
struct Ray3D {
Ray3D() {
    intersection.none = true; 
Ray3D( Point3D p, Vector3D v ) : origin(p), dir(v) {
    intersection.none = true;
// Origin and direction of the ray.
Point3D origin;
Vector3D dir;
// Intersection status, should be computed by the intersection
// function.
Intersection intersection;
// Current colour of the ray, should be computed by the shading
// function.
Colour col;





void Raytracer::computeShading( Ray3D& ray ) {
LightListNode* curLight = _lightSource;
for (;;) {
    Ray3D shadowRay;
    if (curLight == NULL) break;
    // Each lightSource provides its own shading function.

    // Implement shadows here if needed.
    shadowRay.origin = ray.intersection.point + 0.01*ray.dir;
    shadowRay.dir = curLight->light->get_position() - ray.intersection.point;
    traverseScene(_root, shadowRay);
    if (shadowRay.intersection.t_value >= 0.0 && shadowRay.intersection.t_value <= 1.0) {
        shadowRay.col = Colour(0,0,0);
    else {

     curLight = curLight->next;




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

你应该在代码中的某处有一个函数来完成交集,即填充Ray3D::intersection中的正确值,对吧? 创建shadowRay后,您必须调用该函数来检查shadowRay是否与场景中的任何对象相交,并且该交点位于原点和灯光位置之间。如果存在这样的交叉点,那么当前点不会被该灯点亮。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


// You'll want to call shadeRay recursively (with a different ray, 
// of course) here to implement reflection/refraction effects.  
