class HashTable( ):
The HashTable data structure contains a collection of values
where each value is located by a hashable key.
No two values may have the same key, but more than one
key may have the same value.
__slots__ = ( "table", "size" )
def mkHashTable(capacity=100):
creates a hash table with capacity 100
aHashTable = HashTable()
aHashTable.table = [None for _ in range(capacity)]
aHashTable.size = 0
return aHashTable
def HashTableToStr(hashtable):
converts to a string
result = ""
for i in range( len( hashtable.table ) ):
if i != None:
result += str( i ) + ": "
result += EntryToStr( hashtable.table[i] ) + "\n"
return result
class _Entry( ):
A class used to hold key/value pairs.
__slots__ = ( "key", "value" )
def EntryToStr(entry):
return the string representation of the entry.
return "(" + str( entry.key ) + ", " + str( entry.value ) + ")"
def mkEntry(key, value):
aEntry = _Entry();
aEntry.key = key;
aEntry.value = value;
return aEntry;
def hash_function( val, n ):
Compute a hash of the val string that is in [0 ... n).
#hashcode = hash( val ) % n
#return hashcode
hashcode = 1
for i in val:
hashcode *= ord(i)
# hashcode = 0
# hashcode = len(val) % n
return hashcode % n
def keys( hTable ):
Return a list of keys in the given hashTable.
result = []
for entry in hTable.table:
if entry != None:
result.append( entry.key )
return result
def contains( hTable, key ):
Return True iff hTable has an entry with the given key.
index = hash_function( key, len( hTable.table ) )
startIndex = index # We must make sure we don't go in circles.
while hTable.table[ index ] != None and hTable.table[ index ].key != key:
index = ( index + 1 ) % len( hTable.table )
if index == startIndex:
return False
if hTable.table[index]!=None:
return hTable.table[ index ].value[index] != None
return False
def put( hTable, key, value ):
Using the given hash table, set the given key to the
given value. If the key already exists, the given value
will replace the previous one already in the table.
If the table is full, an Exception is raised.
index = hash_function( key, len( hTable.table ) )
startIndex = index # We must make sure we don't go in circles.
while hTable.table[ index ] != None and hTable.table[ index ].key != key:
index = ( index + 1 ) % len( hTable.table )
if index == startIndex:
raise Exception( "Hash table is full." )
if hTable.table[ index ] == None:
L = [entry]
hTable.table[ index ] = mkEntry( key, L )
hTable.size += 1
for i in range(len(hTable.table[ index ].value)):
if(hTable.table[ index ].value[i].key==key):
hTable.table[ index ].value[i].value=value
hTable.table[ index ].value.append(entry)
return True
def get( hTable, key ):
Return the value associated with the given key in
the given hash table.
Precondition: contains(hTable, key)
index = hash_function( key, len( hTable.table ) )
startIndex = index # We must make sure we don't go in circles.
while hTable.table[ index ] != None and hTable.table[ index ].key != key:
index = ( index + 1 ) % len( hTable.table )
if index == startIndex:
raise Exception( "Hash table does not contain key." )
if hTable.table[ index ] == None:
raise Exception( "This list does not contain key." )
for i in hTable.table[ index ].value:
if i.key==key:
return i.value
raise Exception("There is no such key in the table.")
def imbalanced(hTable):
takes the average of what is found in the hash table
_sum = 0
nume = 0
for i in range(len(hTable)):
if hTable.table[i] == None:
_sum += len(hTable.table[i].value)
nume +=1
return (_sum / nume) - 1
def word_count(filename):
"""Report on the frequency of different words in the
file named by the argument.
count = 0
inFile = open(filename)
hTable = mkHashTable()
for line in inFile:
for word in line.split():
count += 1
if not contains(hTable,word):
newval = get(hTable,word)
print("Total words:", count)
print("Unique words:", hTable.size)
big = 0
for i in hTable:
for j in range(hTable[i].value):
if hTable[i].value[j] > get(hTable,big):
big = j
print("Most used word: ", get(hTable, big), " occurred", j, "times.")
def main():
filename = input("Enter filename: ")